[cffi-devel] vararg / New foreign library interface

Luís Oliveira luismbo at gmail.com
Mon Jan 9 14:51:45 UTC 2006

On 2006-jan-09, at 14:31, Hoehle, Joerg-Cyril wrote:
> Luís Oliveira
>> Also, define-foreign-library should probably be extended to take a
>> calling convention argument
> Indeed, that would be the next thing.
> However, how much Lisps let you choose that?
> Am I wrong or is this only a MS-Windows host issue?
> MacOS?

AFAICT, this is mostly a Windows issue.

>> though ideally, IMHO, every Lisp would be
>> like Allegro in this regard and we wouldn't have to pick between
>> cdecl and stdcall and it would work with either calling convention.
> What does Allegro do?

Allegro resets the stack pointer to whatever value it had before  
pushing the foreign call's arguments to the stack. This approach  
works for either stdcall or cdecl.

Luís Oliveira
Equipa Portuguesa do Translation Project

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