[cells-devel] Celtk/Cells3 Compleat

Marco Gidde marco.gidde at tiscali.de
Fri Mar 24 21:09:20 UTC 2006

Friedrich Dominicus <frido at q-software-solutions.de> writes:

> I fetched the tarball today. I did not now how to check out via CVS, I
> guess it's as usual on common lisp .net but I have not idea on the
> proper name for it. 

Under Linux it is as easy as:

cvs -z3 -d :pserver:anonymous:anonymous at common-lisp.net:/project/cells/cvsroot co cells
cvs -z3 -d :pserver:anonymous:anonymous at common-lisp.net:/project/cells/cvsroot co Celtk

This creates the directories "cells" and "Celtk" and there you can
(from time to time) say "cvs update" to get the latest stuff.



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