[cells-cvs] CVS cells-gtk3/cells-gtk/test-gtk

phildebrandt phildebrandt at common-lisp.net
Mon Apr 14 16:43:55 UTC 2008

Update of /project/cells/cvsroot/cells-gtk3/cells-gtk/test-gtk
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv13587/cells-gtk/test-gtk

Modified Files:
	test-buttons.lisp test-display.lisp test-drawing.lisp 
	test-gtk.asd test-gtk.lisp test-tree-view.lisp 
Log Message:
Added OpenGL drawing area

--- /project/cells/cvsroot/cells-gtk3/cells-gtk/test-gtk/test-buttons.lisp	2008/04/13 10:59:20	1.1
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/cells-gtk3/cells-gtk/test-gtk/test-buttons.lisp	2008/04/14 16:43:48	1.2
@@ -5,13 +5,13 @@
       :kids (c? (the-kids
                  (mk-label :text (c? (format nil "Toggled button active = ~a" 
-                                       (value (fm-other :toggled-button)))))
+                                       (widget-value :toggled-button))))
                  (mk-label :text (c? (format nil "Check button checked = ~a" 
-                                       (value (fm-other :check-button)))))
+                                       (widget-value :check-button))))
                  (mk-label :text (c? (format nil "Radio button selected = ~a" 
-                                       (value (fm-other :radio-group)))))
+                                       (widget-value :radio-group))))
                  (mk-label :text (c? (format nil "Button clicked ~a times" 
                                        (nclics (upper self test-buttons))))
@@ -39,10 +39,10 @@
                                          "_Check Button")))))
                   :md-name :radio-group
-                  :kids (c? (the-kids
-                             (mk-radio-button :md-name :radio-1
-                               :label "Radio 1")
-                             (mk-radio-button :md-name :radio-2
-                               :label "Radio 2" :init t)
-                             (mk-radio-button :md-name :radio-3
-                               :label "Radio 3"))))))))
+                  :kids (kids-list?
+			 (mk-radio-button :md-name :radio-1
+					  :label "Radio 1")
+			 (mk-radio-button :md-name :radio-2
+					  :label "Radio 2" :init t)
+			 (mk-radio-button :md-name :radio-3
+					  :label "Radio 3")))))))
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/cells-gtk3/cells-gtk/test-gtk/test-display.lisp	2008/04/13 10:59:20	1.1
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/cells-gtk3/cells-gtk/test-gtk/test-display.lisp	2008/04/14 16:43:48	1.2
@@ -4,11 +4,13 @@
 (defmodel test-display (vbox)
   (:default-initargs ;; g_timeout_add a function that will move the bar until the "Pulse" toggle is false.
-      :value (c? (when (value (fm-other :pulse))
-                   (timeout-add (value (fm-other :timeout))
-                     (lambda ()
-                       (pulse (fm-other :pbar2))
-                       (value (fm-other :pulse))))))
+      :value (c? (with-widget-value (val :pulse)
+		   (with-widget-value (timeout :timeout)
+		       (timeout-add timeout 
+				    (lambda ()
+				      (with-widget (pbar :pbar2)
+					(pulse pbar))
+				      (widget-value :pulse))))))
     :expand t :fill t
     :kids (kids-list?
@@ -25,7 +27,7 @@
             :kids (kids-list?							    
                    (mk-progress-bar :md-name :pbar
-                     :fraction (c? (value (fm^ :fraction-value))))
+                     :fraction (c? (widget-value :fraction-value 1)))
                    (mk-hscale :md-name :fraction-value
                      :value-type 'single-float
                      :min 0 :max 1
@@ -34,17 +36,17 @@
                    (mk-button :label "Show in status bar"
                      (callback (widget event data)
-                       (push-message (fm-other :statusbar)
-                         (format nil "~a" (fraction (fm-other :pbar))))))))
+		       (with-widget (w :statusbar)
+			(push-message w (format nil "~a" (fraction (fm-other :pbar)))))))))
             :kids (kids-list?
                    (mk-progress-bar :md-name :pbar2				      
-                     :pulse-step (c? (value (fm^ :step)))
+                     :pulse-step (c? (widget-value :step .1))
                      :fraction (c-in .1))
                    (mk-toggle-button :md-name :pulse :label "Pulse")
                    (mk-label :text "Interval")
                    (mk-spin-button :md-name :timeout
-                     :sensitive (c? (not (value (fm^ :pulse))))
+                     :sensitive (c? (not (widget-value :pulse)))
                      :min 10 :max 1000
                      :init 100)
                    (mk-label :text "Pulse step")
@@ -53,7 +55,7 @@
                      :min 0.01 :max 1 :step 0.01				     
                      :init 0.1)
                    (mk-image :md-name :pulse-image
-                     :stock (c? (if (value (fm^ :pulse)) :yes :no)))))
+                     :stock (c? (if (widget-value :pulse) :yes :no)))))
             :expand t :fill t
             :xalign 0 :yalign 1
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/cells-gtk3/cells-gtk/test-gtk/test-drawing.lisp	2008/04/13 10:59:20	1.1
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/cells-gtk3/cells-gtk/test-gtk/test-drawing.lisp	2008/04/14 16:43:48	1.2
@@ -164,7 +164,63 @@
     :kids (kids-list? (make-instance 'test-cairo-drawing :fm-parent *parent*))))
+;;; GL drawing
 (defparameter *da* nil)
+(defmodel teapot (gl-drawing-area)
+  ()
+  (:default-initargs
+      :width (c-in 200) :height (c-in 200) :expand t :fill t
+      :init #'(lambda (self)
+		(declare (ignorable self))
+		(gl:clear-color 0 0 0 0)
+		(gl:cull-face :back)
+		(gl:depth-func :less)
+		(gl:disable :dither)
+		(gl:shade-model :smooth)
+		(gl:light-model :light-model-local-viewer 1)
+		(gl:color-material :front :ambient-and-diffuse)
+		(gl:enable :light0 :lighting :cull-face :depth-test))
+      :resize #'(lambda (self)
+		  (with-matrix-mode (:projection)
+		    (glu:perspective 50 (/ (allocated-width self) (allocated-height self)) 0.5 20)))
+      :draw #'(lambda (self)
+		(declare (ignore self))
+		(gl:load-identity)
+		(gl:translate 0 0 -5)
+		(gl:rotate 30 1 1 0)
+		(gl:light :light0 :position '(0 1 1 0))
+		(gl:light :light0 :diffuse '(0.2 0.4 0.6 0))
+		(gl:clear :color-buffer-bit :depth-buffer-bit)
+		(gl:color 1 1 1)
+		(gl:front-face :cw)
+		(trc "drawing teapot with size" (/ (with-widget (w :teapot-size 130)
+						     (trc "found widget teapot-size" w (value w))
+						     (value w)) 100))
+		(glut:solid-teapot (/ (widget-value :teapot-size 130) 100))
+		(gl:front-face :ccw)
+		(gl:flush))))
+(defmodel test-gl-drawing (gtk-app)
+  ()
+  (:default-initargs
+      :kids (kids-list?
+	     (make-kid 'hbox
+		       :kids (kids-list?
+			      (make-kid 'vbox
+					:kids (kids-list?
+					       (mk-spin-button :md-name :teapot-size
+							       :min 1 :max 200 :step 1 :init 130
+							       :on-value-changed (callback (w e d)
+										   (with-widget (teapot :teapot)
+										     (trc "redrawing teapot")
+										     (redraw teapot))))))
+			      (make-kid 'teapot :md-name :teapot))))))
 (defun test-drawing ()
-  (setf *da* (first (kids (first (kids (start-win 'test-cairo-drawing)))))))
+  ;  (setf *da* (first (kids (first (kids (start-app 'test-gl-drawing))))))
+  (start-app 'test-gl-drawing))
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/cells-gtk3/cells-gtk/test-gtk/test-gtk.asd	2008/04/13 10:59:20	1.1
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/cells-gtk3/cells-gtk/test-gtk/test-gtk.asd	2008/04/14 16:43:48	1.2
@@ -1,6 +1,21 @@
+;;; run gtk in its own thread (requires bordeaux-threads)
+(pushnew :cells-gtk-threads *features*)
+;;; drawing-area widget using cairo (requires cl-cairo2)
+(pushnew :cells-gtk-cairo *features*)
+;;; drawing-area widget using OpenGL (requires libgtkglext1)
+(pushnew :cells-gtk-opengl *features*)
 (asdf:defsystem :test-gtk
   :name "test-gtk"
-  :depends-on (:cells-gtk)
+  :depends-on (:cells-gtk
+	       #+cells-gtk-opengl :cl-opengl
+	       #+cells-gtk-opengl :cl-glu
+	       #+cells-gtk-opengl :cl-glut)
   :serial t
   ((:file "test-gtk")
@@ -12,6 +27,6 @@
    (:file "test-menus")
    (:file "test-dialogs")
    (:file "test-textview")
-   (:file "test-drawing")
+   #+(or cells-gtk-opengl cells-gtk-cairo) (:file "test-drawing")
    (:file "test-addon")
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/cells-gtk3/cells-gtk/test-gtk/test-gtk.lisp	2008/04/13 10:59:21	1.1
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/cells-gtk3/cells-gtk/test-gtk/test-gtk.lisp	2008/04/14 16:43:48	1.2
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
-			     "Drawing")))
+			     #+(or cells-gtk-cairo cells-gtk-opengl) "Drawing")))
                  (list (mk-notebook 
                         :tab-labels tabs
                         :kids (c? (the-kids
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/cells-gtk3/cells-gtk/test-gtk/test-tree-view.lisp	2008/04/13 11:34:25	1.2
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/cells-gtk3/cells-gtk/test-gtk/test-tree-view.lisp	2008/04/14 16:43:48	1.3
@@ -63,16 +63,16 @@
 (defmodel test-tree-view (notebook)
   ((data :accessor data :initform (c-in (make-sample-tree "tree" 3)))
    (items :accessor items :initarg :items 
-	  :initform (c? (and (value (fm-other :hscale))
-			     (loop for i from 1 to (value (fm-other :hscale)) collect
-				  (make-be 'listbox-test-item
-					   :string (format nil "Item ~d" i)
-					   :icon (nth (random 5) (list "home" "open" "save" "ok" "cancel"))
-					   :int i 
-					   :float (coerce (* (+ i 1) (/ 1 (1+ (random 100)))) 'single-float) 
-					   :double (coerce (* (+ i 2) (/ 1 (1+ (random 1000)))) 'double-float) 
-					   :boolean (oddp i)
-					   :date (- (get-universal-time) (random 10000000))))))))
+	  :initform (c? (with-widget-value (hscale :hscale)
+			  (loop for i from 1 to hscale collect
+			       (make-be 'listbox-test-item
+					:string (format nil "Item ~d" i)
+					:icon (nth (random 5) (list "home" "open" "save" "ok" "cancel"))
+					:int i 
+					:float (coerce (* (+ i 1) (/ 1 (1+ (random 100)))) 'single-float) 
+					:double (coerce (* (+ i 2) (/ 1 (1+ (random 1000)))) 'double-float) 
+					:boolean (oddp i)
+					:date (- (get-universal-time) (random 10000000))))))))
       :tab-labels (list "Listbox" "Treebox" "Cells-Tree-View")
     :kids (kids-list?
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
                             :columns (def-columns
 				       (:string (:title "Selection")))
-                            :items (c? (let ((sel (value (fm-other :listbox))))
+                            :items (c? (with-widget-value (sel :listbox)
                                          (if (listp sel) sel (list sel))))
                             :print-fn (lambda (item)
 					(list (format nil "~a" item))))))
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@
                     :kids (kids-list?
                             :md-name :listbox
-                            :selection-mode (c? (value (fm-other :selection-mode)))
+                            :selection-mode (c? (widget-value :selection-mode))
                             :columns (def-columns
 				       (:string (:title "String")
 						#'(lambda (val)
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@
 									  '(:foreground "navy" :strikethrough t))))
                                        (:boolean (:title "Boolean"))
                                        (:date (:title "Date")))
-                            :select-if (c? (value (fm^ :selection-predicate)))
+                            :select-if (c? (widget-value :selection-predicate))
                             :items (c? (items (upper self test-tree-view)))
                             :print-fn (lambda (item)
 					(list (string$ item) (icon$ item) (int$ item) (float$ item)
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@
                     :kids (kids-list?
                             :columns (def-columns (:string (:title "Selection")))
-                            :items (c? (let ((sel (value (fm-other :treebox))))
+                            :items (c? (with-widget-value (sel :treebox)
                                          (mapcar #'(lambda (item)
                                                      (list (format nil "~a" (class-name (class-of item)))))
 						 (if (listp sel) sel (list sel))))))))
@@ -209,8 +209,8 @@
                     :kids (kids-list?
                             :md-name :treebox
-                            :selection-mode (c? (value (fm^ :tree-selection-mode)))
-                            :select-if (c? (value (fm^ :tree-selection-predicate)))
+                            :selection-mode (c? (widget-value :tree-selection-mode))
+                            :select-if (c? (widget-value :tree-selection-predicate))
                             :columns (def-columns				    
 				       (:string (:title "Widget class")
 						#'(lambda (val)

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