[cells-cvs] CVS cells
ktilton at common-lisp.net
Fri Jun 9 17:21:35 UTC 2006
Update of /project/cells/cvsroot/cells
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv8778
Modified Files:
cells-manifesto.txt constructors.lisp propagate.lisp
Log Message:
Small fix to c-formula to &allow-other-keys, in support of new tutorial.
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/cells-manifesto.txt 2006/06/07 22:12:55 1.4
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/cells-manifesto.txt 2006/06/09 17:21:35 1.5
@@ -1,16 +1,76 @@
+In the text that follows, [xxx] signifies a footnote named "xxx" and
+listed alphabetically at the end.
-Cells In A Nutshell
-The Cells library as it stands is all about doing interesting things with slots of CLOS instances.
-Nothing says a global variable could not be mediated by a Cell, and indeed one Cells user is
-known to have experimented with that. Also, some work was done on having slots of DEFSTRUCTs mediated
-by Cells. But for the rest of this exposition let's just talk about CLOS slots and instances.
+Cells is a mature, stable extension to CLOS[impl] allowing one to create classes
+whose instances can have slot values determined by instance-specific formulas.
+As a child I watched my father toil at home for hours over paper
+spreadsheets with pencil and slide rule. After he changed one value,
+he had to propagate that change to other cells by first remembering
+which other ones included the changed cell in their computation.
+Then he had to do the calculations for those, erase, enter...
+and then repeating that process to propagate those changes in a
+cascade across the paper.
+VisiCalc let my father take the formula he had in mind and
+put it in (declare it to) the electronic spreadsheet. Then VisiCalc
+could do the tedious work: recalculating, knowing what to recalculate,
+and knowing in what order to recalculate.
+Cells do for programmers what electronic spreadsheets did for my father.
+Without Cells, CLOS slots are like cells of a paper spreadsheet.
+A single key-down event can cause a cascade of change throughout an
+application. The programmer has to arrange for it all to happen,
+all in the right order: delete any selected text, insert
+the new character, re-wrap the text, update the undo mechanism, revisit
+the menu statuses ("Cut" is no longer enabled), update the scroll bars,
+possibly scroll the window, flag the file as unsaved...
+Here is a real-world case study:
+"The last company I worked with made a product that was a control unit
+for some mechanical devices, presenting both sensor readings coming in
+from those devices and an interface to program the devices. Consider
+it like a very sophisticated microwave oven, perhaps with a
+temperature probe.
+"The UI code was a frighteningly complex rat's nest. Input data
+arriving from the sensors changed certain state values, which caused
+the display to update, but the system state also changed, and rules
+had to be evaluated, the outcome of which might be tuning to the
+running job or warning messages presented to the user, and in the
+meantime the user may be adjusting the running job. I'm sure there are
+even more interactions I'm leaving out.
+"There was no "large idea" in this code to organize these dependencies
+or orchestrate the data flow. The individual facilities were
+well-formed enough: "message" input and output, GUI widgets and forms,
+real-world entities modeled as entities in the code. However, the
+connections between these things were ad-hoc and not formalized. Every
+change to the system would provoke defects, and the failure usually
+involved not propagating some event, propagating it at the wrong time,
+or propagating it to the wrong recipients."
+ --- Steven Harris, on comp.lang.lisp
+What Mr. Harris describes is what Fred Brooks [bullet] said was an essential
+property of software development, meaning by essential that there was no
+way around it, and thus his prediction that a software silver bullet was
+in principle impossible.
+Which brings us to Cells.
DEFMODEL and Slot types
Classes, some of whose slots may be mediated by Cells, are defined by DEFMODEL, which is exactly
-like DEFCLASS but adds support for two slot definition options, :cell and :unchanged-if.
+like DEFCLASS but adds support for two slot definition options, :cell and :unchanged-if. Classes
+defined by DEFMODEL can inherit from normal CLOS classes.
+New slot definition options
:cell {nil | t | :ephemeral}
@@ -36,8 +96,8 @@
Cell types
-The Cells library allows the programmer to specify at make-instance time that a slot of an instance
-be mediated for the life of that instance by one of:
+The Cells library allows the programmer to specify at make-instance time that a Cell
+slot of an instance be mediated for the life of that instance by one of:
-- a so-called "input" Cell;
-- a "ruled" Cell; or
@@ -94,7 +154,7 @@
-To allow the emergent data animation model to operate usefully on the world outside the model--if only to
+To allow the emergent animated data model to operate usefully on the world outside the model--if only to
update the screen--programmers may specify so-called observer callbacks dispatched according to: slot name,
instance, new value, old value, and whether the old value actually existed (false only on the first go).
@@ -141,12 +201,33 @@
Greater object re-use. Slots of instances can be authored with rules, not just literal values. In a sense,
we get greater reuse by allowing instances to override slot derivations instance by instance. But not slot
-expressions, which are still class-oriented.
+expressions, which are still class-oriented. By this I mean the observers expressing changes in value are
+dispatched by the class of the instance and so are not instance-specific. (Such a thing has been
+suggested, however.) Another strong bit of class-orientation comes from the fact that code reading
+slot X of some instance Y obviously does so without knowing how the returned value was derived. It knows
+only that the slot is named X, and will do things with that value assuming only that it has the
+X attribute of the instance Y. So again: the derivation of a slot value is potentially instance-oriented
+under Cells, but its expression or manifestation is still class-oriented.
+Natural decomposition of overall application complexity into so many simple rules and slot observers.
+Let's return for a moment to VisiCalc and its descendants. In even the most complex financial spreadsheet
+model, no one cell rule accesses more than a relatively few other spreadsheet cells (counting a row or
+column range as one reference). Yet the complex model emerges. All the work of tracking dependencies
+is handled by the spreadsheet software, which require no special declaration by the modeller. They simply
+writes the Cell rule. In writing the rule, they are concerned only with the derivation of one datapoint from
+a population of other datapoints. No effort goes into arranging for the rule to get run at the right time,
+and certainly no energy is spent worrying about what other cells might be using the authored cell. That
+cell has certain semantics -- "account balance", perhaps -- and the modeller need only worry about writing
+a correct, static computation of those semantics.
+Same with Cells. :) The only difference is that VisiCalc has one "observer" requirement for all cells:
+update the screen. In Cells applications, a significant amount of application functionality -- indeed, all
+its outputs -- end up in cell observers. But as discussed above, this additional burden falls only on
+the class designer when they decide to add a slot to a class. As instances are created and different rules
+specified for different slots to achieve custom behavior, the effort is the same as for the VisiCalc user.
-Natural decomposition of overall application complexity into so many simple rules and slot observers.
+Suggested Applications
Any application that must maintain an interesting, long-lived data model incorporating a stream of unpredictable
data. Two examples: any GUI application and a RoboCup soccer client.
@@ -157,14 +238,10 @@
Prior Art
-The entire constraint programming field, beginning I guess with Guy Steele's
-PhD Thesis in which he develops a constraint programming language or two:
- http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=889490&dl=ACM&coll=ACM
- http://www.cs.utk.edu/~bvz/quickplan.html
+Adobe Adam, originally developed only to manage complex GUIs. [Adam]
-Sutherland, I. Sketchpad: A Man Machine Graphical Communication System. PhD thesis, MIT, 1963.
-Steele himself cites Sketchpad as inexlicably unappreciated prior
-art to his Constraints system:
+COSI, a class-based Cells-alike used at STSCI to in software used to
+schedule Hubble telescope viewing time. [COSI]
Garnet's KR: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~garnet/
Also written in Lisp. Cells looks much like KR, though Cells was
@@ -172,32 +249,14 @@
an astonishing number of backdoors to its constraint
engine, none of which have turned out to be necessary for Cells.
- "The Constraint Sequencing Infrastructure (COSI) is an extension to
-the Common Lisp Object System (*(CLOS)) which supports a constraint
-based object-oriented programming model. .....
-"A constraint is a specialized method which will be automatically
-re-run by the COSI infrastructure whenever any of its input values
-change. Input values are any of the object attributes that are
-accessed by the constraint, and which are therefore assumed to
-alter the processing within the constraint.
-"Whenever a state change occurs those constraints which depend upon
-that state are added to a propagation queue. When the system is
-queried a propagation cycle runs ensuring that the state of the
-system is consistent with all constraints prior to returning a value."
--- http://www.cliki.net/ACL2/COSI?source
+The entire constraint programming field, beginning I guess with Guy Steele's
+PhD Thesis in which he develops a constraint programming language or two:
+ http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=889490&dl=ACM&coll=ACM
+ http://www.cs.utk.edu/~bvz/quickplan.html
-Adobe Adam:
-"Adam is a modeling engine and declarative language for describing constraints and
-relationships on a collection of values, typically the parameters to an
-application command. When bound to a human interface (HI) Adam provides
-the logic that controls the HI behavior. Adam is similar in concept to a spreadsheet
-or a forms manager. Values are set and dependent values are recalculated.
-Adam provides facilities to resolve interrelated dependencies and to track
-those dependencies, beyond what a spreadsheet provides."
+Sutherland, I. Sketchpad: A Man Machine Graphical Communication System. PhD thesis, MIT, 1963.
+Steele himself cites Sketchpad as inexlicably unappreciated prior
+art to his Constraints system:
See also:
The spreadsheet paradigm: http://www.cs.utk.edu/~bvz/active-value-spreadsheet.html
@@ -260,8 +319,9 @@
deferred until all computed cells are up-to-date with the current state of
the universe."
+Uncommentary :)
-- Peter Seibel, comp.lang.lisp:
"I couldn't find anything that explained what it was and why I should care."
@@ -270,4 +330,46 @@
interesting, but I haven't downloaded it yet, and I haven't
checked out how it works or what /exactly/ it does."
\ No newline at end of file
+[Adam] "Adam is a modeling engine and declarative language for describing constraints and
+relationships on a collection of values, typically the parameters to an
+application command. When bound to a human interface (HI) Adam provides
+the logic that controls the HI behavior. Adam is similar in concept to a spreadsheet
+or a forms manager. Values are set and dependent values are recalculated.
+Adam provides facilities to resolve interrelated dependencies and to track
+those dependencies, beyond what a spreadsheet provides."
+[bullet] This resolves a problem Fred Brooks identified in 1987: ""The essence of a software
+entity is a construct of interlocking concepts: data sets, relationships among data items, algorithms,
+and invocations of functions... Software systems have orders-of-magnitude more states than
+computers do...a scaling-up of a software entity is not merely a repetition of the same elements
+in larger sizes; it is necessarily an increase in the number of different elements. In most cases,
+the elements interact with each other in some nonlinear fashion, and the complexity of the whole
+increases much more than linearly."
+-- http://www.virtualschool.edu/mon/SoftwareEngineering/BrooksNoSilverBullet.html
+[COSI] "The Constraint Sequencing Infrastructure (COSI) is an extension to
+the Common Lisp Object System (*(CLOS)) which supports a constraint
+based object-oriented programming model. .....
+"A constraint is a specialized method which will be automatically
+re-run by the COSI infrastructure whenever any of its input values
+change. Input values are any of the object attributes that are
+accessed by the constraint, and which are therefore assumed to
+alter the processing within the constraint.
+"Whenever a state change occurs those constraints which depend upon
+that state are added to a propagation queue. When the system is
+queried a propagation cycle runs ensuring that the state of the
+system is consistent with all constraints prior to returning a value."
+-- http://www.cliki.net/ACL2/COSI?source
+[impl] The Cells library as it stands is all about doing interesting things
+with slots of CLOS instances, but Cells is not only about CLOS or even Lisp.
+One Cells user is known to have mediated a global variable with a Cell, some work
+was done on having slots of DEFSTRUCTs mediated by Cells, and ports to C++, Java, and
+Python have been explored.
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/constructors.lisp 2006/05/20 06:32:19 1.6
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/constructors.lisp 2006/06/09 17:21:35 1.7
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
,(when out `(trc "c?? result:" ,result (c-slot-name c) (when ,tagp ,thetag)))
-(defmacro c-formula ((&rest keys &key lazy) &body forms)
+(defmacro c-formula ((&rest keys &key lazy &allow-other-keys) &body forms)
(assert (member lazy '(nil t :once-asked :until-asked :always)))
:code ',forms
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/propagate.lisp 2006/06/05 00:01:22 1.14
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/propagate.lisp 2006/06/09 17:21:35 1.15
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@
(with-integrity (:tell-dependents c)
(assert (null *c-calculators*))
(let ((*causation* causation))
- (trc "c-propagate-to-users > notifying users of" c (mapcar 'c-slot-name (c-users c)))
+ (trc nil "c-propagate-to-users > notifying users of" c (mapcar 'c-slot-name (c-users c)))
(dolist (user (c-users c))
(unless (member (cr-lazy user) '(t :always :once-asked))
(trc nil "propagating to user is (used,user):" c user)
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