AW: [cffi-devel] vararg / New foreign library interface

Hoehle, Joerg-Cyril Joerg-Cyril.Hoehle at
Mon Jan 9 09:30:34 UTC 2006

James Bielman wrote:

No, because foreign-funcall takes a pointer. That means, the name to address resolution has already happened before.
Oops, wrong. foreign-funcall-pointer takes a pointer.
foreign-funcall takes a string, which indeed means it's on its own w.r.t. address resolution :-(

>perhaps silently ignoring :LIBRARY options on those implementations 
We had the "uniformity" topic recently.
Remember, I had to send patches to several packages to add :module to UFFI code to make it work with CLISP.

>(with-default-library ("msvcrt.dll")
>  (defcfun "sprintf" :int
Quite reasonable, as one can expect many files to have this structure:
(set-library-somehow XYZ)
(defcfun x [in XYZ])
(defcfun y [in XYZ])

	Jorg Hohle

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