[cells-cvs] CVS cells/gui-geometry

ktilton ktilton at common-lisp.net
Sun Jun 4 13:19:59 UTC 2006

Update of /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/gui-geometry
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv13961/gui-geometry

Added Files:
	coordinate-xform.lisp defpackage.lisp geo-data-structures.lisp 
	geo-family.lisp geometer.lisp gui-geometry.lpr 
Log Message:
Mostly adding a general-purpose GUI geometry component that makes good use of the Family class and specifically the kid-slotting mechanism.

--- /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/gui-geometry/coordinate-xform.lisp	2006/06/04 13:19:59	NONE
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/gui-geometry/coordinate-xform.lisp	2006/06/04 13:19:59	1.1
;; -*- mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Package: gui-geometry; -*-

Copyright (C) 2004 by Kenneth William Tilton

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the Lisp Lesser GNU Public License
 (http://opensource.franz.com/preamble.html), known as the LLGPL.

This library is distributed  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even 

See the Lisp Lesser GNU Public License for more details.


(in-package :gui-geometry)

(defconstant *reference-dpi* 1440)

(let (
      (logical-dpi 96) ;;1440) 
      ; This is cello's internal dots per inch.  This value is germane only if size references are unqualified by a function call.
      ; Size references should always be qualified, as in (:pts 6), except when specifying pen widths.
      ; (Pen widths may pose a special case -- we may need to match screen pens to print pens.)
      (scan-resolution 300)                  
      ; This is the desired scan resolution, and the assumed resolution of all scans.
      ; Hypothetically, a scanner not capable of scanning at 300 dpi could make a big hash of this scheme.
      ; Rather than even pretend to support multiple resolutions within a study, for now we'll enforce 300 across the board.
      ; Dependencies on this spec can be identified by searching on scan-resolution.
      (logical-screen-resolution 96)         
      ; This is the internal logical screen resolution, which does _not_ have to equal the current LOGPIXELSX (LOGPIXELSY) value
      ; reported by GetDeviceCaps.  The original thought was that we could use this to rescale _all_ drawing on the fly.  Now that
      ; idea is being superseded by targetRes, but this functions (1) as a tacit targetRes for the outer window and (2) as a magic
      ; number to complicate debugging [we need to root out a few references in .bmp drawing, I think].
      ;;(printer-resolution 600)      ; /// improve #'cs-printer-resolution to bypass this.
      ;;(emf-resolution 600)
  (declare (ignorable logical-dpi scan-resolution logical-screen-resolution printer-resolution))
  ; Notice the somewhat nonstandard naming convention:
  ; #'uInches takes logical inches and returns logical units (DPI)
  ; so, for instance, if logical-dpi = 1440, then (uInches 0.5) = 720.
  (defun u-round (number &optional (divisor 1))
    (multiple-value-bind (quotient remainder)
        (round number divisor)
      (declare (ignorable remainder))
      ;(assert (zerop remainder))
      ;(assert (zerop (mod quotient 15))) ;96ths

  (defun udots (dots dpi)
    (u-round (* dots logical-dpi) dpi))   ;only the first value will be used.
  (defun uinches (logical-inches)
    (u-round (* logical-inches logical-dpi)))   ;only the first value will be used.
  (defun uin (logical-inches)
    (uinches logical-inches))
  (defun upoints (logical-points)
    (udots logical-points  72))
  (defun upts (logical-points)
    (upoints logical-points))
  (defun u96ths (logical-96ths)
    (udots logical-96ths 96))
  (defun u8ths (logical-8ths)
    (udots logical-8ths 8))
  (defun u16ths (logical-16ths)
    (udots logical-16ths 16))
  (defun u32nds (logical-32nds)
    (udots logical-32nds 32))
  (defun u120ths (logical-120ths)
    (udots logical-120ths 120))
  (defun cs-logical-dpi ()
  (defsetf cs-logical-dpi cs-logical-dpi-setf)
  (defun cs-logical-dpi-setf (new-value)
    (setf logical-dpi new-value))
  (defun cs-scan-resolution ()
  (defun cs-logical-screen-resolution ()

(defmethod u-cvt ((nn number) (units (eql :96ths)) )
  (u96ths nn))

(defmethod u-cvt ((nn number) (units (eql :8ths)) )
  (u8ths nn))

(defmethod u-cvt ((nn number) (units (eql :16ths)) )
  (u16ths nn))

(defmethod u-cvt ((nn number) (units (eql :32nds)) )
  (u32nds nn))

(defmethod u-cvt ((nn number) (units (eql :inches)) )
  (uinches nn))

(defmethod u-cvt ((nn number) (units (eql :points)) )
  (upoints nn))

(defmethod u-cvt (other units)
  (declare (ignore units))

(defmethod u-cvt ((nns cons) units)
  (cons (u-cvt (car nns) units)
        (u-cvt (cdr nns) units)))

(defmacro u-cvt! (nn units)
  `(u-cvt ,nn ,units))

(defun uv2 (x y u-key) (apply #'mkv2 (u-cvt (list x y) u-key)))


(defun os-logical-screen-dpi ()
  (break "need (win:GetDeviceCaps (device-context (screen *cg-system*)) win:LOGPIXELSX))"))
#+no(defun browser-target-resolution ()
  (target-resolution (find-window :clinisys)))

; set to 96 because the code is trying to do rect-frames for the header before the window is init'ed.

(let ((current-target-resolution 96))  ;initialize when main window is created  
   (defun set-current-target-resolution (resolution)
     #+shh(trc "setting current-target-resolution to" resolution)
     (setf current-target-resolution resolution))
   (defun cs-current-target-resolution ()
   (defun cs-target-res ()
   (defmacro with-target-resolution ((new-resolution) &rest body)
     (let ((old-resolution (gensym))
        `(let ((,old-resolution (cs-current-target-resolution))
              (set-current-target-resolution ,new-resolution)
                (progn , at body)
              (set-current-target-resolution ,old-resolution)

;converts screen pixels to logical pixels given the current target resolution OR OPTIONAL OTHER RES
(defun scr2log (dots &optional (target-res (cs-target-res)))
  (round (* dots (cs-logical-dpi))

(defun log2scr (logv &optional (target-res (cs-target-res)))
  (floor-round (* logv target-res )

(defun cs-archos-dpi ()

(defun floor-round (x &optional (divisor 1))
  (ceiling (- (/ x divisor) 1/2)))

;converts logical pixels to screen pixels given the current target resolution OR OPTIONAL OTHER RES
(defun logical-to-screen-vector (dots &optional target-res)
  (let ((convert-res (or target-res (cs-target-res))))  
    (floor-round (* dots convert-res) (cs-logical-dpi))))

(defun logical-to-screen-point (point &optional target-res)
   (log2scr (v2-h point) target-res)
   (log2scr (v2-v point) target-res)))

(defun screen-to-logical-v2 (point &optional target-res)
   (scr2log (v2-h point) target-res)
   (scr2log (v2-v point) target-res)))

(defun nr-screen-to-logical (logical-rect screen-rect &optional target-res)
  (nr-make logical-rect
   (scr2log (r-left screen-rect) target-res)
   (scr2log (r-top screen-rect) target-res)
   (scr2log (r-right screen-rect) target-res)
    (scr2log (r-bottom screen-rect) target-res)))

; logical-to-target is a more sensible name throughout

(defun logical-to-target-vector (dots &optional target-res)
  (log2scr dots target-res))

(defun r-logical-to-screen (logical-rect &optional target-res)
  (count-it :r-logical-to-screen)
  (nr-logical-to-screen (mkr 0 0 0 0) logical-rect target-res))

(defun nr-logical-to-screen (screen-rect logical-rect &optional target-res)
  (nr-make screen-rect
   (log2scr (r-left logical-rect) target-res)
   (log2scr (r-top logical-rect) target-res)
   (log2scr (r-right logical-rect) target-res)
    (log2scr (r-bottom logical-rect) target-res)))


;;;(defun set-scaling (window)
;;;  #+shh(trc "targetResolution" (targetRes window))
;;;  (set-current-target-resolution (cs-logical-screen-resolution))          ;here and below, we'll probably make scalable
;;;  ;(set-current-target-resolution (cs-logical-dpi))
;;;  (let ((dc (device-context window))
;;;        (display-dpi (cs-logical-screen-resolution))                       ;... and use (targetRes window)
;;;        (logical-dpi (cs-logical-dpi)))
;;;     (os-SetMapMode dc win:MM_ISOTROPIC)
;;;     (os-SetWindowExtEx dc logical-dpi logical-dpi ct:hnull)                  
;;;     (os-SetViewportExtEx dc display-dpi display-dpi ct:hnull)))

(defun move-v2-x-y (v2 x y)
  (incf (v2-h v2) x)
  (incf (v2-v v2) y)

(defmethod ncanvas-to-screen-point (self point)
  (ncanvas-to-screen-point (fm-parent self)
                          (move-v2-x-y point (px self) (py self))))

(defmethod res-to-res ((amount number) from-res to-res)
  (if to-res
      (round (* amount from-res) to-res)

(defmethod res-to-res ((point v2) from-res to-res)
  (nres-to-res (copy-v2 point) from-res to-res))

(defmethod nres-to-res ((point v2) from-res to-res)
  (setf (v2-h point) (res-to-res (v2-h point) from-res to-res))
  (setf (v2-v point) (res-to-res (v2-v point) from-res to-res))

(defmethod res-to-res ((box rect) from-res to-res)
  (count-it :res-to-res)
  (nres-to-res (nr-copy (mkr 0 0 0 0) box) from-res to-res))

(defmethod nres-to-res :around (geo-thing from-res (to-res null))
  (declare (ignore from-res))

(defmethod nres-to-res ((box rect) from-res to-res)
  (setf (r-left box) (res-to-res (r-left box) from-res to-res))
  (setf (r-top box) (res-to-res (r-top box) from-res to-res))
  (setf (r-right box) (res-to-res (r-right box) from-res to-res))
  (setf (r-bottom box) (res-to-res (r-bottom box) from-res to-res))

(defun canvas-to-screen-box (self box)
  (count-it :canvas-to-screen-box)
   (mkr 0 0 0 0)
   (ncanvas-to-screen-point self (r-top-left box))
   (ncanvas-to-screen-point self (r-bottom-right box))))

--- /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/gui-geometry/defpackage.lisp	2006/06/04 13:19:59	NONE
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/gui-geometry/defpackage.lisp	2006/06/04 13:19:59	1.1
;; -*- mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Package: gui-geometry; -*-

Copyright (C) 2004 by Kenneth William Tilton

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the Lisp Lesser GNU Public License
 (http://opensource.franz.com/preamble.html), known as the LLGPL.

This library is distributed  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even 

See the Lisp Lesser GNU Public License for more details.


(defpackage #:gui-geometry
  (:nicknames #:geo)
  (:use #:common-lisp #:utils-kt #:cells)
  (:export #:geometer #:px #:py #:ll #:lt #:lr #:lb))--- /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/gui-geometry/geo-data-structures.lisp	2006/06/04 13:19:59	NONE
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/gui-geometry/geo-data-structures.lisp	2006/06/04 13:19:59	1.1
;; -*- mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Package: gui-geometry; -*-

Copyright (C) 2004 by Kenneth William Tilton

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the Lisp Lesser GNU Public License
 (http://opensource.franz.com/preamble.html), known as the LLGPL.

This library is distributed  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even 

See the Lisp Lesser GNU Public License for more details.


(in-package :gui-geometry)


(defstruct v2 
  (h 0 )
  (v 0 )

(instance-slots (mkv2 1 2))

(defmethod print-object ((self v2) s)
  (format s "(~a ~a)" (v2-h self)(v2-v self)))

(defun mkv2 (h v) (make-v2 :h h :v v))

(defun v2= (a b)
  (and a b
    (= (v2-h a)(v2-h b))
    (= (v2-v a)(v2-v b))))

(defun v2-add (p1 p2)
  (make-v2 :h (+ (v2-h p1) (v2-h p2))
    :v (+ (v2-v p1) (v2-v p2))))

(defun v2-move (p1 x y)
  (make-v2 :h (+ (v2-h p1) x)
    :v (+ (v2-v p1) y)))

(defun v2-subtract (p1 p2)
  (make-v2 :h (- (v2-h p1) (v2-h p2))
    :v (- (v2-v p1) (v2-v p2))))

(defun v2-in-rect (v2 r)
  (mkv2 (min (r-right r) (max (r-left r) (v2-h v2)))
    (min (r-top r) (max (r-bottom r) (v2-v v2)))))

(defun v2-in-rect-ratio (v2 r)
  (assert (<= (r-left r) (v2-h v2) (r-right r)))
  (assert (<= (r-bottom r) (v2-v v2) (r-top r)))
  (mkv2 (div-safe (- (v2-h v2) (r-left r)) (r-width r))
    (div-safe (- (v2-v v2) (r-bottom r)) (r-height r))))

(defun div-safe (n d &optional (zero-div-return-value 1))
  (if (zerop d) zero-div-return-value (/ n d)))

(defmethod c-value-incf (c (base v2) (delta number))
  (declare (ignore c))
  (mkv2 (+ (v2-h base) delta)
    (+ (v2-v base) delta)))

(defmethod c-value-incf (c (base v2) (delta v2))
  (declare (ignore c))
  (v2-add base delta))

; synapse support
(defmethod delta-diff ((new v2) (old v2) (subtypename (eql 'v2)))
  (v2-subtract new old))

(defmethod delta-identity ((dispatcher number) (subtypename (eql 'v2)))
  (mkv2 0 0))

(defun long-v2 (long-hv)
    (c-assert (numberp long-hv))
    (multiple-value-bind (fv fh)
           (floor long-hv 65536)
          (mkv2 fh fv)))

(defun long-x (long-hv)
    (c-assert (numberp long-hv))
    (mod long-hv 65536))

(defun long-y (long-hv)
    (c-assert (numberp long-hv))
    (floor long-hv 65536))

[229 lines skipped]
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/gui-geometry/geo-family.lisp	2006/06/04 13:19:59	NONE
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/gui-geometry/geo-family.lisp	2006/06/04 13:19:59	1.1

[369 lines skipped]
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/gui-geometry/geometer.lisp	2006/06/04 13:19:59	NONE
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/gui-geometry/geometer.lisp	2006/06/04 13:19:59	1.1

[722 lines skipped]
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/gui-geometry/gui-geometry.lpr	2006/06/04 13:19:59	NONE
+++ /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/gui-geometry/gui-geometry.lpr	2006/06/04 13:19:59	1.1

[809 lines skipped]

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