[cffi-devel] vararg (was: CFFI/CLISP - 2 out of 101 total tes ts f ailed)

Yaroslav Kavenchuk kavenchuk at jenty.by
Fri Jan 6 07:48:12 UTC 2006

> Oops, if use libintl_sprintf instead of sprintf - all works:
> [5]> (ffi:def-call-out li-sprintf-double (:name "libintl_sprintf")
>   (:return-type nil) (:library :default) (:language :stdc)
>   (:arguments
>     (out-str (ffi:c-ptr (ffi:c-array-max character 256)) :out :alloca)
>     (fmt ffi:c-string) (n ffi:double-float)))
> [6]> (li-sprintf-double "%.2lf" 3.14d0)
> "3.14"
> [7]> (li-sprintf-double "%.2f" 3.14d0)
> "3.14"
> Hmm. I do not know why sprintf function does not work in clisp/mingw.

if define sprintf as function from msvcrt.dll - all works:

[9]> (ffi:def-call-out sprintf-double (:name "sprintf")
  (:return-type nil)
  (:library "msvcrt.dll") (:language :stdc)
    (out-str (ffi:c-ptr (ffi:c-array-max character 256)) :out :alloca)
    (fmt ffi:c-string) (n ffi:double-float)))
[10]> (sprintf-double "%.2f" 3.14d0)

I do not know what library contains bad sprintf function.

Why there is no opportunity to specify from what library link function?
And if I shall link some libraries with identical names of functions -
what to do?


WBR, Yaroslav Kavenchuk.

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