[cells-gtk-cvs] CVS root/cells-gtk

pdenno pdenno at common-lisp.net
Sun Feb 19 20:11:45 UTC 2006

Update of /project/cells-gtk/cvsroot/root/cells-gtk
In directory common-lisp:/tmp/cvs-serv14701/root/cells-gtk

Modified Files:
Log Message:
uffi --> cffi

--- /project/cells-gtk/cvsroot/root/cells-gtk/layout.lisp	2006/02/16 18:15:47	1.7
+++ /project/cells-gtk/cvsroot/root/cells-gtk/layout.lisp	2006/02/19 20:11:45	1.8
@@ -217,10 +217,10 @@
        (:bottom 3)
        (t 2)))))
-(defun notebook-contains-page-p (notebook widget &aux (wid (pointer-address (id widget))))
+(defun notebook-contains-page-p (notebook widget &aux (wid (cffi:pointer-address (id widget))))
   (loop for i from 1 to (gtk-notebook-get-n-pages (id notebook))
 	for page = (gtk-notebook-get-nth-page (id notebook) (1- i))
-	when (= wid (pointer-address page)) return t))
+	when (= wid (cffi:pointer-address page)) return t))
 (def-c-output show-page ((self notebook))
   (when (and new-value (>= new-value 0) (< new-value (length (kids self))))

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