[cells-cvs] CVS Celtk

ktilton ktilton at common-lisp.net
Mon Jan 29 22:58:42 UTC 2007

Update of /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv31381

Modified Files:
	Celtk.lisp lotsa-widgets.lisp movie.lisp multichoice.lisp 
	tk-interp.lisp tk-object.lisp 
Log Message:
a little more on the movie widget

--- /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/Celtk.lisp	2007/01/29 06:48:41	1.39
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/Celtk.lisp	2007/01/29 22:58:41	1.40
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
-;;; $Header: /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/Celtk.lisp,v 1.39 2007/01/29 06:48:41 ktilton Exp $
+;;; $Header: /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/Celtk.lisp,v 1.40 2007/01/29 22:58:41 ktilton Exp $
 (pushnew :tile *features*)
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
       ; --- debug stuff ---------------------------------
-      (let ((yes '("movie" "play"))
+      (let ((yes '("play-me"))
             (no  '("font")))
         (declare (ignorable yes no))
         (when (and (or ;; (null yes)
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/lotsa-widgets.lisp	2007/01/29 06:48:41	1.9
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/lotsa-widgets.lisp	2007/01/29 22:58:41	1.10
@@ -74,35 +74,27 @@
                            (mk-row (:layout-anchor 'sw)
-                             (mk-entry
-                              :id :enter-me
-                              :event-handler (lambda (self xe)
-                                               (case (tk-event-type (xsv type xe))
-                                                 (:virtualevent
-                                                  (case (read-from-string (string-upcase (xsv name xe)))
-                                                    (trace (let ((new-value (ctk::tcl-get-var ctk::*tki* (^path)
-                                                                              (ctk::var-flags :TCL-NAMESPACE-ONLY))))
-                                                             (unless (string= new-value (^value)) ;; I guess it would loop
-                                                               (setf (^value) new-value))
-                                                             (cond
-                                                              ((find new-value '("bush" "war" "anger" "hate") :test 'string-equal)
-                                                               (setf (tk-file (fm^ :play-me))
-                                                                 "c:/0dev/celtk/demo.mov"))
-                                                              ((find new-value '("sex" "drugs" "rock-n-roll" "peace") :test 'string-equal)
-                                                               (setf (tk-file (fm^ :play-me))
-                                                                 "c:/0dev/celtk/good-thing2.mov"))))))))))
+                             (mk-entry :id :enter-me)
                              (mk-label :text (c? (conc$ "echo " (fm^v :enter-me))))))
                          (mk-stack ()
                            (mk-row ()
-                             (mk-button-ex ("Serious Demo" (setf (tk-file (fm^ :play-me))
-                                                          "c:/0dev/celtk/demo.mov")))
-                             (mk-button-ex ("Celtk?" (setf (tk-file (fm^ :play-me))
-                                                          "c:/0dev/celtk/good-thing2.mov"))))
+                             (mk-button-ex ("Serious Demo" (plug-n-play-movie (fm^ :play-me)
+                                                             "c:/0dev/celtk/demo.mov")))
+                             (mk-button-ex ("Celtk?" (plug-n-play-movie (fm^ :play-me)
+                                                       "c:/0dev/celtk/good-thing2.mov"))))
                            (mk-movie :id :play-me
-                             :tk-file (c-in "c:/0dev/celtk/good-thing2.mov")))))))))))
+                             :loopstate (c-in 0) :palindromeloopstate (c-in 0)
+                             :tk-file (c? (let ((entry (fm^v :enter-me)))
+                                            (cond
+                                             ((find entry '("bush" "war" "anger" "hate") :test 'string-equal)
+                                              "c:/0dev/celtk/demo.mov")
+                                             ((find entry '("sex" "drugs" "rock-n-roll" "peace") :test 'string-equal)
+                                              "c:/0dev/celtk/good-thing2.mov")
+                                             (t "c:/0dev/celtk/good-thing2.mov" #+not .cache))))))))))))))
 (defun style-by-edit-menu ()
   (mk-row ("Style by Edit Menu")
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/movie.lisp	2007/01/29 06:48:42	1.1
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/movie.lisp	2007/01/29 22:58:41	1.2
@@ -18,14 +18,34 @@
 (in-package :celtk)
-(export! mk-movie url tk-file)
+(export! mk-movie url tk-file plug-n-play-movie)
 (deftk movie (widget)
-  ()
-  (:tk-spec movie -url (tk-file -file))
+  ((loop :initarg :loop :accessor loop)) ;; fnyi
+  (:tk-spec movie -url (tk-file -file)
+    -controller -custombutton -highlightbackground -highlightcolor 
+    -highlightthickness -height -loadcommand -loadintoram -loopstate 
+    -mccommand -mcedit -palindromeloopstate -preferredrate -progressproc
+    -qtprogress -qtvrqualitymotion -qtvrqualitystatic -resizable
+    -swing -swingspeed -volume -width)
       :tile? nil))
 (defobserver tk-file :around ((self movie))
   (when (and new-value old-value)
-    (tk-format `(:fini ,self) "~a play" (^path))))
+    (plug-n-play-movie self new-value nil)))
+(defun plug-n-play-movie (m file &optional (install? t))
+  ;
+  ; silly harcodes follow....
+  ;
+  (when install? (setf (tk-file m) file))
+  ;
+  ; this off-on sequence apparently necessary each time a file is loaded or sth.
+  ;
+  (with-cc :loopstate
+    (setf (palindromeloopstate m) 0)
+    (with-cc :loopstate
+      (setf (palindromeloopstate m) 1)
+      (tk-format `(:fini ,m) "~a play" (path m)))))
\ No newline at end of file
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/multichoice.lisp	2007/01/29 06:48:41	1.13
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/multichoice.lisp	2007/01/29 22:58:41	1.14
@@ -114,8 +114,7 @@
     :xscrollcommand (c-in nil)
     :command (c? (format nil "do-on-command ~a %s" (^path)))
     :on-command (c? (lambda (self text)
-                      (eko ("variable mirror command fired !!!!!!!" text)
-                        (setf (^value) text))))))
+                      (setf (^value) text)))))
 (defobserver .value ((self spinbox))
   (when new-value
@@ -123,7 +122,6 @@
 (defobserver initial-value ((self spinbox))
   (when new-value
-    (trc "spinbox intializing from initvalue !!!!!!!!!!!!" self new-value)
     (setf (^value) new-value)))
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/tk-interp.lisp	2007/01/29 06:48:41	1.17
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/tk-interp.lisp	2007/01/29 22:58:41	1.18
@@ -124,8 +124,6 @@
   (flags :int))
 (defun tcl-eval-ex (i s)
-  (when (search "package" s)
-    (print s))
   (tcl_evalex i s -1 0))
 (defcfun ("Tcl_GetVar" tcl-get-var) :string (interp :pointer)(varName :string)(flags :int))
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/tk-object.lisp	2007/01/29 06:48:41	1.11
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/tk-object.lisp	2007/01/29 22:58:41	1.12
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
 (defgeneric tk-class-options (self)
   (:method-combination append)
   (:method :around (self)
-    (or ;;(get (type-of self) 'tk-class-options)
+    (or (get (type-of self) 'tk-class-options)
              (setf (get (type-of self) 'tk-class-options)
                (loop with all = (remove-duplicates (call-next-method) :key 'second)
                      for old in (when (tile? self)

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