[cells-cvs] CVS cells

ktilton ktilton at common-lisp.net
Mon Jun 16 12:38:04 UTC 2008

Update of /project/cells/cvsroot/cells
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv8789

Modified Files:
	cells-manifesto.txt cells.lisp defmodel.lisp family.lisp 
	fm-utilities.lisp integrity.lisp link.lisp md-slot-value.lisp 
	md-utilities.lisp model-object.lisp propagate.lisp 
	test-propagation.lisp trc-eko.lisp 
Log Message:
nothing special

--- /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/cells-manifesto.txt	2008/03/15 15:18:34	1.13
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/cells-manifesto.txt	2008/06/16 12:38:03	1.14
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@
   (make-instance 'menu-item
 	:label "Cut"
 	:enabled (c? (bwhen (f (focus *window*))
-				(and (typep focus 'text-widget)
-				    (selection-range focus)))))
+			    (and (typep f 'text-widget)
+				   (selection-range f)))))
 Translated, the enabled state of the Cut menu item follows 
 whether or not the user is focused on a text-edit widget and
@@ -102,7 +102,9 @@
 in principle impossible.
 Which brings us to Cells. See also [axiom] Phillip Eby's developing axiomatic 
-definition he is developing in support of Ryan Forseth's SoC project.
+definition he is developing in support of Ryan Forseth's SoC project. Mr. Eby was
+inspired by his involvement to develop Trellis, his own Cells work-alike library
+for Python.
 DEFMODEL and Slot types
@@ -351,6 +353,9 @@
+Flow-based programming, developed by J. Paul Morrison at IBM, 1971.
+  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flow-based_programming
 Sutherland, I. Sketchpad: A Man Machine Graphical Communication System. PhD thesis, MIT, 1963.
 Steele himself cites Sketchpad as inexplicably unappreciated prior
 art to his Constraints system:
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/cells.lisp	2008/04/23 03:20:09	1.28
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/cells.lisp	2008/06/16 12:38:03	1.29
@@ -150,30 +150,31 @@
                  (break "~&i say, unhandled <c-enabling>: ~s" condition))))
 (define-condition c-fatal (xcell)
-   ((name :initarg :name :reader name)
-    (model :initarg :model :reader model)
-    (cell :initarg :cell :reader cell))
+   ((name :initform :anon :initarg :name :reader name)
+    (model :initform nil :initarg :model :reader model)
+    (cell :initform nil :initarg :cell :reader cell))
    (:report (lambda (condition stream)
               (format stream "~&fatal cell programming error: ~s" condition)
               (format stream "~&  : ~s" (name condition))
               (format stream "~&  : ~s" (model condition))
               (format stream "~&  : ~s" (cell condition)))))
-(define-condition c-unadopted (c-fatal)
-   ()
+(define-condition asker-midst-askers (c-fatal)
+  ())
+;; "see listener for cell rule cycle diagnotics"
+(define-condition c-unadopted (c-fatal) ()
     (lambda (condition stream)
       (format stream "~&unadopted cell >: ~s" (cell condition))
       (format stream "~& >: often you mis-edit (c? (c? ...)) nesting is error"))))
 (defun c-break (&rest args)
   (unless *stop*
     (let ((*print-level* 5)
           (*print-circle* t)
           (args2 (mapcar 'princ-to-string args)))
-      (c-stop args)
-      (format t "~&c-break > stopping > ~{~a ~}" args2)
-      (print `(c-break-args , at args2))
+      (c-stop :c-break)
+      ;(format t "~&c-break > stopping > ~{~a ~}" args2)
       (apply 'error args2))))
\ No newline at end of file
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/defmodel.lisp	2008/05/21 10:46:52	1.21
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/defmodel.lisp	2008/06/16 12:38:03	1.22
@@ -185,6 +185,8 @@
                            (list* `(:default-initargs , at definitargs)
                              (nreverse class-options)))))))))
   (defclass md-test-super ()())
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/family.lisp	2008/04/23 03:20:09	1.28
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/family.lisp	2008/06/16 12:38:04	1.29
@@ -26,9 +26,13 @@
   ((.md-name :cell nil :initform nil :initarg :md-name :accessor md-name)
    (.fm-parent :cell nil :initform nil :initarg :fm-parent :accessor fm-parent)
    (.value :initform nil :accessor value :initarg :value)
+   (register? :cell nil :initform nil :initarg :register? :reader register?)
    (zdbg :initform nil :accessor dbg :initarg :dbg))
+(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((self model) &key)
+  (when (register? self)
+    (fm-register self)))
 (defmethod print-cell-object ((md model))
   (or (md-name md) :md?))
@@ -92,7 +96,14 @@
    (.kids :initform (c-in nil) ;; most useful
      :owning t
      :accessor kids
-     :initarg :kids)))
+     :initarg :kids)
+   (registry? :cell nil
+     :initform nil
+     :initarg :registry?
+     :accessor registry?)
+   (registry :cell nil
+     :initform nil
+     :accessor registry)))
 (let ((c (find-class 'family)))
@@ -143,14 +154,11 @@
       `(let ((,kid ,self))
           (find-prior ,kid (kids (fm-parent ,kid))))))
-(defun md-be-adopted (self &aux (fm-parent (fm-parent self)) (selftype (type-of self)))
+(defun md-be-adopted (self &aux (fm-parent (fm-parent self)) (selftype (type-of self))) 
   (c-assert self)
   (c-assert fm-parent)
   (c-assert (typep fm-parent 'family))
   (trc nil "md be adopted >" :kid self (adopt-ct self) :by fm-parent)
   (when (plusp (adopt-ct self))
@@ -209,5 +217,45 @@
      (declare (ignorable self))
      (list , at slot-defs)))
+; --- registry "namespacing" ---
+(defmethod registry? (other) (declare (ignore other)) nil)
+(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((self family) &key)
+  (when (registry? self)
+    (setf (registry self) (make-hash-table :test 'eq))))
+(defmethod fm-register (self &optional (guest self))
+  (assert self)
+  (if (registry? self)
+      (progn
+        (trc "fm-registering" (md-name guest) :with self)
+        (setf (gethash (md-name guest) (registry self)) guest))
+    (fm-register (fm-parent self) guest)))
+(defmethod fm-check-out (self &optional (guest self))
+  (assert self () "oops ~a ~a ~a" self (fm-parent self) (slot-value self '.fm-parent))
+  (if (registry? self)
+      (remhash (md-name guest) (registry self))
+    (bif (p (fm-parent self))
+      (fm-check-out p guest)
+      (break "oops ~a ~a ~a" self (fm-parent self) (slot-value self '.fm-parent)))))
+(defmethod fm-find-registered (id self &optional (must-find? self  must-find?-supplied?))
+  (or (if (registry? self)
+          (gethash id (registry self))
+        (bwhen (p (fm-parent self))
+          (fm-find-registered id p must-find?)))
+    (when (and must-find? (not must-find?-supplied?))
+      (break "fm-find-registered failed seeking ~a starting search at node ~a" id self))))
+(export! rg? rg!)
+(defmacro rg? (id)
+  `(fm-find-registered ,id self nil))
+(defmacro rg! (id)
+  `(fm-find-registered ,id self))
\ No newline at end of file
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/fm-utilities.lisp	2008/05/24 19:24:05	1.20
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/fm-utilities.lisp	2008/06/16 12:38:04	1.21
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 See the Lisp Lesser GNU Public License for more details.
-$Header: /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/fm-utilities.lisp,v 1.20 2008/05/24 19:24:05 fgoenninger Exp $
+$Header: /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/fm-utilities.lisp,v 1.21 2008/06/16 12:38:04 ktilton Exp $
 (in-package :cells)
@@ -702,7 +702,6 @@
                      :global-search global-search))))
       (when (and must-find (null match))
         (trc "fm-find-one > erroring fm-not-found, in family: " family :seeking md-name :global? global-search)
-        ;;(inspect family)
         (setq diag t must-find nil)
         (fm-traverse family #'matcher
                      :skip-tree skip-tree
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/integrity.lisp	2008/04/23 03:20:09	1.22
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/integrity.lisp	2008/06/16 12:38:04	1.23
@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@
                (trc nil "initiating new UFB!!!!!!!!!!!!" opcode defer-info)
+               (when *c-debug* (assert (boundp '*istack*)))
                (when (or (zerop *data-pulse-id*)
                        (eq opcode :change))
                  (eko (nil "!!! New pulse, event" *data-pulse-id* defer-info)
@@ -77,15 +78,17 @@
           (let ((*istack* (list (list opcode defer-info)
                             (list :trigger code)
                             (list :start-dp *data-pulse-id*))))
+            (trc "*istack* bound")
-              (t (c)
+              (xcell (c)
                 (if (functionp *c-debug*)
                     (funcall *c-debug* c (nreverse *istack*))
                   (loop for f in (nreverse *istack*)
                       do (format t "~&istk> ~(~a~) " f)
                       finally (describe c)
-                         (break "integ backtrace: see listener for deets"))))))
+                         (break "integ backtrace: see listener for deets")))))
+            (trc "*istack* unbinding"))
 (defun ufb-queue (opcode)
@@ -163,7 +166,7 @@
     ; dependent reverses the arrow and puts the burden on the prosecution to prove nested tells are a problem.
     (bwhen (uqp (fifo-peek (ufb-queue :tell-dependents)))
-      #+x42 (trc "retelling dependenst, one new one being" uqp)
+      #+xxx (trc "retelling dependenst, one new one being" uqp)
       (go tell-dependents))
     ;--- process client queue ------------------------------
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/link.lisp	2008/03/15 15:18:34	1.26
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/link.lisp	2008/06/16 12:38:04	1.27
@@ -58,8 +58,7 @@
 (defun c-unlink-unused (c &aux (usage (cd-usage c))
                          (usage-size (array-dimension (cd-usage c) 0))
-                         (dbg nil)) ;; #+not (and (typep (c-model c) 'mathx::mx-solver-stack)
-                                ;;(eq (c-slot-name c) '.kids))))
+                         (dbg nil))
   (declare (ignorable dbg usage-size))
   (when (cd-useds c)
     (let (rev-pos)
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/md-slot-value.lisp	2008/04/22 10:11:50	1.46
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/md-slot-value.lisp	2008/06/16 12:38:04	1.47
@@ -23,9 +23,11 @@
 (defun md-slot-value (self slot-name &aux (c (md-slot-cell self slot-name)))
   (when (and (not *not-to-be*)
           (mdead self))
-    (trc "md-slot-value passed dead self, returning NIL" self slot-name c)
-    #-sbcl (inspect self)
-    (break "see inspector for dead ~a" self)
+    (unless *stop*
+      (setf *stop* t)
+      (trc "md-slot-value passed dead self, returning NIL" self slot-name c)
+      #-sbcl (inspect self)
+      (break "see inspector for dead ~a" self))
     (return-from md-slot-value nil))
@@ -47,7 +49,7 @@
   ;; (count-it :md-slot-value slot-name)
   (if c
       (cell-read c)
-    (values (bd-slot-value self slot-name) nil)))
+    (values (slot-value self slot-name) nil)))
 (defun cell-read (c)
   (assert (typep c 'cell))
@@ -61,12 +63,6 @@
   (when (mdead s)
     (break "model ~a is dead at ~a" s key)))
-;;;(defmethod trcp ((c cell))
-;;;  (and *dbg*
-;;;    (case (c-slot-name c)
-;;;      (mathx::show-time t)
-;;;      (ctk::app-time t))))
 (defvar *trc-ensure* nil)
 (defmethod ensure-value-is-current (c debug-id ensurer)
@@ -145,6 +141,7 @@
 (defun calculate-and-set (c)
   (flet ((body ()
            (when (c-stopped)
@@ -154,19 +151,18 @@
            (bwhen (x (find c *call-stack*)) ;; circularity
              (unless nil ;; *stop*
-               (let ((stack (copy-list *call-stack*)))
-                 (trc "calculating cell ~a appears in call stack: ~a" c x stack )))
-             (setf *stop* t)
-             (c-break "yep" c)
-             (loop with caller-reiterated
-                 for caller in *call-stack*
-                 until caller-reiterated
-                 do (trc "caller:" caller)
-                   ;; not necessary (pprint (cr-code c))
-                   (setf caller-reiterated (eq caller c)))
+               (let ()
+                 (inspect c)
+                 (trc "calculating cell:" c (cr-code c))
+                 (trc "appears-in-call-stack (newest first): " (length *call-stack*))
+                 (loop for caller in (copy-list *call-stack*)
+                     for n below (length *call-stack*)
+                     do (trc "caller> " caller #+shhh (cr-code caller))
+                       when (eq caller c) do (loop-finish))))
+             (setf *stop* t)  
              (c-break ;; break is problem when testing cells on some CLs
               "cell ~a midst askers (see above)" c)
-             (error "see listener for cell rule cycle diagnotics"))
+             (error 'asker-midst-askers :cell c))
            (multiple-value-bind (raw-value propagation-code)
                (calculate-and-link c)
@@ -197,6 +193,20 @@
         (funcall (cr-rule c) c)
       (c-unlink-unused c))))
+(defun calculate-and-set (c)
+  (multiple-value-bind (raw-value propagation-code)
+      (let ((*call-stack* (cons c *call-stack*))
+            (*depender* c)
+            (*defer-changes* t))
+        (cd-usage-clear-all c)
+        (multiple-value-prog1
+            (funcall (cr-rule c) c)
+          (c-unlink-unused c)))
+    (unless (c-optimized-away-p c)
+      (md-slot-value-assume c raw-value propagation-code))))
 (defun md-slot-makunbound (self slot-name
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/md-utilities.lisp	2008/04/23 03:20:09	1.22
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/md-utilities.lisp	2008/06/16 12:38:04	1.23
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
   (:method ((self model-object))
     (md-quiesce self))
   (:method :before ((self model-object))
     (loop for slot-name in (md-owning-slots self)
         do (not-to-be (slot-value self slot-name))))
@@ -62,8 +62,7 @@
   (:method :around ((self model-object))
     (declare (ignorable self))
     (let ((*not-to-be* t)
-          (dbg nil #+not (or (eq (md-name self) :eclm-owner)
-                 (typep self '(or mathx::eclm-2008 clo:ix-form mathx::a1-panel mathx::edit-caret ctk:window)))))
+          (dbg nil))
       (flet ((gok ()
                (unless (eq (md-state self) :eternal-rest)
@@ -85,13 +84,15 @@
                                                   (mapcar 'type-of (slot-value self '.kids))))
             (when dbg (trc "finished nailing" self))))))))
 (defun md-quiesce (self)
   (trc nil "md-quiesce nailing cells" self (type-of self))
   (md-map-cells self nil (lambda (c)
                            (trc nil "quiescing" c)
                            (c-assert (not (find c *call-stack*)))
-                           (c-quiesce c))))
+                           (c-quiesce c)))
+  (when (register? self)
+    (fm-check-out self)))
 (defun c-quiesce (c)
   (typecase c
@@ -112,3 +113,78 @@
      , at initargs
      :fm-parent (progn (assert self) self)))
+(export! self-owned self-owned?)
+(defun (setf self-owned) (new-value self thing)
+  (if (consp thing)
+      (loop for e in thing do
+            (setf (self-owned self e) new-value))
+    (if new-value
+        (progn
+          (assert (not (find thing (z-owned self))))
+          (push thing (z-owned self)))
+      (progn
+        (assert (find thing (z-owned self)))
+        (setf (z-owned self)(delete thing (z-owned self)))))))
+(defun self-owned? (self thing)
+  (find thing (z-owned self)))
+(defvar *c-d-d*)
+(defvar *max-d-d*)
+(defun count-model (self)
+  (setf *c-d-d* (make-hash-table :test 'eq) *max-d-d* 0)
+  (with-metrics (t nil "cells statistics for" self)
+    (labels ((cc (self)
+               (count-it :thing)
+               (count-it :thing (type-of self))
+               ;(count-it :thing-type (type-of self))
+               (loop for (id . c) in (cells self)
+                   do (count-it :live-cell)
+                     ;(count-it :live-cell id)
+                     (typecase c
+                       (c-dependent
+                        (count-it :dependent-cell)
+                        (loop repeat (length (c-useds c))
+                            do (count-it :cell-useds)
+                              (count-it :dep-depth (c-depend-depth c))))
+                       (otherwise (if (c-inputp c)
+                                      (count-it :c-input id)
+                                    (count-it :c-unknow))))
+                     (loop repeat (length (c-callers c))
+                         do (count-it :cell-callers)))
+               (loop repeat (length (cells-flushed self))
+                   do (count-it :flushed-cell #+toomuchinfo id))
+               (loop for slot in (md-owning-slots self) do
+                     (loop for k in (let ((sv (SLOT-VALUE self slot)))
+                                      (if (listp sv) sv (list sv)))
+                         do (cc k)))))
+      (cc self))))
+(defun c-depend-depth (ctop)
+  (if (null (c-useds ctop))
+      0
+    (or (gethash ctop *c-d-d*)
+      (labels ((cdd (c &optional (depth 1) chain)
+                 (when (and (not (c-useds c))
+                         (> depth *max-d-d*))
+                   (setf *max-d-d* depth)
+                   (trc "new dd champ from user"  depth :down-to c)
+                   (when (= depth 41)
+                     (trc "end at" (c-slot-name c) :of (type-of (c-model c)))
+                     (loop for c in chain do
+                           (trc "called by" (c-slot-name c) :of (type-of (c-model c))))))
+                 (setf (gethash c *c-d-d*)
+                   ;(break "c-depend-depth ~a" c)
+                   (progn
+                     ;(trc "dd" c)
+                     (1+ (loop for u in (c-useds c)
+                             maximizing (cdd u (1+ depth) (cons c chain))))))))
+        (cdd ctop)))))
\ No newline at end of file
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/model-object.lisp	2008/04/23 03:20:09	1.21
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/model-object.lisp	2008/06/16 12:38:04	1.22
@@ -21,15 +21,17 @@
 ;;; --- model-object ----------------------
 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
-    (export '(md-name fm-parent .parent)))
+  (export '(md-name fm-parent .parent z-owned)))
 (defclass model-object ()
   ((.md-state :initform :nascent :accessor md-state) ; [nil | :nascent | :alive | :doomed]
-   (.awaken-on-init-p :initform nil :initarg :awaken-on-init-p :accessor awaken-on-init-p) ; [nil | :nascent | :alive | :doomed]
+   (.awaken-on-init-p :initform nil :initarg :awaken-on-init-p :accessor awaken-on-init-p)
    (.cells :initform nil :accessor cells)
    (.cells-flushed :initform nil :accessor cells-flushed
                    :documentation "cells supplied but un-whenned or optimized-away")
-   (adopt-ct :initform 0 :accessor adopt-ct)))
+   (adopt-ct :initform 0 :accessor adopt-ct)
+   (z-owned :initform nil :accessor z-owned ;; experimental, not yet operative
+     :documentation "Things such as kids to be taken down when self is taken down")))
 (defmethod md-state ((self symbol))
@@ -202,7 +204,8 @@
       (dolist (super (class-precedence-list (find-class class-name))
                 (setf (md-slot-cell-type class-name slot-name) nil))
         (bwhen (entry (assoc slot-name (get (c-class-name super) :cell-types)))
-          (return-from md-slot-cell-type (setf (md-slot-cell-type class-name slot-name) (cdr entry))))))))
+          (return-from md-slot-cell-type
+            (setf (md-slot-cell-type class-name slot-name) (cdr entry))))))))
 (defun (setf md-slot-cell-type) (new-type class-name slot-name)
   (assert class-name)
@@ -216,12 +219,6 @@
                 do (setf (md-slot-cell-type (class-name c) slot-name) new-type)))
         (cdar (push (cons slot-name new-type) (get class-name :cell-types)))))))
-(md-slot-owning? 'mathx::prb-solver '.kids)
-(cdr (assoc '.value (get 'm-index :indirect-ownings)))
 (md-slot-owning? 'm-index '.value)
@@ -289,6 +286,10 @@
 (defun (setf md-slot-cell) (new-cell self slot-name)
   (if self ;; not on def-c-variables
       (bif (entry (assoc slot-name (cells self)))
+        ; this next branch guessed it would only occur during kid-slotting,
+        ; before any dependency-ing could have happened, but a math-editor
+        ; is silently switching between implied-multiplication and mixed numbers
+        ; while they type and it 
         (let ((old (cdr entry))) ;; s/b being supplanted by kid-slotter
           (declare (ignorable old))
           (c-assert (null (c-callers old)))
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/propagate.lisp	2008/04/23 03:20:09	1.36
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/propagate.lisp	2008/06/16 12:38:04	1.37
@@ -58,12 +58,8 @@
   (setf (c-pulse c) *data-pulse-id*))
 ;--------------- propagate  ----------------------------
 ; n.b. the cell argument may have been optimized away,
 ; though it is still receiving final processing here.
 (defparameter *per-cell-handler* nil)
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/test-propagation.lisp	2008/02/02 00:09:28	1.2
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/test-propagation.lisp	2008/06/16 12:38:04	1.3
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 (defun tcprop ()
-  (test-prep)
+  (ukt:test-prep)
   (LET ((box (make-instance 'tcp)))
     (trc "changing top to 10" *data-pulse-id*)
     (setf (top box) 10)
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/trc-eko.lisp	2008/03/15 15:18:34	1.10
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/trc-eko.lisp	2008/06/16 12:38:04	1.11
@@ -19,13 +19,12 @@
 (in-package :cells)
 ;----------- trc -------------------------------------------
+(defparameter *last-trc* (get-internal-real-time))
 (defparameter *trcdepth* 0)
 (defun trcdepth-reset ()
   (setf *trcdepth* 0))
 (defmacro trc (tgt-form &rest os)
   (if (eql tgt-form 'nil)
@@ -45,8 +44,23 @@
                 (count-it :trcfailed)))
             (count-it :tgtnileval)))))))
-(export! brk brkx .bgo)
+(defun call-trc (stream s &rest os)
+  ;(break)
+  (if #+cormanlisp nil #-cormanlisp (and (boundp '*trcdepth*)
+                                      *trcdepth*)
+    (format stream "~&~v,,,'.<~d~>> " (mod *trcdepth* 100) *trcdepth*)
+    (format stream "~&"))
+  ;;(format stream " ~a " (round (- (get-internal-real-time) *last-trc*) 10))
+  (setf *last-trc* (get-internal-real-time))
+  (format stream "~a" s)
+  (let (pkwp)
+    (dolist (o os)
+      (format stream (if pkwp " ~(~s~)" " ~(~s~)") o) ;; save, used to insert divider, trcx dont like
+      (setf pkwp (keywordp o))))
+  (force-output stream)
+  (values))
+(export! brk brkx .bgo)
 (define-symbol-macro .bgo (break "go"))
@@ -68,23 +82,8 @@
                    nconcing (list (intern (format nil "~a" obj) :keyword) obj))))))
-(defparameter *last-trc* (get-internal-real-time))
-(defun call-trc (stream s &rest os)
-  ;(break)
-  (if #+cormanlisp nil #-cormanlisp (and (boundp '*trcdepth*)
-                                      *trcdepth*)
-    (format stream "~&~v,,,'.<~d~>> " (mod *trcdepth* 100) *trcdepth*)
-    (format stream "~&"))
-  ;;(format stream " ~a " (round (- (get-internal-real-time) *last-trc*) 10))
-  (setf *last-trc* (get-internal-real-time))
-  (format stream "~a" s)
-  (let (pkwp)
-    (dolist (o os)
-      (format stream (if pkwp " ~(~s~)" " ~(~s~)") o) ;; save, used to insert divider, trcx dont like
-      (setf pkwp (keywordp o))))
-  (force-output stream)
-  (values))
 (defun call-trc-to-string (fmt$ &rest fmt-args)
     (let ((o$ (make-array '(0) :element-type 'base-char

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