[cells-cvs] CVS update: cells/cell-types.lisp cells/link.lisp cells/synapse.lisp cells/test.lisp

Kenny Tilton ktilton at common-lisp.net
Fri May 27 01:34:36 UTC 2005

Update of /project/cells/cvsroot/cells
In directory common-lisp.net:/tmp/cvs-serv26417

Modified Files:
	cell-types.lisp link.lisp synapse.lisp test.lisp 
Log Message:
Remove limitation on number of dependencies one cell can have.
Date: Fri May 27 03:34:35 2005
Author: ktilton

Index: cells/cell-types.lisp
diff -u cells/cell-types.lisp:1.5 cells/cell-types.lisp:1.6
--- cells/cell-types.lisp:1.5	Sat May 21 03:40:53 2005
+++ cells/cell-types.lisp	Fri May 27 03:34:34 2005
@@ -78,8 +78,9 @@
             (:conc-name cd-))
   ;; chop (synapses nil :type list)
   (useds nil :type list)
-  (usage (make-array *cd-usagect* :element-type 'bit
-                        :initial-element 0) :type vector))
+  (usage (make-array 16 :element-type 'bit
+                        :initial-element 0) :type simple-bit-vector))
 (defstruct (c-stream
             (:include c-dependent)

Index: cells/link.lisp
diff -u cells/link.lisp:1.5 cells/link.lisp:1.6
--- cells/link.lisp:1.5	Thu May 26 03:15:50 2005
+++ cells/link.lisp	Fri May 27 03:34:34 2005
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
 (in-package :cells)
 (eval-when (compile load)
  (proclaim '(optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (space 0) (debug 0))))
@@ -54,68 +55,47 @@
           when (eq used known)
             (count-it :known-used)
-            (setf u-pos (1- length))
-          finally (return (values u-pos length)))
+            (setf u-pos length)
+          finally (return (values (when u-pos (- length u-pos)) length)))
     (when (null used-pos)
       (trc nil "c-link > new user,used " user used)
       (count-it :new-used)
-      (incf useds-len)
-      (setf used-pos 0)
+      (setf used-pos useds-len)
       ;; 050525kt - wait till eval completes (push user (c-users used))
       (push used (cd-useds user)))
-    (let ((mapn (- *cd-usagect*
-                  (- useds-len used-pos))))
-      ;; (trc user "c-link> setting usage bit" user mapn used)
-      (if (minusp mapn)
-          (c-break "whoa. more than ~d used by ~a? i see ~d"
-            *cd-usagect* user (length (cd-useds user)))
-        (cd-usage-set user mapn))))
+    (handler-case
+        (setf (sbit (cd-usage user) used-pos) 1)
+      (type-error (error)
+        (declare (ignorable error))
+        (setf (cd-usage user)
+          (adjust-array (cd-usage user) (+ used-pos 16) :initial-element 0))
+        (setf (sbit (cd-usage user) used-pos) 1))))
-(dotimes (used 3)
-  (print (multiple-value-bind (p l)
-             (loop with u-pos
-                 for known in '(0 2)
-                 counting known into length
-                   ;; do (print (list :data known length))
-                 when (eql used known) do (setf u-pos (1- length))
-                 finally (return (values u-pos length)))
-           (list p l))))
-(dotimes (n 3)
-  (trc "mapn" n (get-mapn n '(0 1 2))))
-(defun get-mapn (seek map)
-  (declare (fixnum *cd-usagect*))
-  (- *cd-usagect*
-    (loop with seek-pos = nil
-          for m in map
-          for pos fixnum upfrom 0
-          counting m into m-len fixnum
-          when (eq seek m)
-          do (setf seek-pos pos)
-          finally (return (- m-len seek-pos)))))
 ;--- c-unlink-unused --------------------------------
 (defun c-unlink-unused (c &aux (usage (cd-usage c)))
-  (loop for useds on (cd-useds c)
-        for used = (car useds)
-        for mapn upfrom (- *cd-usagect* (length (cd-useds c)))
-        if (zerop (sbit usage mapn))
-        do
-        (c-assert (not (minusp mapn)))
-        (c-assert (< mapn *cd-usagect*))
-        (trc nil "dropping unused" used :mapn-usage mapn usage)
-        (count-it :unlink-unused)
-        (c-unlink-user used c)
-        (rplaca useds nil)
-        else do (pushnew c (c-users used)) ;; 050525 deferred from c-link-ex
-        )
-  (setf (cd-useds c) (delete-if #'null (cd-useds c))))
+  (when (cd-useds c)
+    (let (rev-pos)
+      (labels ((nail-unused (useds)
+                 (flet ((handle-used (rpos)
+                          (if (zerop (sbit usage rpos))
+                              (progn
+                                (count-it :unlink-unused)
+                                (c-unlink-user (car useds) c)
+                                (rplaca useds nil))
+                            (pushnew c (c-users (car useds))))))
+                   (if (cdr useds)
+                       (progn
+                         (nail-unused (cdr useds))
+                         (handle-used (incf rev-pos)))
+                     (handle-used (setf rev-pos 0))))))
+        (nail-unused (cd-useds c))
+        (setf (cd-useds c) (delete-if #'null (cd-useds c)))))))
 (defun c-user-path-exists-p (from-used to-user)
   (count-it :user-path-exists-p)
@@ -126,13 +106,12 @@
 ; ---------------------------------------------
-(defun cd-usage-set (c mapn)
-  (setf (sbit (cd-usage c) mapn) 1))
 (defun cd-usage-clear-all (c)
-  (bit-and (cd-usage c)
-           #*0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
-           t))
+  (loop with a = (cd-usage c)
+        for bitn below (array-dimension a 0)
+        do (setf (sbit a bitn) 0)))
 ;--- unlink from used ----------------------

Index: cells/synapse.lisp
diff -u cells/synapse.lisp:1.6 cells/synapse.lisp:1.7
--- cells/synapse.lisp:1.6	Thu May 26 03:15:50 2005
+++ cells/synapse.lisp	Fri May 27 03:34:34 2005
@@ -48,13 +48,6 @@
              (c-value-ensure-current synapse))
          (c-link-ex synapse)))))
-(defmacro make-synaptic-ruled (syn-pseudo-slot syn-user &body body)
-  `(make-c-dependent
-    :model (c-model ,syn-user)
-    :slot-name ,syn-pseudo-slot
-    :code ',body
-    :synaptic t
-    :rule (c-lambda , at body)))

Index: cells/test.lisp
diff -u cells/test.lisp:1.5 cells/test.lisp:1.6
--- cells/test.lisp:1.5	Thu May 19 22:17:47 2005
+++ cells/test.lisp	Fri May 27 03:34:34 2005
@@ -92,6 +92,37 @@
      (print `(attempting ,',form))
     (assert ,form () "Error with ~a >> ~a" ',form (list , at stuff))))
+;; test huge number of useds by one rule
+(defmodel m-index (family)
+  ()
+  (:default-initargs
+      :md-value (c? (bwhen (ks (^kids))
+                      (apply '+ (mapcar 'md-value ks))))))
+(def-cell-test many-useds
+    (let ((i (make-instance 'm-index)))
+      (loop for n below 100
+            do (push (make-instance 'model
+                       :md-value (c-in n))
+                 (kids i)))
+      (trc "index total" (md-value i))))
+(let* ((a (make-array 16 :element-type 'bit
+            ;;:adjustable t
+            :initial-element 0))
+       (asz (array-dimension a 0)))
+  (inspect a)
+  (print a)
+  (dotimes (n 20)
+    (print n)
+    #+not (unless (< n asz)
+      (adjust-array a (incf asz 16) :initial-element 0))
+    (setf (sbit a n) 1))
+  a)
 (defmodel m-null ()
   ((aa :initform nil :cell nil :initarg :aa :accessor aa)))

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