[cells-devel] Celtk/Cells3 Compleat

Ken Tilton kennytilton at optonline.net
Fri Mar 24 11:56:23 UTC 2006

{weird, I do not see this on cells-devel. In case y'all did not get it....]

Friedrich Dominicus wrote:

>cells3 demo. I can not see any edit-field in the example. 
Cool.  You are also missing two buttons that appear to the right of the
entry field, labelled get! and set!.

(a) What Lisp and OS are you using? I have tested only under ACL and LW
on win32.
(b) Do you see an entry in the source? Begins " (mk-entry :id :entry...."
(c) Trace mk-entry. What do you see?
(d) Replace tk-format-now to enable all debug output thus:

(defun tk-format-now (fmt$ &rest fmt-args &aux (tk$ (apply 'format nil
fmt$ fmt-args)))
  (format t "~&tk> ~A~%" tk$)
  (format (wish-stream *wish*) "~A~%" tk$)
  (force-output (wish-stream *wish*)))

Then please post that output with your next report.

Thx, Ken

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