[cells-devel] Cells + CL-WHO: Strange behavior - your help needed ...

Frank Goenninger frgo at mac.com
Sun May 13 12:02:52 UTC 2007

Hi Kenny -

Am 13.05.2007 um 03:51 schrieb Ken Tilton:

> The first problem was writing the html to standard output instead  
> of a string, the second problem is that cl-who does not quite work  
> the way you think. What I did was replace as-html with the  
> appropriate with-html-output form and then macroexpand.

Hm - ok - now that you say it ... Obviously the right thing to do. I  
was looking for Cells misuse anywhere - wrong. It was the CL-WHO side  
which I did not get right. Oh well....

> Give it a try. Meanwhile, this works:
> (defpackage #:whofix
>   (:use #:common-lisp #:cells #:cl-who))
> (in-package :whofix)
> (defmacro as-html (var &body body)
>   `(with-output-to-string (,var)
>      (with-html-output (,var)
>        , at body)
>      ))

As this is working as-html has to be changed because in CL-WHO  there's

(defmacro with-html-output-to-string ((var &optional string-form
                                            &key (element-type  
                                       &body body)
   "Transform the enclosed BODY consisting of HTML as s-expressions
into Lisp code which creates the corresponding HTML as a string."
   `(with-output-to-string (,var ,string-form
                                 #-(or :ecl :cmu :sbcl) :element-type
                                 #-(or :ecl :cmu :sbcl) ,element-type)
     (with-html-output (,var nil :prologue ,prologue :indent ,indent)
       , at body)))

So, we can write:

(defmacro as-html (&body body)
   `(with-html-output-to-string (*standard-output* nil :prologue nil)
      , at body))

Hm - coming back to your remark

> the second problem is that cl-who does not quite work the way you  
> think

Well, I think I have understood that I have to output any data via  
write-string because this is what is to be inserted between tags...  
Anything else?

Thx anyway!


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