[cells-devel] Something like a def-family-observer?
Peter Hildebrandt
peter.hildebrandt at gmail.com
Wed Dec 12 15:14:47 UTC 2007
On Wed, 12 Dec 2007 13:27:06 +0100, Ken Tilton <kennytilton at optonline.net>
> Ken Tilton wrote:
>> Peter Hildebrandt wrote:
>> OK, now that I am up to speed, let's go back to your original query.
>>> Say, I have a model M that depends on the structure of a family tree.
>>> One of M's slots is therefore depending on the root of the family
>>> tree: (c? root). However, I want M to know about changes in the
>>> family tree, like, say, when a child or grandchild is added.
>>> Apparently cells (at least the cells_2.0 branch required by
>>> cells-gtk) does not broadcast change messages to the parents of a
>>> node (which I guess is the right thing in 99% of the cases).
>>> What's the best way to deal with that?
>>> (i) Is there some mechanism for this purpose present in cells? Or
>>> (ii) Do I roll my own special case solution? Or
>>> (iii) Is it worthwhile to build some general purpose solution to this
>>> problem?
>>> My approach towards (ii) (I haven't coded anything yet, waiting for
>>> you comments) would be something like building an observer tree each
>>> node of which observes one node in the family tree. Something like
>>> this:
>>> - Design a tiny tree observer model ("tto"?), suited to observing one
>>> family node
>>> (defmodel tty (family) (observed observed-kids reports-to))
>>> - Every tto knows about the parent model (M from above) and does the
>>> right thing when it sees a change (say, call a closure)
>>> - If the observed nodes has kids, it instantiates tto kids of its own
>>> to match the kids of the observed tree
>>> (def-c-output observed ((self tto))
>>> (make-tto :observed (c? new-value) :observed-kids (c? (kids
>>> new-value)))
>>> (setf (kids self) (mapcar (lambda (kid) (make-tto :observed (c?
>>> kid) :observed-kids (c? (kids kid)))) (kids new-value)
>>> ...)
>>> (def-c-output observed-kids ((self tto))
>>> ...)
>>> - Changing the root slot in M results in the instantiation of a tto
>>> for the root
>>> I guess that would work ... but I feel there must be a more elegant
>>> solution.
> Roughly (cuz of rough recall of Cells2):
> (defmodel family-observer (family)
> ;; we'll use the "md-value" slot for the observed
> ()
> (:default-initargs
> :kids (c? (the-kids
> (bwhen (o (^md-value self)) ;; not sure why not
> (loop for k in (^kids o) collecting
> (let ((this-k k)) ;; loop is weird
> (make-instance 'family-observer
> :md-value this-k)))))))
Thanks! The following does the trick (incl. some rewriting)
:kids (c?
(the-kids ; follow changes of our source
(when (^md-value) ;; not sure why not
(mapcar #'(lambda (k) (make-instance 'family-observer :md-value
k)) (kids (^md-value))))))))
> That handles rows in/out.
Actually, I don't quite see how it handles rows out. Where do I put stuff
to properly clean out the old kids?
Can I do something like (c? (mapcar #'not-to-be (^kids)) (the-kids
...))) ? (looks wrong)
> As for individual values, well, I guess you generalize the handling of
> kids so it is just another slot-value. Changes to kids add/remove rows,
> changes to other things set values within a row.
That's easier, because the number is constant. So a simple def-c-output
will do.
> You know you need the kids handled, so what you might build that in and
> then have some macrology write the defmodel for custom subclasses of f-o:
> (def-family-observer my-tree (<def options?>) slot-1 slot-2)
Yep. Thought of something like this. My plan was to supply a generic
function for making child observers like
(def-f-o my-obs (#'mk-observer) slot-1 slot-2)
then the :kids cell will not call plain make-instance, but mk-observer,
which can specify on the source, so if you have a mixed family of people
and dogs
(def-f-o person-obs (#'mk-observer) name age)
(def-f-o dog-obs (#'(lambda (&rest initargs) (apply #'make-instance
'dog-obs initargs)) race favorite-ball)
(defmethod mk-observer ((self person) &rest initargs)
(apply #'make-instance 'person-obs self initargs))
(defmethod mk-observer ((self dog) &rest initargs)
(apply #'make-instance 'dog-obs initargs))
Or simply
(def-f-o person-obs (person) name age)
(def-f-o dog-obs (dog) race favorite-ball)
> Expansion left as an exercise. :)
> It is not inconceivable to have f-o link dynamically to any
> cell-mediated slot of the model instances, btw.
Is there some cells hook to get the list, or would that involve messing
with MOP?
> kt
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