[cells-cvs] CVS cells-gtk

ktilton ktilton at common-lisp.net
Wed Jan 30 21:13:44 UTC 2008

Update of /project/cells/cvsroot/cells-gtk
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv5749

Modified Files:
	dialogs.lisp gtk-app.lisp menus.lisp tree-view.lisp 
Log Message:
fixed submenus

--- /project/cells/cvsroot/cells-gtk/dialogs.lisp	2008/01/30 14:21:01	1.2
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/cells-gtk/dialogs.lisp	2008/01/30 21:13:44	1.3
@@ -23,27 +23,27 @@
   ((message :accessor message :initarg :message :initform nil)
    (message-type :accessor message-type :initarg :message-type :initform :info)
    (buttons-type :accessor buttons-type :initarg :buttons-type :initform (c? (if (eql (message-type self) :question)
-										 :yes-no
-										 :close)))
+                                                                                 :yes-no
+                                                                               :close)))
    (content-area :owning t :accessor content-area :initarg :content-area :initform nil))
   :position :mouse
   :new-args (c_1 (list +c-null+
-		      2
-		      (ecase (message-type self)
-			(:info 0)
-			(:warning 1)
-			(:question 2)
-			(:error 3))
-		      (ecase (buttons-type self)
-			(:none 0)
-			(:ok 1)
-			(:close 2)
-			(:cancel 3)
-			(:yes-no 4)
-			(:ok-cancel 5))
-		      (message self))))
+                   2
+                   (ecase (message-type self)
+                     (:info 0)
+                     (:warning 1)
+                     (:question 2)
+                     (:error 3))
+                   (ecase (buttons-type self)
+                     (:none 0)
+                     (:ok 1)
+                     (:close 2)
+                     (:cancel 3)
+                     (:yes-no 4)
+                     (:ok-cancel 5))
+                   (message self))))
 (defmethod md-awaken :after ((self message-dialog))
   (print 'md-awaken-after)
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
 	    (-7 :close)
 	    (-8 :yes)
 	    (-9 :no))))
   (with-slots (content-area) self
     (when content-area 
       (setf (value self) (value content-area))
@@ -146,6 +147,8 @@
       (if (select-multiple self)
 	  (setf (value self) (gtk-file-chooser-get-filenames-strs (id self)))
 	  (setf (value self) (gtk-file-chooser-get-filename (id self)))))
+    (trc "destroying file-chooser-dialog" (id self) self)
+    (break "ok?")
     (gtk-widget-destroy (id self))
     (gtk-object-forget (id self) self)))
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/cells-gtk/gtk-app.lisp	2008/01/28 23:59:22	1.1
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/cells-gtk/gtk-app.lisp	2008/01/30 21:13:44	1.2
@@ -83,39 +83,47 @@
             (to-be splash)
             (setf (visible splash) t)
             (loop while (gtk-events-pending) do
-                 (gtk-main-iteration)))
+                  (gtk-main-iteration)))
           (to-be app)
           (when splash
             (not-to-be splash)
             (gtk-window-set-auto-startup-notification t))
           (setf (visible app) t)
           (when *gtk-debug* (trc nil "STARTING GTK-MAIN") (force-output))
-	  (unwind-protect
-	     (loop 
-	      (restart-case
-	       (handler-bind 
-		((gtk-user-signals-quit #'give-up-cleanly)
-		 (gtk-continuable-error #'continue-from-error)
-		 (error #'report-error-and-give-up))
-		#-lispworks
-		(gtk-main)
-		#+lispworks ; give slime a chance.
-		(loop ; just running your app in a process is not enough.
-		 (loop while (gtk-events-pending) do 
-		       (gtk-main-iteration-do nil))
-		 (process-wait-with-timeout .01 "GTK event loop waiting")))
-	       ;; Restart cases
-	       (continue-from-error (c)
-		  (show-message (format nil "Cells-GTK Error: ~a" (text c))
-				:message-type :error :title "Cells-GTK Error"))
-	       (give-up-cleanly () (return-from start-app))
-	       (report-error-and-give-up (c) (error c))))
-	    ;; clean-up forms (takes down application).
-	    (not-to-be app) ; while (> (gtk-main-level) 0) do (gtk-main-quit) NG. Why?
-	    (loop for i from 0 to 30 do (gtk-main-quit))
-	    (loop while (gtk-events-pending) do (gtk-main-iteration-do nil)))))))
+          (unwind-protect
+              (gtk-main)
+            #+chill
+              (loop 
+                (restart-case
+                    (handler-bind 
+                        ((gtk-user-signals-quit #'give-up-cleanly)
+                         (gtk-continuable-error #'continue-from-error)
+                         (error #'report-error-and-give-up))
+                      #-lispworks
+                      (gtk-main)
+                      #+lispworks ; give slime a chance.
+                      (loop ; just running your app in a process is not enough.
+                        (loop while (gtk-events-pending) do 
+                              (gtk-main-iteration-do nil))
+                        (process-wait-with-timeout .01 "GTK event loop waiting")))
+                  ;; Restart cases
+                  (continue-from-error (c)
+                    (format t "~&Cells-GTK Error: ~a" (text c))
+                    (show-message (format nil "Cells-GTK Error: ~a" (text c))
+                      :message-type :error :title "Cells-GTK Error"))
+                  (give-up-cleanly () (return-from start-app))
+                  (report-error-and-give-up (c) (error c))))
+            ;; clean-up forms (takes down application).
+            (trcx not-to-be-app 42)
+            (not-to-be app) ; while (> (gtk-main-level) 0) do (gtk-main-quit) NG. Why?
+            (trcx gtk-main-quits 42)
+            (loop for i from 0 to 30 do (gtk-main-quit))
+            (trcx mopping-events 42)
+            (loop while (gtk-events-pending) do
+                  (trcx gtk-main-iter-do 42)
+                  (gtk-main-iteration-do nil)))))))
 ;;; Restarts
 (defun continue-from-error (c)
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/cells-gtk/menus.lisp	2008/01/28 23:59:22	1.1
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/cells-gtk/menus.lisp	2008/01/30 21:13:44	1.2
@@ -184,11 +184,7 @@
   () () ()
   :padding 0)
-(defobserver .kids ((self menu-shell))  
-  (when new-value
-    (dolist (kid new-value)
-      (gtk-menu-shell-append (id self) (id kid))))
-  #+clisp (call-next-method))
 (def-widget menu-bar (menu-shell)
   () () ())
@@ -207,10 +203,35 @@
                        (mk-accel-label :text (label self))))))
    (accel :accessor accel :initarg :accel :initform (c-in nil))
    (owner :initarg :owner :accessor owner :initform (c-in nil))
-   (submenu :cell nil :accessor submenu :initform nil)) ; gtk-menu-item-get-submenu not doing it. POD
+   (submenu :initarg :submenu :cell nil :accessor submenu :initform nil) ; gtk-menu-item-get-submenu not doing it. POD
+   (appended? :initarg :appended? :cell nil :accessor appended? :initform nil))
+(defobserver .kids ((self menu-shell))  
+  (when new-value
+    (dolist (kid new-value)
+      (if (appended? kid)
+          (break "ducking duplicate append of kid ~a to (~a ~a) already in ~a" kid  (id self) self  (appended? kid))
+        (progn
+          (trc nil "mshell" (id self) self :kid kid :kidid (id kid) :kidpar (fm-parent kid))
+          (gtk-menu-shell-append (id self) (id kid))
+          (setf (appended? kid) (cons (id self) self))))))
+  #+clisp (call-next-method))
+(defobserver .kids ((self menu-item))
+  (when old-value ; pod never occurs ?
+    (gtk-menu-item-remove-submenu (id self)))
+  (when new-value
+    (with-integrity (:change 'set-sub-menu-actually)
+      (unless (submenu self)
+        (let ((subid (id (setf (submenu self) 
+                           (make-instance 'menu
+                             :md-name (gensym "SUBMENU-MENU")
+                             :kids new-value))))) ;; <=== was mak
+          (gtk-menu-item-set-submenu (id self) subid))))))
 (defun accel-key-mods (accel)
   (destructuring-bind (key &rest mods-lst) accel
     (let ((mods 0))
@@ -237,13 +258,10 @@
     (gtk-accel-label-set-accel-widget (id new-value) (id self))
     (gtk-container-add (id self) (id new-value))))
-(defobserver .kids ((self menu-item))
-  (when old-value ; pod never occurs ?
-    (gtk-menu-item-remove-submenu (id self)))
-  (when new-value
-    (with-integrity (:change 'set-sub-menu-actually)
-      (gtk-menu-item-set-submenu (id self)
-        (id (setf (submenu self) (make-be 'menu :kids new-value)))))))
+;;;if the make-be is a make-instance we do not crash, but we get an empty submenu (or
+;;;is it just disabled?).
 (def-widget check-menu-item (menu-item)
   ((init :accessor init :initarg :init :initform nil))
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/cells-gtk/tree-view.lisp	2008/01/28 23:59:24	1.1
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/cells-gtk/tree-view.lisp	2008/01/30 21:13:44	1.2
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
   :new-args (c_1 (list (item-types self))))
-(defun fail (&rest args) (declare (ignore args)))
+(defun tv-fail (&rest args) (declare (ignore args)))
 (def-widget tree-view ()
   ((columns-def :accessor columns-def :initarg :columns :initform nil)
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
                                       :container self
                            (column-inits self))))
-   (select-if :unchanged-if #'fail
+   (select-if :unchanged-if #'tv-fail
      :accessor select-if :initarg :select-if :initform (c-in nil))
    (roots :accessor roots :initarg :roots :initform nil)
    (print-fn :accessor print-fn :initarg :print-fn :initform #'identity)
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/cells-gtk/widgets.lisp	2008/01/30 14:21:01	1.2
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/cells-gtk/widgets.lisp	2008/01/30 21:13:44	1.3
@@ -310,7 +310,8 @@
 (defmethod not-to-be :after ((self widget))
   (when t ; *gtk-debug*
-    (trc  "WIDGET DESTROY" (md-name self) self) (force-output))
+    (trc nil "WIDGET DESTROY" (md-name self) (type-of self) self)
+    (force-output))
   (gtk-object-forget (slot-value self 'id) self)
   (gtk-widget-destroy (slot-value self 'id)))

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