[cffi-devel] ECL specific changes for CFFI

Juan Jose Garcia-Ripoll juanjose.garciaripoll at googlemail.com
Sun Apr 25 12:47:58 UTC 2010

* The former definition for :long-long types in cffi-ecl.lisp was broken. I
have agumented ECL with a feature that signals the existence of such a type
in ECL and include a patch here for CFFI to take that into account. (Patch

* Instead of defining NULL-POINTER-P, it would be better to simply reexport
the symbol living in the "EXT" package. Patch attached.

* Upon reading the CFFI specification it seems that FOREIGN-FREE can only
free memory that has been allocated by CFFI. However the test cases in
misc-types.lsp do something else, deallocating the output of my_strdup()

* At the low level ECL has two different foreign function interfaces: one
used in the interpreter and relying on an external library (libffi) and
another one, much simpler, using the C compiler. Right now CFFI was only
using the former unless it was not available. I provide a patch that chooses
the interface depending on the use of the code: interpreter or compiled.
(patch attached).

* Is there the equivalent of launchpad for CFFI? Should I always submit the
patches to the mailing list? I say this because there are other improvements
I could forward when I find time.



Instituto de Física Fundamental, CSIC
c/ Serrano, 113b, Madrid 28006 (Spain)
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