[cells-cvs] CVS cells

ktilton ktilton at common-lisp.net
Sat Feb 2 00:09:28 UTC 2008

Update of /project/cells/cvsroot/cells
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv19896

Modified Files:
	cells.lisp cells.lpr initialize.lisp model-object.lisp 
	propagate.lisp test-propagation.lisp 
Log Message:
make cell (if any) sixth param to slot-value-observe

--- /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/cells.lisp	2008/01/29 04:29:52	1.23
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/cells.lisp	2008/02/02 00:09:28	1.24
@@ -103,14 +103,14 @@
 (define-condition unbound-cell (unbound-slot)
   ((cell :initarg :cell :reader cell :initform nil)))
-(defgeneric slot-value-observe (slotname self new old old-boundp)
+(defgeneric slot-value-observe (slotname self new old old-boundp cell)
   #-(or cormanlisp)
   (:method-combination progn))
 (defmethod slot-value-observe #-(or cormanlisp) progn
-  (slot-name self new old old-boundp)
-  (declare (ignorable slot-name self new old old-boundp)))
+  (slot-name self new old old-boundp cell)
+  (declare (ignorable slot-name self new old old-boundp cell)))
 ; -------- cell conditions (not much used) ---------------------------------------------
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/cells.lpr	2008/02/01 03:18:35	1.29
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/cells.lpr	2008/02/02 00:09:28	1.30
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-;; -*- lisp-version: "8.1 [Windows] (Jan 2, 2008 9:44)"; cg: ""; -*-
+;; -*- lisp-version: "8.1 [Windows] (Feb 1, 2008 18:35)"; cg: ""; -*-
 (in-package :cg-user)
@@ -23,7 +23,8 @@
                  (make-instance 'module :name "md-utilities.lisp")
                  (make-instance 'module :name "family.lisp")
                  (make-instance 'module :name "fm-utilities.lisp")
-                 (make-instance 'module :name "family-values.lisp"))
+                 (make-instance 'module :name "family-values.lisp")
+                 (make-instance 'module :name "test-propagation.lisp"))
   :projects (list (make-instance 'project-module :name
   :libraries nil
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/initialize.lisp	2008/01/31 03:30:17	1.9
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/initialize.lisp	2008/02/02 00:09:28	1.10
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
   (trc nil "awaken cell observing" c)
   (when (> *data-pulse-id* (c-pulse-observed c))
     (setf (c-pulse-observed c) *data-pulse-id*)
-    (slot-value-observe (c-slot-name c) (c-model c) (c-value c) nil nil)
+    (slot-value-observe (c-slot-name c) (c-model c) (c-value c) nil nil c)
     (ephemeral-reset c)))
 (defmethod awaken-cell ((c c-ruled))
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/model-object.lisp	2008/01/31 03:30:17	1.18
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/model-object.lisp	2008/02/02 00:09:28	1.19
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@
                     (> *data-pulse-id* (c-pulse-observed flushed))) ;; unfrickinlikely
               (when flushed
                 (setf (c-pulse-observed flushed) *data-pulse-id*)) ;; probably unnecessary
-              (slot-value-observe slot-name self (bd-slot-value self slot-name) nil nil))))
+              (slot-value-observe slot-name self (bd-slot-value self slot-name) nil nil flushed))))
          ((find (c-lazy c) '(:until-asked :always t))
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/propagate.lisp	2008/02/01 20:41:54	1.32
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/propagate.lisp	2008/02/02 00:09:28	1.33
@@ -36,11 +36,11 @@
 ; --- data pulse (change ID) management -------------------------------------
-(defparameter *client-is-propagating* nil)
+(defparameter *one-pulse?* nil)
 (defun data-pulse-next (pulse-info)
   (declare (ignorable pulse-info))
-  (unless *client-is-propagating*
+  (unless *one-pulse?*
     (trc nil "data-pulse-next > " (1+ *data-pulse-id*) pulse-info)
     (incf *data-pulse-id*)))
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
 (defparameter *per-cell-handler* nil)
 (defun c-propagate (c prior-value prior-value-supplied)
-  (when *client-is-propagating*
+  (when *one-pulse?*
     (when *per-cell-handler*
       (funcall *per-cell-handler* c prior-value prior-value-supplied)
       (return-from c-propagate)))
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@
     (when t ; breaks algebra (> *data-pulse-id* (c-pulse-observed c))
       (setf (c-pulse-observed c) *data-pulse-id*)
       (slot-value-observe (c-slot-name c) (c-model c)
-        (c-value c) prior-value prior-value-supplied))
+        (c-value c) prior-value prior-value-supplied c))
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@
 (defmacro defobserver (slotname &rest args &aux (aroundp (eq :around (first args))))
   (when aroundp (setf args (cdr args)))
   (destructuring-bind ((&optional (self-arg 'self) (new-varg 'new-value)
-                         (oldvarg 'old-value) (oldvargboundp 'old-value-boundp))
+                         (oldvarg 'old-value) (oldvargboundp 'old-value-boundp) (cell-arg 'c))
                        &body output-body) args
        (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
@@ -161,24 +161,24 @@
             (let ((temp1 (gensym))
                   (loc-self (gensym)))
               `(defmethod slot-value-observe #-(or cormanlisp) ,(if aroundp :around 'progn)
-                 ((slotname (eql ',slotname)) ,self-arg ,new-varg ,oldvarg ,oldvargboundp)
+                 ((slotname (eql ',slotname)) ,self-arg ,new-varg ,oldvarg ,oldvargboundp ,cell-arg)
                  (let ((,temp1 (bump-output-count ,slotname))
                        (,loc-self ,(if (listp self-arg)
                                        (car self-arg)
                    (when (and ,oldvargboundp ,oldvarg)
-                     (format t "~&output ~d (~a ~a) old: ~a" ,temp1 ',slotname ,loc-self ,oldvarg))
-                   (format t "~&output ~d (~a ~a) new: ~a" ,temp1 ',slotname ,loc-self ,new-varg))))
+                     (format t "~&output ~d (~a ~a) old: ~a" ,temp1 ',slotname ,loc-self ,oldvarg ,cell-arg))
+                   (format t "~&output ~d (~a ~a) new: ~a" ,temp1 ',slotname ,loc-self ,new-varg ,cell-arg))))
           `(defmethod slot-value-observe
                #-(or cormanlisp) ,(if aroundp :around 'progn)
-             ((slotname (eql ',slotname)) ,self-arg ,new-varg ,oldvarg ,oldvargboundp)
+             ((slotname (eql ',slotname)) ,self-arg ,new-varg ,oldvarg ,oldvargboundp ,cell-arg)
              (declare (ignorable
                        ,@(flet ((arg-name (arg-spec)
                                   (etypecase arg-spec
                                     (list (car arg-spec))
                                     (atom arg-spec))))
                            (list (arg-name self-arg)(arg-name new-varg)
-                             (arg-name oldvarg)(arg-name oldvargboundp)))))
+                             (arg-name oldvarg)(arg-name oldvargboundp) (arg-name cell-arg)))))
              , at output-body)))))
 (defmacro bump-output-count (slotname) ;; pure test func
@@ -256,56 +256,13 @@
                  ;(trace c-propagate ensure-value-is-current)
                  (loop for (c prior-value prior-value?) in (nreverse cs) do
                        (c-propagate c prior-value prior-value?)))))
-  (assert (not *client-is-propagating*))
+  (assert (not *one-pulse?*))
   (data-pulse-next :client-prop)
   (trc "call-with-one-datapulse bumps pulse" *data-pulse-id*)
   (funcall finally
-    (let ((*client-is-propagating* t)
+    (let ((*one-pulse?* t)
           (*per-cell-handler* per-cell)
           (*the-unpropagated* nil))
       (funcall f)
-(defmd tcp ()
-  (left (c-in 0))
-  (top (c-in 0))
-  (right (c-in 0))
-  (bottom (c-in 0))
-  (area (c? (trc "area running")
-          (* (- (^right)(^left))
-              (- (^top)(^bottom))))))
-(defobserver area ()
-  (TRC "new area" new-value old-value old-value-boundp :pulse *data-pulse-id*))
-(defobserver bottom ()
-  (TRC "new bottom" new-value old-value old-value-boundp :pulse *data-pulse-id*)
-  (with-integrity (:change 'bottom-tells-left)
-    (setf (^left) new-value)))
-(defobserver left ()
-  (TRC "new left" new-value old-value old-value-boundp :pulse *data-pulse-id*))
-(defun tcprop ()
-  (untrace)
-  (test-prep)
-  (LET ((box (make-instance 'tcp)))
-    (trc "changing top to 10" *data-pulse-id*)
-    (setf (top box) 10)
-    (trc "not changing top" *data-pulse-id*)
-    (setf (top box) 10)
-    (trc "changing right to 10" *data-pulse-id*)
-    (setf (right box) 10)
-    (trc "not changing right" *data-pulse-id*)
-    (setf (right box) 10)
-    (trc "changing bottom to -1" *data-pulse-id*)
-    (decf (bottom box))
-    (with-one-datapulse ()
-      (loop repeat 20 do
-            (trc "changing bottom by -1" *data-pulse-id*)
-            (decf (bottom box))))))
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/test-propagation.lisp	2008/02/01 15:52:49	1.1
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/test-propagation.lisp	2008/02/02 00:09:28	1.2
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
 (in-package :cells)
 (defmd tcp ()
@@ -13,6 +12,14 @@
 (defobserver area ()
   (TRC "new area" new-value old-value old-value-boundp :pulse *data-pulse-id*))
+(defobserver bottom ()
+  (TRC "new bottom" new-value old-value old-value-boundp :pulse *data-pulse-id*)
+  (with-integrity (:change 'bottom-tells-left)
+    (setf (^left) new-value)))
+(defobserver left ()
+  (TRC "new left" new-value old-value old-value-boundp :pulse *data-pulse-id*))
 (defun tcprop ()
@@ -27,8 +34,12 @@
     (setf (right box) 10)
     (trc "changing bottom to -1" *data-pulse-id*)
     (decf (bottom box))
-    (with-client-propagation ()
-      (loop repeat 20 do
+    (with-one-datapulse ()
+      (loop repeat 5 do
             (trc "changing bottom by -1" *data-pulse-id*)
-            (decf (bottom box))
-            (decf (left box))))))
+            (decf (bottom box))))))

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