[cffi-devel] [PATCH] emulating LONG-LONG on ECL

Stelian Ionescu sionescu at common-lisp.net
Mon May 14 17:58:24 UTC 2007

On Mon, May 14, 2007 at 06:28:13PM +0200, Stelian Ionescu wrote:
>Attached there is a patch made against the main branch(not the newtypes
>one) which adds :UNSIGNED-LONG-LONG and :LONG-LONG to ECL; to be more specific:
sorry, I forgot to actually *attach* the patch :(

(sign :name "Stelian Ionescu" :aka "fe[nl]ix"
      :quote "Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur.")
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diff -rN -u old-cffi/src/cffi-ecl.lisp new-cffi/src/cffi-ecl.lisp
--- old-cffi/src/cffi-ecl.lisp	2007-05-14 18:01:21.000000000 +0200
+++ new-cffi/src/cffi-ecl.lisp	2007-05-14 18:01:21.000000000 +0200
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
   (mapc (lambda (feature) (pushnew feature *features*))
         '(;; Backend mis-features.
-          cffi-features:no-long-long
+          cffi-features:emulated-long-long
           ;; OS/CPU features.
           #+:darwin       cffi-features:darwin
@@ -74,6 +74,28 @@
           #+:powerpc7450  cffi-features:ppc32
+;; This is very ugly but since not all implementations put the
+;; machine endianess in *FEATURES* we need to do it ourselves
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel)
+  (flet ((memset1 (value ptr offset)
+           (si:foreign-data-set-elt
+            (si:foreign-data-recast ptr (1+ offset) :void)
+            offset :unsigned-byte value))
+         (memref4 (ptr)
+           (si:foreign-data-ref-elt
+            (si:foreign-data-recast ptr 4 :void) 0 :unsigned-int)))
+    (let ((myalien (si:allocate-foreign-data :void 4)))
+      (unwind-protect
+           (progn
+             (dotimes (i 4) (memset1 (1+ i) myalien i))
+             (pushnew (case (memref4 myalien)
+                        (#x01020304 :big-endian)
+                        (#x04030201 :little-endian)
+                        (otherwise
+                         (error "Your machine seems to be neither little-endian nor big-endian.")))
+                      *features*))
+        (si:free-foreign-data myalien)))))
 ;;; Symbol case.
 (defun canonicalize-symbol-name-case (name)
@@ -135,21 +157,110 @@
 ;;;# Dereferencing
-(defun %mem-ref (ptr type &optional (offset 0))
-  "Dereference an object of TYPE at OFFSET bytes from PTR."
+(defun %size-of-foreign-type (type)
+  (case type
+    ((:unsigned-long-long :long-long) 8)
+    (t (ffi:size-of-foreign-type type))))
+(defun %native-mem-ref (ptr type offset)
   (let* ((type (cffi-type->ecl-type type))
-         (type-size (ffi:size-of-foreign-type type)))
+         (type-size (%size-of-foreign-type type)))
      (si:foreign-data-recast ptr (+ offset type-size) :void) offset type)))
-(defun %mem-set (value ptr type &optional (offset 0))
+(define-compiler-macro %native-mem-ref (&whole form ptr type &optional (offset 0))
+  (if (constantp type)
+      (let* ((type (cffi-type->ecl-type type))
+             (type-size (%size-of-foreign-type type)))
+        (with-unique-names ($offset$)
+          `(let (($offset$ ,offset))
+             (si:foreign-data-ref-elt
+              (si:foreign-data-recast ,ptr (+ ,$offset$ ,type-size) :void) ,$offset$ ,type))))
+      form))
+(defmacro %double-mem-ref-32 (ptr val offset)
+  `(progn
+     #+little-endian (setf (ldb (byte 32  0) ,val) (%native-mem-ref ,ptr :unsigned-int ,offset))
+     #+little-endian (setf (ldb (byte 32 32) ,val) (%native-mem-ref ,ptr :unsigned-int (+ ,offset 4)))
+     #+big-endian    (setf (ldb (byte 32  0) ,val) (%native-mem-ref ,ptr :unsigned-int (+ ,offset 4)))
+     #+big-endian    (setf (ldb (byte 32 32) ,val) (%native-mem-ref ,ptr :unsigned-int ,offset))))
+(defun %emulated-ullong-mem-ref (ptr offset)
+  (let ((val 0))
+    (declare (type (unsigned-byte 64) val)
+             (optimize (speed 3)))
+    (%double-mem-ref-32 ptr val offset)
+    (values val)))
+(defun %emulated-llong-mem-ref (ptr offset)
+  (let ((val 0))
+    (declare (type (unsigned-byte 64) val)
+             (optimize (speed 3)))
+    (%double-mem-ref-32 ptr val offset)
+    (if (logbitp 63 val)         ; most significant bit holds the sign
+        ;; VAL is negative, calculating two's complement
+        (lognot (logxor val #xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF))
+        ;; VAL is positive
+        (values val))))
+(defun %mem-ref (ptr type &optional (offset 0))
+  "Dereference an object of TYPE at OFFSET bytes from PTR."
+  (case (cffi::canonicalize-foreign-type type)
+    (:unsigned-long-long
+     (%emulated-ullong-mem-ref ptr offset))
+    (:long-long
+     (%emulated-llong-mem-ref ptr offset))
+    (t
+     (%native-mem-ref ptr type offset))))
+(defun %native-mem-set (value ptr type offset)
   "Set an object of TYPE at OFFSET bytes from PTR."
   (let* ((type (cffi-type->ecl-type type))
-         (type-size (ffi:size-of-foreign-type type)))
+         (type-size (%size-of-foreign-type type)))
      (si:foreign-data-recast ptr (+ offset type-size) :void)
      offset type value)))
+(define-compiler-macro %native-mem-set (&whole form value ptr type &optional (offset 0))
+  (if (constantp type)
+      (let* ((type (cffi-type->ecl-type type))
+             (type-size (%size-of-foreign-type type))
+             ($offset$ (gensym "OFFSET-")))
+        `(let (($offset$ ,offset))
+           (si:foreign-data-set-elt
+            (si:foreign-data-recast ,ptr (+ ,$offset$ ,type-size) :void)
+            ,$offset$ ,type ,value)))
+      form))
+(defmacro %double-mem-set-32 (value ptr offset)
+  `(progn
+     #+little-endian (%native-mem-set (ldb (byte 32  0) ,value) ,ptr :unsigned-int ,offset)
+     #+little-endian (%native-mem-set (ldb (byte 32 32) ,value) ,ptr :unsigned-int (+ ,offset 4))
+     #+big-endian    (%native-mem-set (ldb (byte 32  0) ,value) ,ptr :unsigned-int (+ ,offset 4))
+     #+big-endian    (%native-mem-set (ldb (byte 32 32) ,value) ,ptr :unsigned-int ,offset)))
+(defun %emulated-ullong-mem-set (value ptr offset)
+  (declare (type (unsigned-byte 64) value)
+           (optimize (speed 3)))
+  (%double-mem-set-32 value ptr offset))
+(defun %emulated-llong-mem-set (value ptr offset)
+  (declare (type (signed-byte 64) value)
+           (optimize (speed 3)))
+  (%double-mem-set-32 value ptr offset))
+(defun %mem-set (value ptr type &optional (offset 0))
+  "Set an object of TYPE at OFFSET bytes from PTR."
+  (case (cffi::canonicalize-foreign-type type)
+    (:unsigned-long-long
+     (locally (declare (type (unsigned-byte 64) value))
+       (%emulated-ullong-mem-set value ptr offset)))
+    (:long-long
+     (locally (declare (type (signed-byte 64) value))
+       (%emulated-llong-mem-set value ptr offset)))
+    (t
+     (%native-mem-set value ptr type offset))))
 ;;;# Type Operations
 (defconstant +translation-table+
@@ -161,6 +272,8 @@
     (:unsigned-int    :unsigned-int	"unsigned int")
     (:long            :long		"long")
     (:unsigned-long   :unsigned-long	"unsigned long")
+    (:long-long       :long-long		"long long")
+    (:unsigned-long-long   :unsigned-long-long	"unsigned long long")
     (:float           :float		"float")
     (:double          :double		"double")
     (:pointer         :pointer-void	"void*")
@@ -178,12 +291,12 @@
 (defun %foreign-type-size (type-keyword)
   "Return the size in bytes of a foreign type."
-  (nth-value 0 (ffi:size-of-foreign-type
+  (nth-value 0 (%size-of-foreign-type
                 (cffi-type->ecl-type type-keyword))))
 (defun %foreign-type-alignment (type-keyword)
   "Return the alignment in bytes of a foreign type."
-  (nth-value 1 (ffi:size-of-foreign-type
+  (nth-value 1 (%size-of-foreign-type
                 (cffi-type->ecl-type type-keyword))))
 ;;;# Calling Foreign Functions
diff -rN -u old-cffi/src/features.lisp new-cffi/src/features.lisp
--- old-cffi/src/features.lisp	2007-05-14 18:01:21.000000000 +0200
+++ new-cffi/src/features.lisp	2007-05-14 18:01:21.000000000 +0200
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@
    ;; meaning that at some point all lisps will support long-longs,
    ;; the foreign-funcall primitive, etc...
+   #:emulated-long-long

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