[cells-cvs] CVS Celtk

ktilton ktilton at common-lisp.net
Mon Oct 2 02:56:01 UTC 2006

Update of /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv27482

Modified Files:
	Celtk.lisp composites.lisp run.lisp togl.lisp widget.lisp 
Log Message:

--- /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/Celtk.lisp	2006/09/05 18:43:22	1.35
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/Celtk.lisp	2006/10/02 02:56:01	1.36
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
-;;; $Header: /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/Celtk.lisp,v 1.35 2006/09/05 18:43:22 ktilton Exp $
+;;; $Header: /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/Celtk.lisp,v 1.36 2006/10/02 02:56:01 ktilton Exp $
 (defpackage :celtk
   (:nicknames "CTK")
@@ -103,31 +103,6 @@
         (trc nil "!!! --- tk-user-queue-handler dispatching" defer-info)
         (funcall task)))
-(defun replace-char (txt char with)
-  (let ((pos (search char txt)))
-    (loop
-       while pos
-       do
-         (progn
-           ;;(dbg "txt: ~a -> " txt)
-           (setf txt (concatenate 'string (subseq txt 0 pos) with (subseq txt (1+ pos))))
-           ;;(dbg " ~a~&" txt)
-           (setf pos (search char txt :start2 (+ pos (length with)))))))
-  txt)
-(defun tkescape (txt)
-  (setf txt (format nil "~a" txt))
-  (replace-char
-   (replace-char
-    (replace-char
-     (replace-char
-      (replace-char
-       txt "\\" "\\\\")
-      "$" "\\$")
-     "[" "\\[")
-    "]" "\\]")
-   "\"" "\\\""))
 (defun tk-format-now (fmt$ &rest fmt-args)
   (unless (find *tkw* *windows-destroyed*)
     (let* ((*print-circle* nil)
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/composites.lisp	2006/09/29 16:08:31	1.18
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/composites.lisp	2006/10/02 02:56:01	1.19
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
 ;;; --- decoration -------------------------------------------
 (defmd decoration-mixin ()
-  (decoration (c-in :normal)))
+  (decoration (c-in nil)))
 ;;; --- toplevel ---------------------------------------------
@@ -113,6 +113,9 @@
+(defmethod make-tk-instance ((self window)) 
+  (setf (gethash (^path) (dictionary .tkw)) self))
 (defun screen-width ()
   (let ((*tkw* *tkw*))
     (tk-format-now "winfo screenwidth .")))
@@ -133,6 +136,7 @@
   (tk-format '(:pre-make-tk self) "wm overrideredirect . yes")
 (defmethod do-on-key-down :before (self &rest args &aux (keysym (car args)))
   (trc nil "ctk::do-on-key-down window" keysym (keyboard-modifiers .tkw))
   (bwhen (mod (keysym-to-modifier keysym))
@@ -148,6 +152,7 @@
 ;;; Helper function that actually executes decoration change
 (defun %%do-decoration (widget decoration)
+  (break "hunh?")
   (let ((path (path widget)))
     (ecase decoration
       (:none    (progn
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/run.lisp	2006/09/05 18:43:22	1.20
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/run.lisp	2006/10/02 02:56:01	1.21
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
 (in-package :Celtk)
 ;;; --- running a Celtk (window class, actually) --------------------------------------
@@ -66,6 +68,8 @@
 (defun ensure-destruction (w)
   (TRC nil "ensure-destruction entry" W)
   (unless (find w *windows-being-destroyed*)
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/togl.lisp	2006/09/05 18:43:22	1.20
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/togl.lisp	2006/10/02 02:56:01	1.21
@@ -90,8 +90,12 @@
   (togl-timer-func (callback togl-timer)) ;; probably want to make this optional
+(export! togl-ptr-set ^togl-ptr-set)
 (deftk togl (widget)
-  ((togl-ptr :cell nil :initform nil :initarg :togl-ptr :accessor togl-ptr)
+  ((togl-ptr :cell nil  :initform nil :initarg :togl-ptr :accessor togl-ptr)
+   (togl-ptr-set :initform (c-in nil) :initarg :togl-ptr-set :accessor togl-ptr-set
+     :documentation "very complicated, don't ask (togl-ptr cannot wait on ufb processing)")
    (cb-create :initform nil :initarg :cb-create :reader cb-create)
    (cb-display :initform nil :initarg :cb-display :reader cb-display)
    (cb-reshape :initform nil :initarg :cb-reshape :reader cb-reshape)
@@ -150,6 +154,11 @@
     :id (gentemp "TOGL")
     :ident (c? (^path))))
+(export! togl-redisp)
+(defun togl-redisp (togl)
+  (when (togl-ptr togl)
+    (togl-post-redisplay (togl-ptr togl))))
 (defmacro with-togl ((togl-form width-var height-var) &body body &aux (togl-ptr (gensym)))
   `(let* ((,togl-ptr (togl-ptr ,togl-form))
           (*tki* (togl-interp ,togl-ptr))
@@ -184,10 +193,11 @@
        (defmethod ,(intern uc$) ((self togl))))))
 (def-togl-callback create ()
-  (trc "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! about to install togl-ptr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" togl-ptr )
+  (trc "___________________ TOGL SET UP _________________________________________" togl-ptr )
   #+cl-ftgl (setf cl-ftgl:*ftgl-ogl* togl-ptr) ;; help debug failure to use lazy cells/classes to defer FTGL till Ogl ready
   #+kt-opengl (kt-opengl:kt-opengl-reset)
-  (setf (togl-ptr self) togl-ptr)
+  (setf (togl-ptr self) togl-ptr) ;; this cannot be deferred
+  (setf (togl-ptr-set self) togl-ptr) ;; this gets deferred, which is OK
   (setf (gethash (pointer-address togl-ptr) (tkwins *tkw*)) self))
 (def-togl-callback display ())
@@ -198,7 +208,6 @@
 (defmethod make-tk-instance ((self togl))
   (with-integrity (:client `(:make-tk ,self))
     (setf (gethash (^path) (dictionary .tkw)) self)
+    (trc "making togl!!!!!!!!!!!!" (path self)(tk-configurations self))
     (tk-format-now "togl ~a ~{~(~a~) ~a~^ ~}"
       (path self)(tk-configurations self))))
- ;; this leads to "togl <path> [-<config option> <value]*", in turn to togl_create
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/widget.lisp	2006/08/21 04:30:23	1.17
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/widget.lisp	2006/10/02 02:56:01	1.18
@@ -87,8 +87,6 @@
       (get-callback callback-name)
 (defun widget-menu (self key)
   (or (find key (^menus) :key 'md-name)
     (break "The only menus I see are~{ ~a,~} not requested ~a" (mapcar 'md-name (^menus)) key)))
@@ -106,10 +104,9 @@
   (setf (gethash (^path) (dictionary .tkw)) self)
   (trc nil "mktki" self (^path))
   (with-integrity (:client `(:make-tk ,self))
-      (when (tk-class self)
-        (tk-format-now "~(~a~) ~a ~{~(~a~) ~a~^ ~}" ;; call to this GF now integrity-wrapped by caller
-          (tk-class self) (path self)(tk-configurations self)))
-      #+tryinafter (tkwin-register self)))
+    (when (tk-class self)
+      (tk-format-now "~(~a~) ~a ~{~(~a~) ~a~^ ~}" ;; call to this GF now integrity-wrapped by caller
+        (tk-class self) (path self)(tk-configurations self)))))
 (defmethod make-tk-instance :after ((self widget)) 
   (with-integrity (:client `(:post-make-tk ,self))
@@ -266,7 +263,7 @@
 (defobserver image-files ()
   (loop for (name file-pathname) in (set-difference new-value old-value :key 'car) 
       do (tk-format `(:pre-make-tk  ,self) "image create photo ~(~a.~a~) -file {~a}"
-           (^path) name (progn #+not tkescape (namestring file-pathname)))))
+           (^path) name (namestring file-pathname))))
 ;;; --- menus ---------------------------------

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