[cells-cvs] CVS cells/gui-geometry

ktilton ktilton at common-lisp.net
Fri Nov 30 16:51:20 UTC 2007

Update of /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/gui-geometry
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv2729/gui-geometry

Modified Files:
	geo-data-structures.lisp geo-family.lisp geometer.lisp 
Log Message:

--- /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/gui-geometry/geo-data-structures.lisp	2006/12/12 15:58:42	1.9
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/gui-geometry/geo-data-structures.lisp	2007/11/30 16:51:19	1.10
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 (in-package :gui-geometry)
-  (export '(v2 mkv2)))
+  (export '(v2 mkv2 v2=)))
 (defstruct v2 
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/gui-geometry/geo-family.lisp	2006/11/13 05:28:08	1.11
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/gui-geometry/geo-family.lisp	2007/11/30 16:51:19	1.12
@@ -102,6 +102,47 @@
                                         (^prior-sib-pr self (spacing .parent)))))))))))
+(defun ^prior-sib-pb (self &optional (spacing 0)) ;; just keeping with -pt variant till both converted to defun
+  (bif (psib (find-prior self (kids .parent)
+               :test (lambda (sib)
+                       (not (collapsed sib)))))
+    (eko (nil "^prior-sib-pb spc pb-psib -lt" (- (abs spacing)) (pb psib) (- (^lt)))
+      (+ (- (abs spacing)) ;; force spacing to minus(= down for OpenGL)
+        (pb psib)))   
+      0))
+(defun centered-h? ()
+  (c? (px-maintain-pl (round (- (inset-width .parent) (l-width self)) 2))))
+(defun centered-v? ()
+  (c? (py-maintain-pt (round (- (l-height .parent) (l-height self)) -2))))
+;--------------- geo.row.flow ----------------------------
+(export! geo-row-flow)
+(defmodel geo-row-flow (geo-inline)
+  ((spacing-hz :cell nil :initarg :spacing-hz :initform 0 :reader spacing-hz)
+   (spacing-vt :cell nil :initarg :spacing-vt :initform 0 :reader spacing-vt)
+   (aligned :cell nil :initarg :aligned :initform nil :reader aligned))
+  (:default-initargs
+      :lb  (c? (geo-kid-wrap self 'pb))
+    :kid-slots (lambda (self)
+                 (declare (ignore self))
+                 (list
+                  (mk-kid-slot (py)
+                    (c? (py-maintain-pt
+                         (let ((ph (^prior-sib-pr self (spacing-hz .parent) (aligned .parent))))
+                           (if (> (+ ph (l-width self)(outset .parent))  (l-width .parent))
+                               (^prior-sib-pb self (spacing-vt .parent))
+                             (^prior-sib-pt self))))))
+                  (mk-kid-slot (px)
+                    (c? (px-maintain-pl
+                         (let ((ph (^prior-sib-pr self (spacing-hz .parent) (aligned .parent))))
+                           (if (> (+ ph (l-width self)(outset .parent))  (l-width .parent))
+                               0
+                             ph)))))))))
 #| archive
 (defmodel geo-row-fv (family-values geo-row)())
@@ -136,28 +177,8 @@
                                              (pt psib))
-;--------------- IGRowFlow ----------------------------
-(defmodel geo-row-flow (geo-row)
-  ((spacing-hz :cell nil :initarg :spacing-hz :initform 0 :reader spacing-hz)
-   (spacing-vt :cell nil :initarg :spacing-vt :initform 0 :reader spacing-vt)
-   (aligned :cell nil :initarg :aligned :initform nil :reader aligned))
-  (:default-initargs
-   :lb  (c? (geo-kid-wrap self 'pb))
-    :kid-slots (lambda (self)
-                 (declare (ignore self))
-                 (list
-                  (mk-kid-slot (py)
-                    (c? (py-maintain-pt
-                         (let ((ph (^prior-sib-pr self (spacing-hz .parent) (aligned .parent))))
-                           (if (> (+ ph (l-width self)) (l-width .parent))
-                               (^prior-sib-pb self (spacing-vt .parent))
-                             (^prior-sib-pt self))))))
-                  (mk-kid-slot (px)
-                    (c? (px-maintain-pl
-                         (let ((ph (^prior-sib-pr self (spacing-hz .parent) (aligned .parent))))
-                           (if (> (+ ph (l-width self)) (l-width .parent))
-                               0
-                             ph)))))))))
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/gui-geometry/geometer.lisp	2006/11/13 05:28:08	1.12
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/gui-geometry/geometer.lisp	2007/11/30 16:51:19	1.13
@@ -87,18 +87,7 @@
     ;(trc "inner outer" inner outer)
-(defmacro ^offset-within (inner outer)
-  (let ((offset-h (gensym)) (offset-v (gensym)) (from (gensym)))
-     `(let ((,offset-h 0)
-            (,offset-v 0))
-         (do ((,from ,inner (fm-parent ,from)))
-             ((or (null ,from)
-                  (eql ,from ,outer))
-              ;
-              (mkv2 ,offset-h ,offset-v))
-           (incf ,offset-h (px ,from))
-           (incf ,offset-v (py ,from))))))
 ;----------- OfKids -----------------------
@@ -127,6 +116,8 @@
                (v2-subtract outer-v2
                             (mkv2 (px inner) (py inner))))))
+(export! h-xlate v-xlate)
 (defun h-xlate (outer inner outer-h)
   (if (eql outer inner)
@@ -212,18 +203,6 @@
-(defmacro ^ll-width (width)
-     `(- (lr self) ,width))
-(defmacro ^lr-width (width)
-     `(+ (ll self) ,width))
-(defmacro ^lt-height (height)
-     `(- (lb self) ,height))
-(defmacro ^lb-height (height)
-     `(+ (lt self) ,height))
 (export! geo-kid-wrap)
@@ -235,108 +214,6 @@
                ((pr pt) 'fm-max-kid)) self bound)
     (outset self)))
-(defmacro ll-maintain-pL (pl)
-     `(- ,pL (^px)))
-(defmacro lr-maintain-pr (pr)
-     `(- ,pr (^px)))
-(defmacro ^fill-right (upperType &optional (padding 0))
-  `(call-^fillRight self (upper self ,upperType) ,padding))
-;recalc local top based on pT and offset
-(defmacro lt-maintain-pT (pT)
-     `(- ,pT (^py)))
-;recalc local bottom based on pB and offset
-(defmacro lb-maintain-pB (pB)
-     `(- ,pB (^py)))
-;recalc offset based on p and local 
-(defmacro px-maintain-pL (pL)
-  (let ((lL (gensym)))
-     `(- ,pL (let ((,lL (^lL)))
-               (c-assert ,lL () "^px-maintain-pL sees nil lL for ~a" self)
-               ,lL))))
-(defmacro px-maintain-pR (pR)
-  `(- ,pR (^lR)))
-(defmacro py-maintain-pT (pT)
-  `(- ,pT (^lT)))
-(defmacro py-maintain-pB (pB)
-  `(- ,pB (^lB)))
-(defmacro centered-h? ()
-  `(c? (px-maintain-pl (round (- (l-width .parent) (l-width self)) 2))))
-(defmacro ^centered-v? ()
-  `(c? (py-maintain-pt (round (- (l-height .parent) (l-height self)) 2))))
-(defmacro ^fill-down (upper-type &optional (padding 0))
-  (let ((filled (gensym)))
-    `(let ((,filled (upper self ,upper-type)))
-       #+qt (trc "^fillDown sees filledLR less offH"
-                 (lb ,filled)
-                 ,padding
-                 (v2-v (offset-within self ,filled)))
-       (- (lb ,filled)
-          ,padding
-          (v2-v (offset-within self ,filled))))))
-(defmacro ^lbmax? (&optional (padding 0))
-  `(c? (lb-maintain-pb (- (inset-lb .parent)
-                            ,padding))))
-(defmacro ^lrmax? (&optional (padding 0))
-  `(c? (lr-maintain-pr (- (inset-lr .parent)
-                            ,padding))))
-(defun ^prior-sib-pb (self &optional (spacing 0))
-  (bif (psib (find-prior self (kids .parent)
-               :test (lambda (sib)
-                       (not (collapsed sib)))))
-    (eko (nil "^prior-sib-pb spc pb-psib -lt" (- (abs spacing)) (pb psib) (- (^lt)))
-      (+ (- (abs spacing)) ;; force spacing to minus(= down for OpenGL)
-        (pb psib)))   
-      0))
-(defmacro ^prior-sib-pt (self &optional (spacing 0))
-   (let ((kid (gensym))
-         (psib (gensym)))
-      `(let* ((,kid ,self)
-              (,psib (find-prior ,kid (kids (fm-parent ,kid)))))
-          ;(trc "^priorSib-pb > kid, sib" ,kid ,pSib)
-          (if ,psib
-             (+ (- (abs ,spacing)) (pt ,psib))
-             0))))
-; "...return the sib's pL [if ,alignment is :left] or pR, plus optional spacing"
-(defmacro ^prior-sib-pr (self &optional (spacing 0) alignment)
-   (let ((kid (gensym))
-         (psib (gensym)))
-      `(let* ((,kid ,self)
-              (,psib (find-prior ,kid (kids (fm-parent ,kid)) :test (lambda (k) (not (collapsed k))))))
-          (if ,psib
-             (case ,alignment
-               (:left (+ ,spacing (pl ,psib)))
-               (otherwise (+ ,spacing (pr ,psib))))
-             0))))
-(defmacro ^px-stay-right-of (other &key (by '0))
-   `(px-maintain-pl (+ (pr (fm-other ,other)) ,by)))
-; in use; adjust offset to maintain pL based on ,justify
-(defmacro ^px-self-centered (justify)
-   `(px-maintain-pl
-     (ecase ,justify
-       (:left 0)
-       (:center (floor (- (inset-width .parent) (l-width self)) 2))
-       (:right (- (inset-lr .parent) (l-width self))))))
 ; in use; same idea for pT
 (defun py-self-centered (self justify)
@@ -345,9 +222,3 @@
      (:center (floor (- (inset-height .parent) (l-height self)) -2))
      (:bottom (downs (- (inset-height .parent) (l-height self)))))))
-(defmacro ^fill-parent-right (&optional (inset 0))
-  `(lr-maintain-pr (- (inset-lr .parent) ,inset)))
-(defmacro ^fill-parent-down ()
-  `(lb-maintain-pb (inset-lb .parent)))
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/gui-geometry/gui-geometry.lpr	2007/01/29 06:44:03	1.8
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/gui-geometry/gui-geometry.lpr	2007/11/30 16:51:19	1.9
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-;; -*- lisp-version: "8.0 [Windows] (Jan 22, 2007 8:01)"; cg: "1.81"; -*-
+;; -*- lisp-version: "8.0 [Windows] (Jan 29, 2007 18:02)"; cg: "1.81"; -*-
 (in-package :cg-user)
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 (define-project :name :gui-geometry
   :modules (list (make-instance 'module :name "defpackage.lisp")
+                 (make-instance 'module :name "geo-macros.lisp")
                  (make-instance 'module :name
                  (make-instance 'module :name "coordinate-xform.lisp")

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