[cffi-devel] Re: minor UI inconsistency

Luis Oliveira luismbo at gmail.com
Sun Oct 9 15:12:54 UTC 2005

Andras Simon <asimon at math.bme.hu> writes:
> with-foreign-object (var type options) &body body
> (where options are used as keyword arguments to foreign-alloc) or some
> such instead of

You have a point there, with-foreign-object will be redesigned. :-)

I'm still thinking about playing with the idea of "foreign objects" that
carry types, like Lispworks's pointers and CMUCL/SBCL's alien objects so
this macro should change name.

with-dynamic-alloc? with-foreign-alloc? Hmm.. I like
"with-dynamic-alloc" (IIRC, this name is probably similar to something
Lispworks has, heh). Preferences/suggestions anyone?

Luís Oliveira
luismbo (@) gmail (.) com
Equipa Portuguesa do Translation Project

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