[cells-cvs] CVS Celtk

ktilton ktilton at common-lisp.net
Sun Mar 23 23:47:43 UTC 2008

Update of /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv29619

Modified Files:
	CELTK.lpr composites.lisp keysym.lisp run.lisp tk-object.lisp 
Log Message:
Sorting out some confusion after commititng from wrong directory (but a recent backup of the real deal so not too bad). But folks might want to rebuild and test to see if anything got messed up.

--- /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/CELTK.lpr	2008/03/17 20:33:57	1.24
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/CELTK.lpr	2008/03/23 23:47:42	1.25
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
   :old-space-size 256000
   :new-space-size 6144
   :runtime-build-option :standard
-  :on-initialization 'celtk::test-andy-expander
+  :on-initialization 'celtk::tk-test
   :on-restart 'do-default-restart)
 ;; End of Project Definition
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/composites.lisp	2008/03/17 20:33:57	1.26
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/composites.lisp	2008/03/23 23:47:42	1.27
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@
 (defun app-idle (self)
   (loop for w in (^kids)
-      do (when (not (eq :arrow (cursor w)))
+      do (when (eq :watch (cursor w))
            (setf (cursor w) :arrow)))
   (setf (^app-time) (now))
   (loop for task in *app-idle-tasks*
@@ -139,18 +139,20 @@
-  (focus-state (c-in nil) :documentation "This is about the window having the focus on the desktop, not the key focus.
+  (focus-state (c-in nil)
+    :documentation "This is about the window having the focus on the desktop, not the key focus.
 Actually holds last event code, :focusin or :focusout")
   :width (c?n 800)
   :height (c?n 600))
-(defobserver focus-state ((self window))
-  (trc "focus-state" self new-value :old old-value))
+;;;(defobserver focus-state ((self window))
+;;;  (trc "focus-state" self new-value :old old-value))
 (defmethod (setf cursor) :after (new-value (self window))
   (when new-value
+    (trc nil "configure cursor" self new-value)
     (tk-format-now ". configure -cursor ~a" (string-downcase (symbol-name new-value)))))
 (export! .control-key-p .alt-key-p .shift-key-p focus-state  ^focus-state)
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/keysym.lisp	2008/01/03 20:23:30	1.1
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/keysym.lisp	2008/03/23 23:47:42	1.2
@@ -951,6 +951,85 @@
 ;;;                               (at . #\@)
 ;;;                               (tab . #\tab)))
+(export! *cursors*)
+(defparameter *cursors*
+  (apply 'vector '(X_cursor
+    arrow
+    based_arrow_down
+    based_arrow_up
+    boat
+    bogosity
+    bottom_left_corner
+    bottom_right_corner
+    bottom_side
+    bottom_tee
+    box_spiral
+    center_ptr
+    circle
+    clock
+    coffee_mug
+    cross
+    cross_reverse
+    crosshair
+    diamond_cross
+    dot
+    dotbox
+    double_arrow
+    draft_large
+    draft_small
+    draped_box
+    exchange
+    fleur
+    gobbler
+    gumby
+    hand1
+    hand2
+    heart
+    icon
+    iron_cross
+    left_ptr
+    left_side
+    left_tee
+    leftbutton
+    ll_angle
+    lr_angle
+    man
+    middlebutton
+    mouse
+    pencil
+    pirate
+    plus
+    question_arrow
+    right_ptr
+    right_side
+    right_tee
+    rightbutton
+    rtl_logo
+    sailboat
+    sb_down_arrow
+    sb_h_double_arrow
+    sb_left_arrow
+    sb_right_arrow
+    sb_up_arrow
+    sb_v_double_arrow
+    shuttle
+    sizing
+    spider
+    spraycan
+    star
+    target
+    tcross
+    top_left_arrow
+    top_left_corner
+    top_right_corner
+    top_side
+    top_tee
+    trek
+    ul_angle
+    umbrella
+    ur_angle
+    watch
+    xterm)))
 (export! keysym-char keysym-sym minus period asciicircum plus backspace
           delete bar parenleft parenright bracketleft
           bracketright braceleft braceright less greater
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/run.lisp	2008/03/17 20:33:57	1.27
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/run.lisp	2008/03/23 23:47:42	1.28
@@ -18,8 +18,6 @@
 (in-package :Celtk)
 ;;; --- running a Celtk (window class, actually) --------------------------------------
@@ -45,13 +43,6 @@
   ;;(tk-format-now "package require QuickTimeTcl")
   (tk-format-now "snack::sound s")
-;;;  (tk-format-now (conc$ "snack::sound s -load "
-;;;                   (snackify-pathname (make-pathname :directory '(:absolute  "sounds")
-;;;                                        :name "ahem_x" :type "wav")
-;;;                     #+vs (car (directory (make-pathname :directory '(:absolute  "sounds")))))))
-;;;  (tk-format-now "s play -blocking yes")
-;;;  (sleep 2)
-;;;  (tk-format-now "s play")
   (tcl-create-command *tki* "do-on-command" (get-callback 'do-on-command) (null-pointer) (null-pointer))
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/tk-object.lisp	2008/03/23 11:52:56	1.15
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/tk-object.lisp	2008/03/23 23:47:42	1.16
@@ -50,34 +50,30 @@
 ;;; --- deftk --------------------
-(defmacro deftk (class superclasses
-                         (&rest std-slots)
-                         &rest defclass-options)
+(defmacro deftk (class superclasses (&rest std-slots) &rest defclass-options)
   (destructuring-bind (&optional tk-class &rest tk-options)
       (cdr (find :tk-spec defclass-options :key 'car))
     (setf tk-options (tk-options-normalize tk-options))
-     (defmodel ,class ,(or superclasses '(tk-object))
-       (,@(append std-slots (loop for (slot-name nil) in tk-options
-                                collecting `(,slot-name :initform nil
-                                              :initarg ,(intern (string slot-name) :keyword)
-                                              :accessor ,slot-name))))
-       ,@(remove-if (lambda (k) (find k '(:default-initargs :tk-spec))) defclass-options :key 'car)
-       (:default-initargs
-           ,@(when tk-class `(:tk-class ',tk-class))
-         ,@(cdr (find :default-initargs defclass-options :key 'car))))
-     (defmethod tk-class-options append ((self ,class))
-       ',tk-options)
-     (export ',class)
-     (export ',(loop for (slot nil) in tk-options
-                   nconcing (list slot (intern (conc$ "^" slot)))))
-     (defmacro ,(intern (conc$ "MK-" (symbol-name class))) (&rest inits)
-       `(make-instance ',',class
-          :fm-parent *parent*
-          , at inits))
-     (export ',(intern (conc$ "MK-" (symbol-name class)))))))
+      (defmodel ,class ,(or superclasses '(tk-object))
+        (,@(append std-slots (loop for (slot-name nil) in tk-options
+                                 collecting `(,slot-name :initform nil
+                                               :initarg ,(intern (string slot-name) :keyword)
+                                               :accessor ,slot-name))))
+        ,@(remove-if (lambda (k) (find k '(:default-initargs :tk-spec))) defclass-options :key 'car)
+        (:default-initargs
+            ,@(when tk-class `(:tk-class ',tk-class))
+          ,@(cdr (find :default-initargs defclass-options :key 'car))))
+      (defmethod tk-class-options append ((self ,class))
+        ',tk-options)
+      (export ',(loop for (slot nil) in tk-options
+                    nconcing (list slot (intern (conc$ "^" slot)))))
+      (defmacro ,(intern (conc$ "MK-" (symbol-name class))) (&rest inits)
+        `(make-instance ',',class
+           :fm-parent *parent*
+           , at inits)))))
 (defun tk-options-normalize (tk-options)
   "normalize '(-aaa (tk-bbb -bbb)) => '((aaa -aaa)(tk-bbb -bbb))"
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/togl.lisp	2008/03/23 17:07:59	1.29
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/togl.lisp	2008/03/23 23:47:42	1.30
@@ -191,6 +191,8 @@
        (defmethod ,(intern uc$) ((self togl))))))
 (def-togl-callback create ()
   (trc "___________________ TOGL SET UP _________________________________________" togl-ptr )
@@ -199,8 +201,13 @@
   ;;(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :execute)
   ;;  (if (member :cello cl-user::*features*)
   ;;    (progn
-  (setf cl-ftgl:*ftgl-ogl* togl-ptr) ;; help debug failure to use lazy cells/classes  ;; to defer FTGL till Ogl ready
-  (kt-opengl:kt-opengl-reset)
+  (when (find-package "CL-FTGL")
+    (set (find-symbol "*FTGL-OGL*" "CL-FTGL") togl-ptr)) ;; help debug failure to use lazy cells/classes  ;; to defer FTGL till Ogl ready
+  (when (find-package "KT-OPENGL")
+    (funcall (symbol-function (find-symbol "KT-OPENGL-RESET" "CL-FTGL"))))
   ;;;   ^^^^^ above two needed only for cello ^^^^^^
   (setf (togl-ptr self) togl-ptr) ;; this cannot be deferred

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