[cffi-devel] define-foreign-library behavior

Luís Oliveira luismbo at gmail.com
Sun May 14 02:20:29 UTC 2006

On 2006-maj-13, at 20:01, hbabcockos1 at mac.com wrote:
> 	(t (:default "libc")))
> 	(t (:or "libc" "libc.so.6")))
> the second example appears to the naive (like me) to be a super-set  
> of the first example.

You want: (:or (:default "libc") "libc.so.6)

> Also:
> (define-foreign-library libc
> 	(:unix (:or "libc.so.6"))
> 	(t (:default "libc")))
> (use-foreign-library libc)
> Doesn't work since OS-X is unix, but not linux. Maybe after failing  
> on the specific case (i.e. unix), it could fall back to the general  
> case?

I suppose falling back to other clauses in a COND-like fashion  
wouldn't hurt.

Luís Oliveira

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