[cffi-devel] *cc* for grovelling on windows+cygwin
Mirko Vukovic
mirko.vukovic at gmail.com
Sat Jun 13 00:58:18 UTC 2009
I am running clisp on windows+cygwin., where the gcc compiler is
available as `gcc'
I am including the skeleton of proposed changes to accommodate this setup:
;;; TODO: figure out a good way to let the user specify where his
;;; compiler is. Can already do that through the CC environment
;;; variable, but that's not very convenient on windows?
(defparameter *cc*
#+(and clisp windows cygwin) "gcc"
#+(and windows (not (and cygwin clisp))) "c:/msys/1.0/bin/gcc.exe"
;; #+windows "c:/msys/1.0/bin/gcc.exe"
#-windows "gcc")
The reason why I made changes specific to clisp is that I do not know
how other lisps announce their cygwin feature.
In addition, on windows it is fairly straightforward to set-up an
environment variable: In `system properties' (accessible from
start/control panel) click on `advanced' tab, and there on the
environment variables button. The command-line window needs to be
restarted for the changes to take effect (a total reboot should not be
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