[cells-cvs] CVS update: cells/link.lisp cells/md-slot-value.lisp
Kenny Tilton
ktilton at common-lisp.net
Sat May 21 15:13:13 UTC 2005
Update of /project/cells/cvsroot/cells
In directory common-lisp.net:/tmp/cvs-serv10097
Modified Files:
link.lisp md-slot-value.lisp
Log Message:
Mo' better tuning, esp. of c-link-ex
Date: Sat May 21 17:13:12 2005
Author: ktilton
Index: cells/link.lisp
diff -u cells/link.lisp:1.3 cells/link.lisp:1.4
--- cells/link.lisp:1.3 Thu May 19 22:17:47 2005
+++ cells/link.lisp Sat May 21 17:13:12 2005
@@ -22,11 +22,14 @@
(in-package :cells)
+(eval-when (compile load)
+ (proclaim '(optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (space 0) (debug 0))))
(defun c-link-ex (used &aux (user (car *c-calculators*)))
(c-assert user)
- (assert used)
- (when (or (c-optimized-away-p used)
- (not (typep used 'cell)))
+ (c-assert used)
+ (when (c-optimized-away-p used) ;; 2005-05-21 removed slow type check that used is cell
(return-from c-link-ex nil))
@@ -43,51 +46,55 @@
(c-assert (not (eq :eternal-rest (md-state (c-model used)))))
(count-it :c-link-entry)
-;;; (loop for ku in (c-usesds user)
-;;; for posn upfrom 0
-;;; wh
-;;; (loop with prior-used = 0
-;;; and found = nil
-;;; for known-used in (c-useds user)
-;;; when (eq known-used used)
-;;; do (progn
-;;; (setf found t)
-;;; (loop-finish))
-;;; finally (return (- *cd-usagect*
-;;; (- (length (cd-useds user))
-;;; (or (position used (cd-useds user)) 0)))))
- (if (find used (c-useds user))
- (count-it :known-used)
- (progn
+ (multiple-value-bind (used-pos useds-len)
+ (loop with u-pos
+ for known in (cd-useds user)
+ counting known into length
+ ;; do (print (list :data known length))
+ when (eq used known)
+ do
+ (count-it :known-used)
+ (setf u-pos (1- length))
+ finally (return (values u-pos length)))
+ (when (null used-pos)
(trc nil "c-link > new user,used " user used)
(count-it :new-used)
+ (incf useds-len)
+ (setf used-pos 0)
(push user (c-users used))
- (push used (cd-useds user))))
+ (push used (cd-useds user)))
- (let ((mapn (get-mapn used (cd-useds user))
- #+not (- *cd-usagect*
- (- (length (cd-useds user))
- (or (position used (cd-useds user)) 0)))))
- ;; (trc user "c-link> setting usage bit" user mapn used)
- (if (minusp mapn)
- (c-break "whoa. more than ~d used by ~a? i see ~d"
- *cd-usagect* user (length (cd-useds user)))
- (cd-usage-set user mapn)))
+ (let ((mapn (- *cd-usagect*
+ (- useds-len used-pos))))
+ ;; (trc user "c-link> setting usage bit" user mapn used)
+ (if (minusp mapn)
+ (c-break "whoa. more than ~d used by ~a? i see ~d"
+ *cd-usagect* user (length (cd-useds user)))
+ (cd-usage-set user mapn))))
+(dotimes (used 3)
+ (print (multiple-value-bind (p l)
+ (loop with u-pos
+ for known in '(0 2)
+ counting known into length
+ ;; do (print (list :data known length))
+ when (eql used known) do (setf u-pos (1- length))
+ finally (return (values u-pos length)))
+ (list p l))))
(dotimes (n 3)
(trc "mapn" n (get-mapn n '(0 1 2))))
(defun get-mapn (seek map)
+ (declare (fixnum *cd-usagect*))
(- *cd-usagect*
(loop with seek-pos = nil
for m in map
- for pos upfrom 0
- counting m into m-len
- when (eql seek m)
+ for pos fixnum upfrom 0
+ counting m into m-len fixnum
+ when (eq seek m)
do (setf seek-pos pos)
finally (return (- m-len seek-pos)))))
Index: cells/md-slot-value.lisp
diff -u cells/md-slot-value.lisp:1.7 cells/md-slot-value.lisp:1.8
--- cells/md-slot-value.lisp:1.7 Sat May 21 03:40:53 2005
+++ cells/md-slot-value.lisp Sat May 21 17:13:12 2005
@@ -58,7 +58,13 @@
((c-inputp c))
((c-currentp c))
((or (not (c-validp c))
- (c-influenced-by-pulse c))
+ (some (lambda (used)
+ (c-value-ensure-current used)
+ (when (and (c-changed used) (> (c-pulse used)(c-pulse c)))
+ #+chya (trc nil "used changed" used :asker c
+ :inpulse ip :pulse *data-pulse-id*)
+ t))
+ (cd-useds c)))
(c-calculate-and-set c))
(t (c-pulse-update c :valid-uninfluenced)))
@@ -67,18 +73,7 @@
(error 'unbound-cell :instance (c-model c) :name (c-slot-name c)))
(c-value c))
-(defun c-influenced-by-pulse (c); &aux (ip *data-pulse-id*))
- (unless (c-currentp c)
- (count-it :c-influenced-by-pulse)
- (trc nil "c-influenced-by-pulse> " c (c-useds c))
- (some (lambda (used)
- (c-value-ensure-current used)
- (when (and (c-changed used) (> (c-pulse used)(c-pulse c)))
- #+chya (trc nil "used changed" used :asker c
- :inpulse ip :pulse *data-pulse-id*)
- t))
- (c-useds c))))
+ ;; 2005-05-21 was c-useds, but I think these are c-dependents
(defun c-calculate-and-set (c)
(flet ((body ()
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