[cells-cvs] CVS cells/utils-kt

ktilton ktilton at common-lisp.net
Sat Mar 15 15:18:34 UTC 2008

Update of /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/utils-kt
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv8605/utils-kt

Modified Files:
	debug.lisp detritus.lisp flow-control.lisp quad.lisp 
Log Message:
Mostly differentiating new *depender* from CAR of *call-stack* so we can clear former to get without-c-dependency behavior without clearing *call-stack*, in turn to detect cyclic calculation even if doing a without-c-dependency.

--- /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/utils-kt/debug.lisp	2008/02/16 09:34:29	1.18
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/utils-kt/debug.lisp	2008/03/15 15:18:34	1.19
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
 (defmacro count-it (&rest keys)
   (declare (ignorable keys))
   #+(or) `(progn)
-  `(when *counting*
+  `(when (car *counting*)
      (call-count-it , at keys)))
 (defun call-count-it (&rest keys)
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/utils-kt/detritus.lisp	2008/02/16 05:04:56	1.19
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/utils-kt/detritus.lisp	2008/03/15 15:18:34	1.20
@@ -188,21 +188,11 @@
                                  (char= #\; (schar trim 0)))))
         count 1)))
-(defun source-line-count (path)
-   (with-open-file (s path)
-     (loop with lines = 0
-         for c = (read-char s nil nil)
-         while c
-         when (find c '(#\newline #\return))
-         do (incf lines)
-         finally (return lines))))
 (line-count (make-pathname
              :device "c"
-             :directory `(:absolute "0Algebra" "Cells"))
-  nil 1 t)
+             :directory `(:absolute "ALGCOUNT" ))
+  nil 5 t)
 (loop for d1 in '("cl-s3" "kpax" "puri-1.5.1" "s-base64" "s-http-client" "s-http-server" "s-sysdeps" "s-utils" "s-xml")
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/utils-kt/flow-control.lisp	2008/01/29 04:29:55	1.12
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/utils-kt/flow-control.lisp	2008/03/15 15:18:34	1.13
@@ -113,6 +113,11 @@
   `(let ((,bindvar ,boundform))
       (when ,bindvar
         , at body)))
+(defmacro b-when (bindvar boundform &body body)
+  `(let ((,bindvar ,boundform))
+     (when ,bindvar
+       , at body)))
 (defmacro bif ((bindvar boundform) yup &optional nope)
   `(let ((,bindvar ,boundform))
@@ -120,11 +125,17 @@
+(defmacro b-if (bindvar boundform yup &optional nope)
+  `(let ((,bindvar ,boundform))
+     (if ,bindvar
+         ,yup
+       ,nope)))
 (defmacro maptimes ((nvar count) &body body)
   `(loop for ,nvar below ,count
        collecting (progn , at body)))
-(export! maphash* hashtable-assoc -1?1 -1?1 prime?)
+(export! maphash* hashtable-assoc -1?1 -1?1 prime? b-if b-when)
 (defun maphash* (f h)
   (loop for k being the hash-keys of h
@@ -195,7 +206,7 @@
 (defun without-repeating-generator (decent-interval all)
   (let ((len (length all))
-        (head (let ((v (copy-list all)))
+        (head (let ((v (shuffle all)))
                 (nconc v v))))
     (lambda ()
       (if (< len 2)
@@ -207,7 +218,16 @@
             (car head)
           (setf head (cdr head)))))))
-(export! without-repeating)
+(defun shuffle (list &key (test 'identity))
+  (if (cdr list)
+      (loop thereis
+            (funcall test
+              (mapcar 'cdr
+                (sort (loop for e in list collecting (cons (random most-positive-fixnum) e))
+                  '< :key 'car))))
+    (copy-list list)))
+(export! without-repeating shuffle)
 (let ((generators (make-hash-table :test 'equalp)))
   (defun reset-without-repeating ()
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/utils-kt/quad.lisp	2007/12/03 20:11:12	1.3
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/utils-kt/quad.lisp	2008/03/15 15:18:34	1.4
@@ -86,41 +86,114 @@
-(in-package :cells)
+(in-package :ukt)
 ;;;(defstruct (juad jar jbr jcr jdr)
 (defun qar (q) (car q))
+(defun (setf qar) (v q) (setf (car q) v))
 (defun qbr (q) (cadr q))
+(defun (setf qbr) (v q) (setf (cadr q) v))
 (defun qcr (q) (caddr q))
+(defun (setf qcr) (v q) (setf (caddr q) v))
 (defun qdr (q) (cdddr q))
+(defun (setf qdr) (v q) (setf (cdddr q) v))
+(defun sub-quads (q)
+  (loop for childq on (qcr q) by #'qdr
+      collecting childq))
+(defun sub-quads-do (q fn)
+  (loop for childq on (qcr q) by #'qdr
+      do (funcall fn childq)))
 (defun quad-traverse (q fn &optional (depth 0))
   (funcall fn q depth)
-  (loop for childq on (qcr q) by #'qdr
-        do (quad-traverse childq fn (1+ depth))))
+  (sub-quads-do q
+    (lambda (subq)
+      (quad-traverse subq fn (1+ depth)))))
 (defun quad (operator parent contents next)
   (list operator parent contents next))
+(defun quad* (operator parent contents next)
+  (list operator parent contents next))
 (defun qups (q)
   (loop for up = (qbr q) then (qbr up)
         unless up do (loop-finish)
         collecting up))
+(defun quad-tree (q)
+  (list* (qar q)
+    (loop for childq on (qcr q) by #'qdr
+        while childq
+          collecting (quad-tree childq))))
+(defun tree-quad (tree &optional parent)
+  (let* ((q (quad (car tree) parent nil nil))
+         (kids (loop for k in (cdr tree)
+                     collecting (tree-quad k q))))
+    (loop for (k n) on kids
+          do (setf (qdr k) n))
+    (setf (qcr q) (car kids))
+    q))
+(defun test-qt ()
+  (print (quad-tree #1='(zot nil (foo #1# ("123" "abc")
+                                . #2=(bar #1# (ding #2# "456"
+                                                dong #2# "789")))))))
+(print #1='(zot nil (foo #1# ("123" "abc")
+                          . #2=(bar #1# (ding #2# "456"
+                                          dong #2# "789")))))
+(defun test-tq ()
+  (let ((*print-circle* t)
+        (tree '(zot (foo ("123")) (bar (ding) (dong)))))
+    (assert (equal tree (quad-tree (tree-quad tree))))))
 (defun testq ()
   (let ((*print-circle* t))
-    (let ((q #1='(zot nil (foo #1# "123"
+    (let ((q #1='(zot nil (foo #1# ("123" "abc")
                             . #2=(bar #1# (ding #2# "456"
                                             dong #2# "789"))))))
+      (print '(traverse showing each type and data preceded by its depth))
       (quad-traverse q (lambda (q depth)
-                         (print (list depth (qar q))))))
+                         (print (list depth (qar q)(qcr q)))))
+      (print `(listify same ,(quad-tree q))))
     (let ((q #2='(zot nil (ding #2# "456"
                                   dong #2# "789"))))
+      (print '(traverse showing each "car" and itd parentage preceded by its depth))
+      (print '(of data (zot (ding (dong)))))
       (quad-traverse q (lambda (q depth)
                          (print (list depth (qar q)
                                   (mapcar 'qar (qups q)))))))))
+;;;(defun tree-quad (tree)
+(defun testq2 ()
+  (let ((*print-circle* t))
+    (let ((q #2='(zot nil (ding #2# "456"
+                            dong #2# "789"))))
+      (print '(traverse showing each "car" and itd parentage preceded by its depth))
+      (print '(of data (zot (ding (dong)))))
+      (quad-traverse q (lambda (q depth)
+                         (print (list depth (qar q)
+                                  (mapcar 'qar (qups q)))))))))
\ No newline at end of file
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/utils-kt/utils-kt.lpr	2007/11/30 16:51:20	1.23
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/utils-kt/utils-kt.lpr	2008/03/15 15:18:34	1.24
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-;; -*- lisp-version: "8.1 [Windows] (Sep 29, 2007 20:23)"; cg: ""; -*-
+;; -*- lisp-version: "8.1 [Windows] (Feb 1, 2008 18:35)"; cg: ""; -*-
 (in-package :cg-user)

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