[cffi-devel] Re: [PATCH] Return proper clisp value.

Luis Oliveira luismbo at gmail.com
Thu Feb 14 23:19:18 UTC 2008

David Brown <lisp at davidb.org> writes:
> Without this, with-pointer-to-vector-data always results in NIL, which
> isn't nearly as useful.

Thanks for the bug report.  Unfortunately darcs doesn't seem to
understand either of the two patches you sent.  They seem to be missing
a couple of newline characters, but I'm not sure whether that's the

> +         (unwind-protect
> +              , at body
> +           ;; copy-out
> +           (loop for i below ,size-var do
> +                (setf (aref ,vector-var i)
> +                      (%mem-ref ,ptr-var :unsigned-char i))))))))

Anyway, I pushed a slightly different fix: we want to wrap the BODY in a
PROGN.  Also, I used PROG1 instead of UNWIND-PROTECT but I'm having
second thoughts.  I'm going to write some tests for
WITH-POINTER-TO-VECTOR-DATA and most likely change that to

Luís Oliveira

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