[cells-gtk-devel] cells-gtk, CCL, Windows

Ramarren ramarren at gmail.com
Mon Nov 29 13:55:03 UTC 2010


On Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 12:05 PM, Frank <some.frank at gmail.com> wrote:
> I was going to try out cells-gtk but unfortunately it doesn't seem to be
> that straightforward.  My platform is CCL, Windows XP & MinGW.
> What I found is that there seem to be several source code repositories
> around.  Well to be honest I'm not sure where to start.  Can somebody
> point me into the right direction?

I wasn't really looking for some time, but I assume from lack of
activity on this mailing list that my repository (
http://github.com/ramarren/cells-gtk3 ) remains most current. I just
tested it, and apparently CFFI stopped accepting pathnames for library
definitions in some contexts, making compilation fail. Although this
seems to be a logic mistake in CFFI. Anyway, I fixed this.

I have not tested it on Windows, so you would have to compile or
disable the auxiliary library in gtk-ffi subdirectory, and I am not
sure if GTK library name is correct. But, unless some constants are
different, it should work.

Assuming obviously that you have GTK installed somewhere CFFI can find
it. And of course Cells. Most official Cells versions would be
probably one at http://github.com/kennytilton . I have a fork at
http://github.com/ramarren/cells/tree/mergekenny which applies some
cosmetic changes, mostly eliminating (some) warnings emitted by SBCL.

Hope this helps,
Jakub Higersberger

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