[cells-devel] Something like a def-family-observer?

Peter Hildebrandt peter.hildebrandt at gmail.com
Tue Dec 11 22:04:56 UTC 2007


thanks for your reply, and sorry about the confusion.  I guess I have been  
working on this for too long :)

So, here's a second try.  I'll try to write some code to make clear what  
this is about, and what I want to do.

First, here's what we have:

My family tree:

(defmodel node (family) (age :accessor age :initarg :age :initform (c-in  
(defparameter root (make-instance 'node :md-name "root"))
(push (make-instance 'node :md-name "child1" :age 23) (kids root))
(push (make-instance 'node :md-name "child2" :age 32) (kids root))
(push (make-instance 'node :md-name "grand child" :age 3) (kids (first  
(kids root))))

A tree-view widget (note that the tree view widget displays something  
called a "tree model".  That is a data structure somewhere in GTK that can  
be build and accessed through a bunch of messy gtk function calls.  So  
what we have to do is go through our family and build the tree model  
accordingly.  Our func is kinda like a fax that makes a copy and sends it  
out to the recipient.  If the original changes, we have to send the fax  

(defmodel tree-view (family)
   ((roots :accessor roots :initform (c-in nil) :initarg :roots)
   ;; other slots, GUI stuff

(def-c-output roots ((self tree-view))
   ;; cells-gtk has lots of calls to GTK here
   ;; to build a tree model starting from roots (see above)
   (print (list "roots have changed" new-value)))

(defparameter tview (make-instance 'tree-view))

I connect it to the kids of the root

(setf (roots tview) (kids root))
   =>  "roots have changed ...."
And there it is:

md-name           age
child2            32
  +-grand child     3
child1            23

So far, it is all there in cells-gtk, and it all works.

However, if my family tree /changes/, meaning
- somewhere a node is added/removed
- somewhere a slot is modified

==> I'd like the treeview to learn about it.

How do we do this?

(setf (md-name (first (kids root))) "My child")
   => "My child"

(push (make-instance 'node :md-name "child3") (kids root))
   => (child3 child2 child1)

... but the def-c-output never finds out about it, and thus no one ever  
gets round to up.

I can trigger it by re-setfing the place:

(setf (roots tview) (kids root))
   => ("roots have changed" (child3 child2 child1))
   => (child3 child2 child1)

But that has three downsides:

   (1) I have to call setf manually (even when I disguise it with some  
macro as (update-tree tview))
   (2) what do I do, when roots is a dependent cell in the first place? ...  
:roots (c? (kids root))
   (3) the whole tree has to be reconstructed everytime a little bit changes

In short: The tree-view interface does not come across cells-like at all.   
And I guess that is, because the way of looking at it is just not a cells  

So I came up with the idea to make the interface to the tree-view a tree  
of cells, so that in effect for every box that is displayed in the  
treeview there is a dependent cell in the treeview (Instead of one cell  
connecting to the kids of the root).

One way to do this would be to have an observer object

(defmodel tto () ((obs :accessor obs :initarg :obs)  
(def-c-output obs ((self tto))
    (call-gtk-and-set corresponding-point-in-gtk new-value))

Then we would make six of these, two per node (name and age) when roots is  

(def-c-output roots ((self tree-view))
    (mapcar (lambda (nd) (make-instance 'tto :obs (c? (md-name nd))  
:corresponding... ...)) (roots self))
    ;; of course we'll have to recurse into the kids and the names of the  
    ;; are supplied somewhere to the treeview etc.

Additionally we'd have some sort of structure observer that listens on the  
kids of every node (here three for three nodes) and reacts to changes by  
adding/deleting rows to the tree-view. Additionally it'd have to  
create/remove tto's to listen to the slots of new nodes or stop listening  
to removed nodes.

Another option would be what I dubbed the "family-observer":  Some piece  
of magic that gets notified when any slot in a model or any of its  
decendents gets modified.  The notification would idealy include the  
modified node, the modified slot, the new-value and a path from the root  
to the node (could be a closure, (lambda (n) (nth 2 (nth 3 (nth 0 (kids n]  
=> (lambda root) is the modified node, or just a list '(0 3 2)).  That  
family observer could then take this notification/message and do the  
appropriate action.

I do not understand cells enough to judge whether this would even be  
possible.  So maybe there is something, some instance where all state  
changes get passed through, that could filter out the ones going to root  
or its descendents, maybe not.

Well, I hope it's clearer now what I wish to do.

In reply to your comments:

On Tue, 11 Dec 2007 21:03:39 +0100, Ken Tilton <kennytilton at optonline.net>  
> More below, just retro-inserting notes: normally in /my/ work the parent  
> slot is not even a Cell, but I /have/ done that a couple of times on  
> certain subclasses of Family and it did work.

Yeah, thanks for pointing that out.  I got that confused from time to time  
and was wondering why a (c? parent) does not learn about (kids parent).

> Confused: The kids slot is a Cell, so any rule anywhere (on slots not  
> just the ascendants) that references (kids <whatever>) will get kicked  
> off whent that changes. More below on this.

I was wondering whether there would be a way to kick of that rule when  
something deeper down in the tree gets modified (see above, the family  

>>  If you have seen my ton of mails on the cells-gtk-devel list, you know  
>> I'm  doing some GUI work with cells-gtk at the moment.  I ran into the   
>> following issue:  cells-gtk can use a family tree as a natural   
>> representation of the contents of a tree-view.  However, when I change  
>> the  items in that family tree, cells-gtk currently has no way of  
>> updating the  C data structure correspondingly.
> This sentence seems crucial and puzzles me some. What precisely is meant  
> by "when I change the items in that family tree"? Do you mean reorgamize  
> the tree by moving kids between parents?

Maybe this, maybe changing a cell slot on a node in the tree, maybe adding  
kids, maybe removing them. In effect I want to keep the projection of the  
tree onto the tree-view consistent with the tree.

> As for "update the C data structure correspondingly", well, /what/ C  
> data structure, this is the first I have heard of it. Do you mean the C  
> struct implementing the tree view, or a C struct one might be  
> "inspecting" by mapping its hierarchy to a tree of widgets?

The gtk tree-view displays an internal data structure, consisting of rows  
of "cells".  rows can have children.  Whenever we want to put some lisp  
structure in the treeview, we have to traverse it and build the  
corresponding gtk stuff.

> Let me clarify a couple of things first. btw, I do not even have  
> Cells-Gtk installed anywhere so I may have to do that if things get too  
> complicated.

I hope it won't come that far :) I really appreciate your help, esp. given  
you won't even use cells-gtk.

> First of all, my models normally do not have the parent slot as a Cell  
> at all, meaning I do not move things from one parent to another. But!  
> There have been times when I did that and it did seem to work, so let's  
> keep that in mind going forward.

Probably we won't have to.  I believe this one comes out of a  
misunderstanding -- or am I not getting it?

> Second, without looking I am almost certain the kids slot of the family  
> class already does let applications react to changes to kids, so I am  
> not clear on why TTO is necessary (unless we are talking about also  
> needing the parent to be a Cell, which as I said might Just Work if we  
> put our minds to it).

This confuses me.  "the kids slot of the family class already does let  
applications react to changes to kids" -- what exactly do you mean by  
that?  Adding/removing kids?  Changes to the kids themselves (setf  
(md-name (first (kids root))) "Joe")?

To me it looks like neither happens.

(defparameter root (make-instance 'node :md-name "Root" :kids (c-in nil)))
   => ROOT
(defparameter tview (make-instance 'tree-view :roots (c? (kids root))))
   => TVIEW
(push (make-instance 'node :md-name "child") (kids root))
   => (child)

====> Nothing

(roots tview)
   => ("roots have changed" (child))
   => (child)

(i.e. the def-c-observer only gets called once I query the slot)

> Third, I'd like to understand the functionality better. Is the goal to  
> manipulate a tree on the C side via a [Cells-]Gtk tree view? Or just  
> dynamically restucture a treeview? This is the same question as above  
> where I ask about what is meant by "update the C data structure"?

The goal is

I modify lisp stuff
   ==>  the GTK tree model stuff ("C data structure") gets updated
           ==> The treeview reflects my changes to the lisp stuff

It looks like I got myself into quite a mess here ...


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