[cffi-devel] getting CFFI function signature

Tamas K Papp tpapp at Princeton.EDU
Sun May 13 14:00:35 UTC 2007


I have CFFI bindings generated by SWIG, which look like

(cffi:defcfun ("cairo_line_to" cairo_line_to) :void
  (cr :pointer)
  (x :double)
  (y :double))

I would like to generate wrapper functions that would take the first
argument from a global variable and apply conversions for the rest.
The problem is that there are many functions, and I want to automate
this as much as possible.

Is there any way to get the signature of a function defined with
cffi:defcfun?  In this case, I need something like (:void cr :pointer
x :double y: double) (of course the syntax and the ordering can vary).
With this, I could automate the generation of wrappers.



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