[cffi-devel] Re: callback tests fail on sbcl 0.9.4 Linux x86

Immanuel Litzroth immanuell at enfocus.be
Thu Oct 13 09:31:08 UTC 2005

"Luis Oliveira" <luismbo at gmail.com> writes:

> On 10/out/2005, at 10:00, Immanuel Litzroth wrote:
>> That is the void callback bug, no? Is there any progress on this? I
>> would like
>> to try and port lambda-gtk to cffi-sbcl-linux and this is stopping me.
> Yes. There is a work-around:
> (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
>     (setf sb-alien::*values-type-okay* t))
> Put that before declaring the void callbacks.
I'll try that out. I have another question.
Is there no way to support defining lisp types that correspond to aliens in
cffi? Is there going to be support for this?

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