[cells-gtk-devel] installation notes, type error in test-gtk

Laziz Foo laziz.x at gmail.com
Thu Jul 24 01:21:54 UTC 2008

I have installed cells-gtk3 following the very helpful instructions at:


and thought my notes might be useful.  I'm pretty much a noob, having
flirted on and off with lisp without ever getting serious.  For the
record, I'm running ubuntu 8.04, sbcl 1.0.11.debian.

0.  I followed the instructions at the address above.  (require
'test-gtk) gave me trouble on a foreign function call definition (I
think).  Decided to get the required packages from source control...

1.  CFFI from darcs requires alexandria, babel and trivial-features,
which I couldn't find via google, but noticed in the output from
"http://common-lisp.net/~loliveira/datcs/trivial-features".   Maybe
this is more obvious to others.

2.  libgtkglext1 is not installed by default  (fixed w/ apt-get)

3.  (start-app 'test-gtk) drops to the debugger with

The value of STRING is #(71 84 75 32 84 101 115 116 105 110
                         ...), which is not of type STRING.
   [Condition of type SIMPLE-TYPE-ERROR]

  0: (SB-KERNEL:CHECK-TYPE-ERROR STRING #(71 84 75 32 84 101 ...) STRING NIL)
  1: (CFFI:FOREIGN-STRING-ALLOC #(71 84 75 32 84 101 ...))
84 75 32 84 101 ...))
  3: ((FLET #:BODYFN3524))
  4: (GTK-WINDOW-SET-TITLE #.(SB-SYS:INT-SAP #X080C3A30) "GTK Testing")

I don't know where to go from here.  Any hints or suggestions would be


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