[cffi-devel] uffi and CUSTOM:*FOREIGN-ENCODING* from clisp
Yaroslav Kavenchuk
kavenchuk at tut.by
Sat Nov 5 07:57:27 UTC 2005
Pascal Bourguignon make patch
I test it - it is work! :)
Please, append it.
File strings.diff
--- /src/strings.lisp Fri Oct 7 03:32:50 2005
+++ /src/strings.lisp Fri Nov 4 23:56:57 2005
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
;;; and vice versa. Currently this is blithely ignorant of encoding
;;; and assumes characters can fit in 8 bits.
(defun lisp-string-to-foreign (string ptr size)
"Copy at most SIZE-1 characters from a Lisp STRING to PTR.
The foreign string will be null-terminated."
@@ -42,6 +43,7 @@
do (setf (%mem-ref ptr :unsigned-char (post-incf i)) (char-code
finally (setf (%mem-ref ptr :unsigned-char i) 0)))
(defun foreign-string-to-lisp (ptr &optional (size most-positive-fixnum)
(null-terminated-p t))
"Copy at most SIZE characters from PTR into a Lisp string.
@@ -52,6 +54,41 @@
for code = (mem-ref ptr :unsigned-char i)
until (and null-terminated-p (zerop code))
do (write-char (code-char code) s)))))
+(defun lisp-string-to-foreign (string ptr size)
+ "Copy at most SIZE-1 characters from a Lisp STRING to PTR.
+The foreign string will be null-terminated."
+ (decf size)
+ (loop
+ :with bytes = (ext:convert-string-to-bytes string
+ :with i = 0
+ :for byte :across bytes
+ :while (< i size)
+ :do (setf (%mem-ref ptr :unsigned-char (post-incf i)) byte)
+ :finally (setf (%mem-ref ptr :unsigned-char i) 0)))
+(defun clength (ptr size)
+ (loop
+ :for i :from 0 :below size
+ :do (when (zerop (mem-ref ptr :unsigned-char i))
+ (return-from clength i))
+ :finally (return-from clength size)))
+(defun foreign-string-to-lisp (ptr &optional (size most-positive-fixnum)
+ (null-terminated-p t))
+ "Copy at most SIZE characters from PTR into a Lisp string.
+If PTR is a null pointer, returns nil."
+ (unless (null-ptr-p ptr)
+ (loop
+ :with clen = (if null-terminated-p (clength ptr size) size)
+ :with bytes = (make-array clen :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
+ :for i fixnum from 0 below clen
+ :do (setf (aref bytes i) (mem-ref ptr :unsigned-char i))
+ :finally (return (ext:convert-string-from-bytes bytes
;;;# Using Foreign Strings
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