[cffi-devel] foreign-alloc

Luis Oliveira luismbo at gmail.com
Sun Sep 4 19:03:54 UTC 2005


Kenny complained about foreign-object-alloc not being documented a few 
hours ago which reminded me about the foreign-alloc vs. 
foreign-object-alloc issue James and I briefly discussed on IRC.

I would like to experiment with a typed pointer interface (something 
similar to CMUCL/SBCL's Alien objects) and was planning to call those 
pointers "foreign objects" in which case foreign-object-alloc would be 
confusing since all it does is allocate raw memory.

One idea James suggested was to move foreign-object-alloc's 
functionality to foreign-alloc and export the lower level 
%foreign-alloc (renamed to malloc or something similar). [Or just have 
the users use foreign-alloc with a :char type, why not?]

Well, but why not improve (and hopefully not bloat) foreign-alloc. 
Here's a proposed interface based mostly on Lispworks's 
ffi:allocate-foreign-object and CL's make-array:



  -- Function: foreign-alloc type &key initial-element initial-contents
      (count 1) => pointer

Arguments and Values

      A foreign type.

      A Lisp object.

      A sequence.

_count_ /Note: probably :nelems would be a better name?/
      An integer bigger than or equal to 1. 1, by default.

      A foreign pointer to the newly allocated memory.


The `foreign-alloc' function allocates enough memory to hold _count_
objects of type _type_ and returns a _pointer_. This memory must be
explicitly freed using `foreign-free' once it is no longer needed.

    If _initial-element_ is supplied, it is used to initialize the
_count_ objects the newly allocated memory holds.

    If an _initial-contents_ sequence is supplied, it must have a length
less than or equal to _count_ and each of its elements will be used to
initialize the contents of the newly allocated memory. /Note: Should
the remainder be zero filled?/

/Note: also is initial-contents is supplied and count isn't then count
will be (length initial-contents) [plus 1, probably]. See note in the

    _initial-element_ and _initial-contents_ are mutually exclusive.


   CFFI> (foreign-alloc :char)
   #<A Mac Pointer #x1022E0>     ; A pointer to 1 byte of memory.

   CFFI> (foreign-alloc :char :count 20)
   #<A Mac Pointer #x1022E0>     ; A pointer to 20 bytes of memory.

   CFFI> (foreign-alloc :int :initial-element 12)
   #<A Mac Pointer #x1022E0>
   CFFI> (mem-ref * :int)

   CFFI> (foreign-alloc :int :initial-contents '(1 2 3))
   #<A Mac Pointer #x1022E0>
   CFFI> (loop for i from 0 below 3
               collect (mem-ref * :int i))
   (1 2 3)

   CFFI> (foreign-alloc :int :initial-contents #(1 2 3))
   #<A Mac Pointer #x1022E0>
   CFFI> (loop for i from 0 below 3
               collect (mem-ref * :int i))
   (1 2 3)

   ;; Another note: what should should be in (mem-ref ** :int 3)?
   ;; Zero? Ie. Should these previous two calls to foreign-alloc
   ;; allocate 3*sizeof(int) or 4*sizeof(int) bytes? Lispworks seems to
   ;; do the latter.

   CFFI> (foreign-alloc :string :initial-element "foo")
   ;; I think this should do something similar to CLISP's
   ;; FFI:ALLOCATE-DEEP, and it should Just Work if we apply the :to-c
   ;; translator, which will allocate space for "foo".

   ;; A problem here is freeing this memory. Should we tell the user
   ;; he has to free the complex stuff inside by himself. Or should we
   ;; come up with something similar to CLISP's FFI:FOREIGN-FREE when
   ;; passed ":full t". (In this case CFFI:FOREIGN-FREE would have to
   ;; take an optional type or something to describe what needs
   ;; freeing.)

Comments are most welcome.

Luís Oliveira
Equipa Portuguesa do Translation Project

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