[cells-devel] Hacking the gtk-ffi

Andy Chambers achambers.home at googlemail.com
Sun Oct 28 23:03:50 UTC 2007


What are all the things you need to do to add support for a property
on a widget.  I'm trying to add the "headers-visible" property to the
tree-view widget.  Here is what I did....

  - added the symbol headers-visible to the gtk-slots list in the
widget specfication
  - added the form below to "def-gtk-lib-functions"
  - made an app with a listbox using that option

(gtk-tree-view-set-headers-visible :void
				     ((tree-view :pointer)
				      (visible :gtk-boolean)))

I ran the app with debug on but didn't see any calls to the c
function.  Is there something else you need to do?  Any general tips
on debugging cells/gtk apps are also welcome.


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