[cells-cvs] CVS Celtk

ktilton ktilton at common-lisp.net
Sat May 13 13:26:43 UTC 2006

Update of /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv17026

Modified Files:
	CELTK.lpr Celtk.lisp demos.lisp entry.lisp ltktest-ci.lisp 
	run.lisp tk-interp.lisp 
Log Message:

--- /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/CELTK.lpr	2006/05/12 08:30:13	1.9
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/CELTK.lpr	2006/05/13 13:26:42	1.10
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
   :modules (list (make-instance 'module :name "Celtk.lisp")
                  (make-instance 'module :name "tk-interp.lisp")
                  (make-instance 'module :name "tk-object.lisp")
+                 (make-instance 'module :name "tk-events.lisp")
                  (make-instance 'module :name "widget.lisp")
                  (make-instance 'module :name "font.lisp")
                  (make-instance 'module :name "layout.lisp")
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/Celtk.lisp	2006/05/12 08:30:13	1.18
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/Celtk.lisp	2006/05/13 13:26:43	1.19
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
   (:nicknames "CTK")
   (:use :common-lisp :utils-kt :cells :cffi)
+   #:<1>
    #:title$ #:pop-up #:event-root-x #:event-root-y
    #:window #:panedwindow #:mk-row #:c?pack-self #:mk-stack #:mk-text-widget #:text-widget
@@ -127,7 +128,7 @@
   ; --- debug stuff ---
-  (let ((yes '( ))
+  (let ((yes '("bind" "entry"))
         (no  '("tk-events")))
     (declare (ignorable yes no))
@@ -135,7 +136,7 @@
       (break "Hey, fix this.")
       (replace tk$ "{Alt Q}" :start1 st))
-    (when nil #+not (and (or (null yes) (find-if (lambda (s) (search s tk$)) yes))
+    (when (and (or (null yes) (find-if (lambda (s) (search s tk$)) yes))
             (not (find-if (lambda (s) (search s tk$)) no)))
       (format t "~&tk> ~a~%" tk$)))
@@ -144,7 +145,7 @@
   ; --- serious stuff ---
   (setf *tk-last* tk$)
-  (eval-script *tki* tk$))
+  (tcl-eval-ex *tki* tk$))
 (defun tk-format (defer-info fmt$ &rest fmt-args)
   "Format then send to wish (via user queue)"
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/demos.lisp	2006/05/12 08:30:14	1.12
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/demos.lisp	2006/05/13 13:26:43	1.13
@@ -24,21 +24,13 @@
 (in-package :celtk-user)
 (defun ctk::tk-test () ;; ACL project manager needs a zero-argument function, in project package
-  #+test (dolist (dll (ff:list-all-foreign-libraries))
-    (when (find-if (lambda (lib)
-                     (search lib (pathname-name dll))) '("ftgl" "tcl" "tk"))
-      (print `(unloading foreign library ,dll))
-      (ff:unload-foreign-library dll)))
-  ;(cffi:use-foreign-library ctk::tcl)
-  ;(cffi:use-foreign-library ctk::tk)
-  ;(cffi:use-foreign-library ctk::togl)
-   ;;'one-button
-   'ltktest-cells-inside
-   ;;'menu-button-test
-   ;;'spinbox-test
-   ;; 'lotsa-widgets
-   ;;'gears-demo
+   ;; dont try this one, it is deliberately dysfunctional 'one-button
+   ;; OK 'ltktest-cells-inside
+   ;; OK 'menu-button-test
+   ;; OK 'spinbox-test
+   'lotsa-widgets
+   ;; Now in Gears project 'gears-demo
 (defmodel one-button (window)
@@ -72,6 +64,10 @@
                             :width 25)
                            (make-instance 'button
                              :fm-parent *parent*
+                             :text "<<kenny>>"
+                             :command "event generate . <<kenny>> -data \"Hi mom\"")
+                           (make-instance 'button
+                             :fm-parent *parent*
                              :text "time now?"
                              :on-command (c? (lambda (self)
                                                (trc "we got callbacks" self))))
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/entry.lisp	2006/05/12 08:30:14	1.4
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/entry.lisp	2006/05/13 13:26:43	1.5
@@ -84,12 +84,26 @@
     :xscrollcommand (c-in nil)
     :yscrollcommand (c-in nil)
     :modified (c-in nil)
-    :bindings (c? (list (list '|<<Modified>>|
+    :borderwidth (c? (if (^modified) 8 2))
+    :bindings nil #+not (c? (list (list '|<<Modified>>|
                           (lambda (self event &rest args)
                             (eko ("<<Modified>> !!TK value for text-widget" self event args)
-                              (setf (^modified) t))))))))
+                              nil #+not (setf (^modified) t))))))))
+(defcallback entry-modified-handler :void  ((self-tkwin :int)(XEvent :pointer))
+  (trc "yowza entry-modified-handler" self-tkwin XEvent (mem-aref XEvent :int)
+    (TK-EVENT-TYPE (mem-aref XEvent :int))))
+(defmethod make-tk-instance :after ((self text-widget))
+  (with-integrity(:client `(:post-make-tk ,self))
+    ;;(tk-format-now "bind ~a <<Modified>> {set bxbxbxbx}" (^path)) ;; {event generate ~:*~a <<yowza>>}" (^path))
+    (let ((self-tkwin (widget-to-tkwin self)))
+      (assert (plusp self-tkwin))
+      (trc "setting up text-widget virtual-event handler" self :tkwin self-tkwin)
+      (tk-create-event-handler self-tkwin (expt 2 30)  (callback entry-modified-handler) self-tkwin))))
 ;;;(defvar +tk-keysym-table+
 ;;;  (let ((ht (make-hash-table :test 'string=)))
 ;;;    (with-open-file (ksyms "/0dev/math-paper/tk-keysym.dat" :direction :input)
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/ltktest-ci.lisp	2006/05/12 08:30:14	1.2
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/ltktest-ci.lisp	2006/05/13 13:26:43	1.3
@@ -328,7 +328,7 @@
     ; appended.
     :bindings (c? (list
-                   (list '(|<1>| "%X %Y")
+                   (list '(<1> "%X %Y")
                      (lambda (self event root-x root-y) 
                        (declare (ignorable event root-x root-y))
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/run.lisp	2006/05/12 08:30:14	1.7
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/run.lisp	2006/05/13 13:26:43	1.8
@@ -44,13 +44,14 @@
   ;; not recommended by Tcl doc (tcl-do-when-idle (get-callback 'tcl-idle-proc) 42)
   (tk-app-init *tki*)
   (tk-togl-init *tki*)
   (tk-format-now "proc TraceOP {n1 n2 op} {call-back-event $n1 $op}")
   (tk-format-now "set tk-events {}")
+  (tk-format-now "event add <<kenny>> <Meta-Alt-Control-X><Control-S>")
   (tk-format-now "proc call-back {w args} {global tk-events; lappend tk-events [concat do-on-command \\\"$w\\\" $args]}")
   (tk-format-now "proc call-back-event {w e args} {global tk-events; lappend tk-events [concat do-on-event \\\"$w\\\" \\\"$e\\\" $args]}")
   ;; (tk-format-now "bind . <Escape> {call-back-event %W :type <Escape> :time %t}")
+  (tk-create-event-handler (tk-main-window *tki*) (expt 2 30) (callback tk-event-proc) 42)
   (with-integrity ()
     (setf *tkw* (make-instance root-class)))
@@ -88,7 +89,7 @@
                 do (tk-process-event e))))
         (trc nil "tcl-do-one-event-loop sees no events" (get-internal-real-time))
-        (sleep *event-loop-delay*)))))
+        #+nah (sleep *event-loop-delay*)))))
 (defun tk-process-event (event)
   (trc nil "tk-process-event >" event *package*)
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/tk-interp.lisp	2006/05/12 08:30:14	1.5
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/tk-interp.lisp	2006/05/13 13:26:43	1.6
@@ -29,10 +29,10 @@
 (define-foreign-library Tcl
     (:darwin (:framework "Tcl"))
-  (:windows (:or "/tcl/bin/Tcl84.dll")))
+  (:windows (:or "/tcl/bin/Tcl85.dll")))
 (define-foreign-library Tk
     (:darwin (:framework "Tk"))
-  (:windows (:or "/tcl/bin/tk84.dll")))
+  (:windows (:or "/tcl/bin/tk85.dll")))
 ;; Togl
 (define-foreign-library Togl
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
 (defmethod translate-from-foreign (value (type (eql 'tcl-retcode)))
   (unless (eq value (foreign-enum-value 'tcl-retcode-values :tcl-ok))
-    (error "*** Tcl error !"))
+    (error "Tcl error: ~a" (tcl-get-string-result *tki*)))
 ;; --- initialization ----------------------------------------
@@ -129,44 +129,31 @@
   (with-foreign-string (filename-cstr filename)
     (%Tcl_EvalFile interp filename-cstr)))
-;; Tcl_Eval
+(defcfun ("Tcl_Eval" tcl-eval) tcl-retcode
+  (interp      :pointer)
+  (script-cstr :string))
-(defcfun ("Tcl_Eval" %Tcl_Eval) tcl-retcode
+(defcfun ("Tcl_EvalEx" tcl_evalex) tcl-retcode
   (interp      :pointer)
-  (script-cstr :pointer))
+  (script-cstr :string)
+  (num-bytes :int)
+  (flags :int))
+(defun tcl-eval-ex (i s)
+  (tcl_evalex i s -1 0))
 (defcfun ("Tcl_GetStringResult" tcl-get-string-result) :string
   (interp      :pointer))
 (defcfun ("Tk_GetNumMainWindows" tk-get-num-main-windows) :int)
+(defcfun ("Tk_MainWindow" tk-main-window) :pointer (interp :pointer))
+(defcfun ("Tk_NameToWindow" tk-name-to-window) :pointer
+  (interp :pointer)
+  (pathName :string)
+  (related-tkwin :pointer))
-(defun Tcl_Eval (interp script)
-  (with-foreign-string (script-cstr script)
-    (%Tcl_Eval interp script-cstr)))
-(defcenum tcl-event-flag-values
-    (:tcl-dont-wait         2)
-  (:tcl-window-events     4)
-  (:tcl-file-events       8)
-  (:tcl-timer-events     16)
-  (:tcl-idle-events      32)
-  (:tcl-all-events       -3))
-(defcfun ("Tcl_DoOneEvent" Tcl_DoOneEvent) :int
-  (flags :int))
-(defcfun ("Tcl_DoWhenIdle" tcl-do-when-idle) :void
-  (tcl-idle-proc :pointer)
-  (client-data :int))
-(defcallback tcl-idle-proc :void ((client-data :int))
-  (unless (c-stopped)
-    (print (list :idle-proc :client-data client-data))))
-;; Tk_MainLoop
-(defcfun ("Tk_MainLoop" Tk_MainLoop) :void)
+(defun widget-to-tkwin (self)
+  (tk-name-to-window *tki* (^path) (tk-main-window *tki*)))
 ;;; --- Togl (Version 1.7 and above needed!) -----------------------------
@@ -257,7 +244,7 @@
   (assert interp)
   (assert script)
-  (Tcl_Eval interp script))
+  (tcl-eval interp script))
 (defun exec-button ()

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