[cells-gtk-devel] clisp 2.41 + cells-gtk-2006-06-30

Jacques Mequin j-mequin at ti.com
Sat Jul 28 14:51:55 UTC 2007

In my previous message, I have forgotten  to mention
the GTK+ release


This message is just to tell you that I have made the following
configuration working:

   - windows XP
   - clisp 2.41
   - gtk+-2.10.13
   - cells-gtk-2006-06-30
   - cffi-070620
   - cells-2.0.tgz

In other words, I have tested the latest releases of each package
(this means that I am ignoring the releases of "cffi" and "cells"
embedded into the "cells-gtk" tarballs by doing an external
"asdf" load on seperatly downloaded "cffi" and "cells" packages

   A) cells_2.0

       put comment on cells_2.0/utils-kt/detritus.lisp

       ;;;  (defun slot-definition-name (slot)
       ;;;  (clos::slotdef-name slot))

       since clisp "2.41" knows, like the others,

   B) cells-gtk-2006-06-30

       1) edit load.lisp

         (let ((default-path *load-truename*))

         since clisp "2.41" knows, like the others, "*load-truename*"

         ;;(asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :cells)
         ;;(asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :cffi)
         ;;(asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :cffi-uffi-compat)

         in order to use external cells_2.0 and cffi-070620

      2) edit root/gtk-ffi/gtk-ffi.lisp

         (cffi:defctype :gtk-string  :string  ...
         (cffi:defctype :gtk-boolean :boolean ...

         since "cffi" 070620, defines the type ":string"
         and ":boolean"


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