[cffi-devel] OpenAL or Bust

Kenny Tilton ktilton at nyc.rr.com
Wed Sep 7 04:40:22 UTC 2005

Rayiner Hashem wrote:

> Hmm, not only is there not a definition of alcdevice-struct on my 
> machine, but GCC-XML's output doesn't have a "struct" node 
> corresponding to it. There is a typedef referring to it, which 
> Verrazano reproduces in the Lisp binding, but it never emits a defcstruct.
> In any case, I just inserted:
> struct my_foo {};
> Into one of my test bindings, and it did generate:
> (cffi:defcstruct my-foo)
> CFFI on SBCL doesn't seem to have a problem with it, though. After 
> loading the Lisp binding, I executed:
> (cffi:defcstruct my-foo2 (data my-foo))
> and it compiled that just fine. So my guess is that its an 
> Allegro-specific (or at least, non-SBCL-specific) issue.

> In principle, CFFI should have no problem with such a declaration, ...

Yeah, it just looks like a simple bug arising from no test having been 
done with no slots. My hack to start at 2 has got me to the point where 
my demo runs and plays the expected WAV file. It then gets a 
segmentation fault on an alSourcef call, which I will look at tomorrow.

Rayiner, did you get my note about the missing in-package form?


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