[cffi-devel] bits from a new tutorial

James Bielman jamesjb at jamesjb.com
Fri Dec 23 01:21:21 UTC 2005

On Thu, 2005-12-22 at 18:42 +0100, Hoehle, Joerg-Cyril wrote:
> >Agreed. Still, the ability to call varargs functions seems to be  
> >useful. Namely, James is working on an Objective-C bridge on top of  
> >CFFI that uses this functionality.
> Are you sure that is varargs or do you mean polymorphism, i.e. each
> different signature has a different entry point (address), but they
> are still refered under an identical name?

No, all Objective-C methods are called via the varargs function
objc_msgSend --- see:


While my CFFI-OBJC interface won't have any fancy CLOS integration like
OpenMCL's, it is fairly simple to write some macrology to wrap a
FOREIGN-FUNCALL on objc_msgSend.

(It's also very incomplete; basically all it does so far is call
methods---if anyone is interested in looking at it I'd be happy to put
the source up somewhere...)


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