[cffi-devel] Re: how to revise foreign type translators to work with cffi-newtypes

Luis Oliveira luismbo at gmail.com
Thu Mar 15 05:14:31 UTC 2007

"Jack Unrue" <jdunrue at gmail.com> writes:
> (cffi:defctype rect-pointer :pointer)

(define-foreign-type rect-pointer-type ()
  (:actual-type :pointer)
  (:simple-parser rect-pointer))

> (defmethod cffi:free-translated-object (ptr (name (eql 'rect-pointer)) param)
>  (declare (ignore param))
>  (cffi:foreign-free ptr))

Now RECT-POINTER-TYPE is actually a CLOS class. So you should use a
normal specializer instead of an EQL specializer.

(defmethod free-translate-object (ptr (type rect-pointer-type) param)

> Can anyone make suggestions as to what I should change to be compatible
> with the cffi-newtypes branch?

That's basically it.  Change the type definition and change EQL
specializers to normal specializers.  I've compiled the cffi-newtypes
manual and uploaded it here:


The section about foreign types should be updated.  (Not all of the
reference nodes are though, I think.)

Now's a good time to object to this new interface and propose changes.
I'm all ears. :-)  I sent some ideas a few weeks ago, but I don't really
have clean solutions.  They can be read here:


> Second question -- do the WITH-FOREIGN-SLOTS and WITH-FOREIGN-OBJECT
> macros work the same way on cffi-newtypes as they did before? I imagine so,
> but it's worth asking just to be sure.

No changes there.

Luís Oliveira

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