[cells-cvs] CVS cells/gui-geometry

ktilton ktilton at common-lisp.net
Tue Oct 17 21:28:40 UTC 2006

Update of /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/gui-geometry
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv6035/gui-geometry

Modified Files:
	geo-data-structures.lisp geo-family.lisp geometer.lisp 
Log Message:
Mostly someone screwing with file creation dates, but also a profound change to handling of cell currency in the face of model quiescence. See list (or code remarks re :uncurrent) for deets.

--- /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/gui-geometry/geo-data-structures.lisp	2006/08/21 04:29:31	1.6
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/gui-geometry/geo-data-structures.lisp	2006/10/17 21:28:39	1.7
@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@
 (defun nr-offset (r dh dv)
 ;;;   (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (debug 0)))
-  (declare (type fixnum dh dv))
+  ;; (declare (type fixnum dh dv))
   (incf (r-left r) dh)
   (incf (r-right r) dh)
   (incf (r-top r) dv)
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/gui-geometry/geo-family.lisp	2006/10/11 22:16:22	1.7
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/gui-geometry/geo-family.lisp	2006/10/17 21:28:39	1.8
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
                                       (^prior-sib-pb self (spacing .parent)))))))
                    (:horizontal (list
                                  (mk-kid-slot (py :if-missing t)
-                                   (c? (^py-self-centered (justify .parent))))
+                                   (c? (py-self-centered self (justify .parent))))
                                  (mk-kid-slot (px)
                                    (c? (px-maintain-pl
                                         (^prior-sib-pr self (spacing .parent)))))))))))
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
                                            (^prior-sib-pb self (spacing .parent)))))))))
                    (:horizontal (list
                                  (mk-kid-slot (py :if-missing t)
-                                   (c_? (^py-self-centered (justify .parent))))
+                                   (c_? (py-self-centered self (justify .parent))))
                                  (mk-kid-slot (px)
                                    (c_? (px-maintain-pl
                                         (^prior-sib-pr self (spacing .parent)))))))))))
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/gui-geometry/geometer.lisp	2006/10/11 22:16:22	1.9
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/gui-geometry/geometer.lisp	2006/10/17 21:28:39	1.10
@@ -137,8 +137,8 @@
      (v-xlate outer (fm-parent inner)
                (- outer-v (py inner)))))
-(defmethod g-offset (self &optional (accum-h 0) (accum-v 0))
-  (declare (ignorable self))
+(defmethod g-offset (self &optional (accum-h 0) (accum-v 0) within)
+  (declare (ignorable self within))
   (mkv2 accum-h accum-v))
 (defun g-offset-h (geo)
@@ -336,12 +336,12 @@
        (:right (- (inset-lr .parent) (l-width self))))))
 ; in use; same idea for pT
-(defmacro ^py-self-centered (justify)
-   `(py-maintain-pt
-     (ecase ,justify
-       (:top  0)
-       (:center (floor (- (inset-height .parent) (l-height self)) -2))
-       (:bottom (- (inset-height .parent) (l-height self))))))
+(defun py-self-centered (self justify)
+  (py-maintain-pt
+   (ecase justify
+     (:top  0)
+     (:center (floor (- (inset-height .parent) (l-height self)) -2))
+     (:bottom (- (inset-height .parent) (l-height self))))))
 (defmacro ^fill-parent-right (&optional (inset 0))
   `(lr-maintain-pr (- (inset-lr .parent) ,inset)))

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