[cffi-devel] Re: Problem loading a library with cffi

Luís Oliveira loliveira at common-lisp.net
Tue Jan 15 13:56:15 UTC 2008

On 15/01/2008, Mauricio Toro <mauriciotorob at gmail.com> wrote:
> Error: Unable to load foreign library:
> /home/mauriciotoro/Desktop/GECOL2/gecol20/glue.so
> This wrapper used CFFI. How can I get futher information about
> why cannot load the foreign library?

Unless you're using a very old version, CFFI should tell you why it
failed to load the foreign library. Also, try loading that library
with another Lisp, e.g. SBCL. If that doesn't help either, write a
small C program that calls dlopen().


Luís Oliveira

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