[cells-cvs] CVS cells

ktilton ktilton at common-lisp.net
Mon Nov 13 05:28:08 UTC 2006

Update of /project/cells/cvsroot/cells
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv10869

Modified Files:
	cell-types.lisp cells.lpr constructors.lisp defmodel.lisp 
	family.lisp integrity.lisp md-slot-value.lisp 
	model-object.lisp propagate.lisp slot-utilities.lisp 
Log Message:

--- /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/cell-types.lisp	2006/11/03 13:37:10	1.22
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/cell-types.lisp	2006/11/13 05:28:08	1.23
@@ -44,8 +44,10 @@
 ;_____________________ print __________________________________
 (defmethod print-object :before ((c cell) stream)
-  (unless (or *stop* *print-readably*)
+  (declare (ignorable stream))
+  #+shhh (unless (or *stop* *print-readably*)
     (format stream "[~a~a:" (if (c-inputp c) "i" "?")
        ((null (c-model c)) #\0)
@@ -53,16 +55,19 @@
        ((not (c-currentp c)) #\#)
        (t #\space)))))
 (defmethod print-object ((c cell) stream)
-  (if (or *stop* *print-readably*)
-      (call-next-method)
-    (progn
-      (c-print-value c stream)
-      (format stream "=~d/~a/~a]"
-        (c-pulse c)
-        (symbol-name (or (c-slot-name c) :anoncell))
-        (or (and (c-model c)(md-name (c-model c))) :anonmd)))))
+  (declare (ignorable stream))
+  (unless *stop*
+    (let ((*print-circle* t))
+      #+failsafe (format stream "~a/~a" (c-model c)(c-slot-name c))
+      (if *print-readably*
+          (call-next-method)
+        (progn
+          (c-print-value c stream)
+          (format stream "=~d/~a/~a]"
+            (c-pulse c)
+            (symbol-name (or (c-slot-name c) :anoncell))
+            (bwhen (md (c-model c)) (md-name md) :anonmd)))))))
 (defmethod trcp :around ((c cell))
   (or (c-debug c)
@@ -100,13 +105,11 @@
     ; ;; good q: what does (setf <ephem> 'x) return? historically nil, but...?
+    ;;(trcx bingo-ephem c)
     (with-integrity (:ephemeral-reset c)
       (trc nil "!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ephemeral-reset resetting:" c)
       (md-slot-value-store (c-model c) (c-slot-name c) nil)
-      (setf (c-value c) nil)
-      #+notsureaboutthis
-      (loop for caller in (c-callers c)
-            do (calculate-and-link caller)))))
+      (setf (c-value c) nil))))
 ; -----------------------------------------------------
@@ -170,5 +173,3 @@
 (defmethod c-print-value (c stream)
   (declare (ignore c stream)))
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/cells.lpr	2006/11/04 20:52:01	1.23
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/cells.lpr	2006/11/13 05:28:08	1.24
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-;; -*- lisp-version: "8.0 [Windows] (Oct 17, 2006 12:56)"; cg: "1.81"; -*-
+;; -*- lisp-version: "8.0 [Windows] (Nov 6, 2006 16:43)"; cg: "1.81"; -*-
 (in-package :cg-user)
@@ -23,7 +23,8 @@
                  (make-instance 'module :name "md-utilities.lisp")
                  (make-instance 'module :name "family.lisp")
                  (make-instance 'module :name "fm-utilities.lisp")
-                 (make-instance 'module :name "family-values.lisp"))
+                 (make-instance 'module :name "family-values.lisp")
+                 (make-instance 'module :name "variables.lisp"))
   :projects (list (make-instance 'project-module :name
   :libraries nil
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/constructors.lisp	2006/11/03 13:37:10	1.12
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/constructors.lisp	2006/11/13 05:28:08	1.13
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
     :lazy :until-asked
     :rule (c-lambda , at body)))
-(export! c?dbg c_?dbg)
+(export! c?dbg c_?dbg c-input-dbg)
 (defmacro c_?dbg (&body body)
   "Lazy until asked, then eagerly propagating"
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/defmodel.lisp	2006/10/02 02:38:31	1.10
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/defmodel.lisp	2006/11/13 05:28:08	1.11
@@ -118,18 +118,18 @@
        (find-class ',class))))
 (defun defmd-canonicalize-slot (slotname
-                                 &key
-                                 (cell nil cell-p)
+                                &key
+                                (cell nil cell-p)
                                 (owning nil owning-p)
                                 (type nil type-p)
-                                 (initform nil initform-p)
-                                 (initarg (intern (symbol-name slotname) :keyword))
-                                 (documentation nil documentation-p)
-                                 (unchanged-if nil unchanged-if-p)
-                                 (reader slotname reader-p)
-                                 (writer `(setf ,slotname) writer-p)
-                                 (accessor slotname accessor-p)
-                                 (allocation nil allocation-p))
+                                (initform nil initform-p)
+                                (initarg (intern (symbol-name slotname) :keyword))
+                                (documentation nil documentation-p)
+                                (unchanged-if nil unchanged-if-p)
+                                (reader slotname reader-p)
+                                (writer `(setf ,slotname) writer-p)
+                                (accessor slotname accessor-p)
+                                (allocation nil allocation-p))
   (list* slotname :initarg initarg
      (when cell-p (list :cell cell))
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/family.lisp	2006/11/04 20:52:01	1.16
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/family.lisp	2006/11/13 05:28:08	1.17
@@ -41,6 +41,17 @@
 (define-symbol-macro .parent (fm-parent self))
+(defmethod md-name (other)
+  (trc "yep other md-name" other (type-of other))
+  other)
+(defmethod md-name ((nada null))
+  (unless (c-stopped)
+    (c-stop :md-name-on-null)
+    (break "md-name called on nil")))
+(defmethod md-name ((sym symbol)) sym)
 (defmethod shared-initialize :around ((self model) slotnames &rest initargs &key fm-parent)
   (declare (ignorable initargs slotnames fm-parent))
@@ -189,12 +200,5 @@
      (declare (ignorable self))
      (list , at slot-defs)))
-(defmethod md-name (other)
-  (trc "yep other md-name" other (type-of other))
-  other)
-(defmethod md-name ((nada null))
-  (unless (c-stopped)
-    (c-stop :md-name-on-null)
-    (break "md-name called on nil")))
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/integrity.lisp	2006/11/04 20:52:01	1.15
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/integrity.lisp	2006/11/13 05:28:08	1.16
@@ -24,24 +24,22 @@
-(defmacro with-integrity ((&optional opcode defer-info) &rest body)
+(defmacro with-integrity ((&optional opcode defer-info debug) &rest body)
   (when opcode
     (assert (find opcode *ufb-opcodes*) ()
             "Invalid second value to with-integrity: ~a" opcode))
-  `(call-with-integrity ,opcode ,defer-info (lambda () , at body)))
+  `(call-with-integrity ,opcode ,defer-info (lambda (opcode defer-info)
+                                              (declare (ignorable opcode defer-info))
+                                              ,(when debug
+                                                `(trc "integrity action entry" opcode defer-info ',body))
+                                              , at body)))
-(export! with-c-change with-c-changes)
+(export! with-cc)
-(defmacro with-c-change (id &body body)
+(defmacro with-cc (id &body body)
   `(with-integrity (:change ,id)
      , at body))
-(defmacro with-c-changes (id &rest change-forms)
-  `(with-c-change ,id
-     ,(car change-forms)
-     ,(when (cdr change-forms)
-        `(with-c-changes ,id ,@(cdr change-forms)))))
 (defun integrity-managed-p ()
@@ -51,7 +49,7 @@
   (if *within-integrity*
       (if opcode
           (ufb-add opcode (cons defer-info action))
-        (funcall action))
+        (funcall action opcode defer-info))
     (let ((*within-integrity* t)
@@ -62,7 +60,7 @@
         (eko (nil "!!! New pulse, event" *data-pulse-id* defer-info)
           (data-pulse-next (cons opcode defer-info))))
-          (funcall action)
+          (funcall action opcode defer-info)
 (defun ufb-queue (opcode)
@@ -87,10 +85,10 @@
                                        (ufb-queue op-or-q)
   (trc nil "just do it doing" op-or-q)
-  (loop for (nil . task) = (fifo-pop q)
+  (loop for (defer-info . task) = (fifo-pop q)
         while task
         do (trc nil "unfin task is" opcode task)
-          (funcall task)))
+          (funcall task op-or-q defer-info)))
 (defun finish-business ()
   (when *stop* (return-from finish-business))
@@ -169,7 +167,7 @@
       (destructuring-bind (defer-info . task-fn) task-info
         (trc nil "finbiz: deferred state change" defer-info)
         (data-pulse-next (list :finbiz defer-info))
-        (funcall task-fn)
+        (funcall task-fn :change defer-info)
         ; to finish this state change we could recursively call (finish-business), but
         ; a goto let's us not use the stack. Someday I envision code that keeps on
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/md-slot-value.lisp	2006/11/03 13:37:10	1.31
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/md-slot-value.lisp	2006/11/13 05:28:08	1.32
@@ -40,12 +40,16 @@
   ;; (count-it :md-slot-value slot-name)
   (if c
-      (prog1
-          (with-integrity ()
-            (ensure-value-is-current c :mdsv nil))
-        (when (car *call-stack*)
-          (record-caller c)))
+      (cell-read c)
     (values (bd-slot-value self slot-name) nil)))
+(defun cell-read (c)
+  (assert (typep c 'cell))
+  (prog1
+      (with-integrity ()
+        (ensure-value-is-current c :c-read nil))
+    (when (car *call-stack*)
+      (record-caller c))))
 (defun chk (s &optional (key 'anon))
   (when (eq :eternal-rest (md-state s))
@@ -56,12 +60,12 @@
   (count-it :ensure-value-is-current)
   (trc nil "ensure-value-is-current > entry" c :now-pulse *data-pulse-id* debug-id caller)
-  (when (eq :eternal-rest (md-state (c-model c)))
+  (when (and (not (symbolp (c-model c)))(eq :eternal-rest (md-state (c-model c))))
     (break "model ~a of cell ~a is dead" (c-model c) c))
    ((c-currentp c)
-    (trc nil "c-currentp" c)) ;; used to follow c-inputp, but I am toying with letting ephemerals (inputs) fall obsolete
+    (trc c "c-currentp" c)) ;; used to follow c-inputp, but I am toying with letting ephemerals (inputs) fall obsolete
    ;; and then get reset here (ie, ((c-input-p c) (ephemeral-reset c))). ie, do not assume inputs are never obsolete
    ((and (c-inputp c)
@@ -112,11 +116,11 @@
                  (trc "calculating cell ~a appears in call stack: ~a" c x stack )))
              (setf *stop* t)
              (c-break "yep" c)
-             #+not (loop with caller-reiterated
-                   for caller in *call-stack*
-                   until caller-reiterated
-                   do (trc "caller:" caller)
-                   (pprint (cr-code c))
+             (loop with caller-reiterated
+                 for caller in *call-stack*
+                 until caller-reiterated
+                 do (trc "caller:" caller)
+                   ;; not necessary (pprint (cr-code c))
                    (setf caller-reiterated (eq caller c)))
              (c-break ;; break is problem when testing cells on some CLs
               "cell ~a midst askers (see above)" c)
@@ -138,6 +142,7 @@
   (let ((*call-stack* (cons c *call-stack*))
         (*defer-changes* t))
     (assert (typep c 'c-ruled))
+    (trc nil "calculate-and-link" c)
     (cd-usage-clear-all c)
         (funcall (cr-rule c) c)
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/model-object.lisp	2006/10/17 21:28:39	1.13
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/model-object.lisp	2006/11/13 05:28:08	1.14
@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@
                    :documentation "cells supplied but un-whenned or optimized-away")
    (adopt-ct :initform 0 :accessor adopt-ct)))
+(defmethod md-state ((self symbol))
+  :alive)
 ;;; --- md obj initialization ------------------
 (defmethod shared-initialize :after ((self model-object) slotnames
@@ -67,31 +69,34 @@
         (md-awaken self)))
-(defun md-install-cell (self sn c &aux (c-isa-cell (typep c 'cell)))
+(defun md-install-cell (self slot-name c &aux (c-isa-cell (typep c 'cell)))
   ; iff cell, init and move into dictionary
   (when c-isa-cell
     (count-it :md-install-cell)
      (c-model c) self
-     (c-slot-name c) sn
-     (md-slot-cell self sn) c))
+     (c-slot-name c) slot-name
+     (md-slot-cell self slot-name) c))
   ; now have the slot really be the slot
   (if c-isa-cell
       (if (c-unboundp c)
-          (bd-slot-makunbound self sn)
-        (setf (slot-value self sn)
-          (if (c-inputp c)
-                  (c-value c)
-                nil)))
-    (setf (slot-value self sn) c))) ;; (in which case "c" is not actually a cell)
+          (bd-slot-makunbound self slot-name)
+        (if self
+            (setf (slot-value self slot-name)
+              (when (c-inputp c) (c-value c)))
+          (setf (symbol-value slot-name)
+            (when (c-inputp c) (c-value c)))))
+    ;; note that in this else branch  "c" is a misnomer since
+    ;; the value is not actually a cell
+    (if self
+        (setf (slot-value self slot-name) c)
+      (setf (symbol-value slot-name) c))))
 ;;; --- awaken --------
 ; -- do initial evaluation of all ruled slots
@@ -163,44 +168,61 @@
   (slot-value self slot))
 (defmethod md-slot-cell (self slot-name)
-  (cdr (assoc slot-name (cells self))))
+  (if self
+      (cdr (assoc slot-name (cells self)))
+    (get slot-name 'cell)))
 (defun md-slot-cell-type (class-name slot-name)
-  (bif (entry (assoc slot-name (get class-name :cell-types)))
-    (cdr entry)
-    (dolist (super (class-precedence-list (find-class class-name))
-              (setf (md-slot-cell-type class-name slot-name) nil))
-      (bwhen (entry (assoc slot-name (get (c-class-name super) :cell-types)))
-        (return-from md-slot-cell-type (setf (md-slot-cell-type class-name slot-name) (cdr entry)))))))       
+  (assert class-name)
+  (if (eq class-name 'null)
+      (get slot-name :cell-type)
+    (bif (entry (assoc slot-name (get class-name :cell-types)))
+      (cdr entry)
+      (dolist (super (class-precedence-list (find-class class-name))
+                (setf (md-slot-cell-type class-name slot-name) nil))
+        (bwhen (entry (assoc slot-name (get (c-class-name super) :cell-types)))
+          (return-from md-slot-cell-type (setf (md-slot-cell-type class-name slot-name) (cdr entry))))))))
 (defun (setf md-slot-cell-type) (new-type class-name slot-name)
-  (let ((entry (assoc slot-name (get class-name :cell-types))))
-    (if entry
-        (progn
-          (setf (cdr entry) new-type)
-          (loop for c in (class-direct-subclasses (find-class class-name))
+  (assert class-name)
+  (if (eq class-name 'null) ;; not def-c-variable
+      (setf (get slot-name :cell-type) new-type)
+    (let ((entry (assoc slot-name (get class-name :cell-types))))
+      (if entry
+          (progn
+            (setf (cdr entry) new-type)
+            (loop for c in (class-direct-subclasses (find-class class-name))
                 do (setf (md-slot-cell-type (class-name c) slot-name) new-type)))
-      (push (cons slot-name new-type) (get class-name :cell-types)))))
+        (push (cons slot-name new-type) (get class-name :cell-types))))))
 (defun md-slot-owning (class-name slot-name)
-  (bif (entry (assoc slot-name (get class-name :ownings)))
-    (cdr entry)
-    (dolist (super (class-precedence-list (find-class class-name)))
-      (bwhen (entry (assoc slot-name (get (c-class-name super) :ownings)))
-        (return (setf (md-slot-owning class-name slot-name) (cdr entry)))))))       
+  (assert class-name)
+  (if (eq class-name 'null)
+      (get slot-name :owning)
+    (bif (entry (assoc slot-name (get class-name :ownings)))
+      (cdr entry)
+      (dolist (super (class-precedence-list (find-class class-name)))
+        (bwhen (entry (assoc slot-name (get (c-class-name super) :ownings)))
+          (return (setf (md-slot-owning class-name slot-name) (cdr entry))))))))     
 (defun (setf md-slot-owning) (value class-name slot-name)
-  (let ((entry (assoc slot-name (get class-name :ownings))))
-    (if entry
-        (progn
-          (setf (cdr entry) value)
-          (loop for c in (class-direct-subclasses (find-class class-name))
+  (assert class-name)
+  (if (eq class-name 'null)
+      (setf (get slot-name :owning) value)
+    (let ((entry (assoc slot-name (get class-name :ownings))))
+      (if entry
+          (progn
+            (setf (cdr entry) value)
+            (loop for c in (class-direct-subclasses (find-class class-name))
                 do (setf (md-slot-owning (class-name c) slot-name) value)))
-      (push (cons slot-name value) (get class-name :ownings)))))
+        (push (cons slot-name value) (get class-name :ownings))))))
-(defmethod md-slot-value-store ((self model-object) slot-name new-value)
-  (trc nil "md-slot-value-store" slot-name new-value)
-  (setf (slot-value self slot-name) new-value))
+(defun md-slot-value-store (self slot-name new-value)
+  (trc nil "md-slot-value-store" self slot-name new-value)
+  (if self
+    (setf (slot-value self slot-name) new-value)
+    (setf (symbol-value slot-name) new-value)))
 (defun md-slot-cell-flushed (self slot-name)
   (cdr (assoc slot-name (cells-flushed self))))
@@ -220,17 +242,19 @@
 (defmethod cell-when (other) (declare (ignorable other)) nil)
 (defun (setf md-slot-cell) (new-cell self slot-name)
-  (bif (entry (assoc slot-name (cells self)))
-    (let ((old (cdr entry))) ;; s/b being supplanted by kid-slotter
-      (declare (ignorable old))
-      (c-assert (null (c-callers old)))
-      (c-assert (null (cd-useds old)))
-      (trc nil "replacing in model .cells" old new-cell self)
-      (rplacd entry new-cell))
-    (progn
-      (trc nil "adding to model .cells" new-cell self)
-      (push (cons slot-name new-cell)
-        (cells self)))))
+  (if self ;; not on def-c-variables
+      (bif (entry (assoc slot-name (cells self)))
+        (let ((old (cdr entry))) ;; s/b being supplanted by kid-slotter
+          (declare (ignorable old))
+          (c-assert (null (c-callers old)))
+          (c-assert (null (cd-useds old)))
+          (trc nil "replacing in model .cells" old new-cell self)
+          (rplacd entry new-cell))
+        (progn
+          (trc nil "adding to model .cells" new-cell self)
+          (push (cons slot-name new-cell)
+            (cells self))))
+    (setf (get slot-name 'cell) new-cell)))
 (defun md-map-cells (self type celldo)
   (map type (lambda (cell-entry)
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/propagate.lisp	2006/11/03 13:37:10	1.25
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/propagate.lisp	2006/11/13 05:28:08	1.26
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
     (when *stop*
       (princ #\.)(princ #\!)
       (return-from c-propagate))    
-    (trc nil "c-propagate> !!!!!!! propping" c (c-value c) :caller-ct (length (c-callers c)) c)
+    (trc c "c-propagate> !!!!!!! propping" c (c-value c) :caller-ct (length (c-callers c)) c)
     (trc nil "c-propagate> !!!! new value" (c-value c) :prior-value prior-value :caller-ct (length (c-callers c)) c)
     (when *c-debug*
       (when (> *c-prop-depth* 250)
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/slot-utilities.lisp	2006/05/20 06:32:19	1.3
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/slot-utilities.lisp	2006/11/13 05:28:08	1.4
@@ -84,7 +84,9 @@
   (slot-boundp self slot-name))
 (defun bd-slot-makunbound (self slot-name)
-  (slot-makunbound self slot-name))
+  (if slot-name ;; not in def-c-variable
+    (slot-makunbound self slot-name)
+    (makunbound self)))
 #| sample incf
 (defmethod c-value-incf ((base fpoint) delta)

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