[cells-devel] Re: [cells-gtk-devel] lots of circular cells in cells-gtk3?

Ken Tilton kennytilton at optonline.net
Mon Apr 14 16:47:09 UTC 2008

Peter Hildebrandt wrote:
> Mea culpa, just found the culprit in my own code.
> So the problem arises when I access (id self) in initialize-instance
> :after of the widget class.
> No idea why, but removing that reference solves it.

LOL. I was just looking at this and scratching my head:

(defmodel gtk-object (family)
    (id :initarg :id :accessor id
      :initform (c? (without-c-dependency
                     (let ((id (apply (symbol-function
                                   (new-function-name self))
                                 (new-args self))))
                       (gtk-object-store id self)

Oh, I see. The applied function of course is collecting slot values for 
object creation, many mediated by rules.

I guess the easiest fix would be a quick:

    (let ((cells::*call-stack* nil))
        (without-c-dependency ...all else the same...))

But you are still a sinner going after a celled slot in 
initialize-instance. Can you move that to md-awaken? (Then I have not 
had enough coffee since my nap to figure out if you will still need the 


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