[cells-cvs] CVS update: cells/cell-types.lisp cells/cells.lisp cells/constructors.lisp cells/defpackage.lisp cells/family.lisp cells/integrity.lisp cells/link.lisp cells/md-slot-value.lisp cells/model-object.lisp cells/optimization.lisp cells/propagate.lisp cells/synapse.lisp cells/test.lisp

Kenny Tilton ktilton at common-lisp.net
Wed May 18 21:47:32 UTC 2005

Update of /project/cells/cvsroot/cells
In directory common-lisp.net:/tmp/cvs-serv29834

Modified Files:
	cell-types.lisp cells.lisp constructors.lisp defpackage.lisp 
	family.lisp integrity.lisp link.lisp md-slot-value.lisp 
	model-object.lisp optimization.lisp propagate.lisp 
	synapse.lisp test.lisp 
Log Message:
Speed up c-link-ex a little
Date: Wed May 18 23:47:29 2005
Author: ktilton

Index: cells/cell-types.lisp
diff -u cells/cell-types.lisp:1.2 cells/cell-types.lisp:1.3
--- cells/cell-types.lisp:1.2	Sun May  8 01:12:40 2005
+++ cells/cell-types.lisp	Wed May 18 23:47:29 2005
@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@
   inputp ;; t for old c-variable class
-  cyclicp ;; t if OK for setf to cycle back (ending cycle)
   (users nil :type list)
@@ -73,7 +72,7 @@
 (defstruct (c-dependent
             (:include c-ruled)
             (:conc-name cd-))
-  (synapses nil :type list)
+  ;; chop (synapses nil :type list)
   (useds nil :type list)
   (usage (make-array *cd-usagect* :element-type 'bit
                         :initial-element 0) :type vector))
@@ -99,10 +98,10 @@
 (defmethod md-slot-value-assume :around ((c c-stream) (s streamer))
   (bif (to (streamer-to s))
     (loop for slot-value = (streamer-from s)
-          then (bIf (stepper (streamer-stepper s))
+          then (bif (stepper (streamer-stepper s))
                  (funcall stepper c)
                  (incf slot-value))
-          until (bIf (to (streamer-to s))
+          until (bif (to (streamer-to s))
                   (> slot-value to)
                   (bwhen (donep-test (streamer-donep s))
                     (funcall donep-test c)))

Index: cells/cells.lisp
diff -u cells/cells.lisp:1.2 cells/cells.lisp:1.3
--- cells/cells.lisp:1.2	Sun May  8 14:42:12 2005
+++ cells/cells.lisp	Wed May 18 23:47:29 2005
@@ -57,7 +57,8 @@
 (defmacro c-assert (assertion &optional places fmt$ &rest fmt-args)
-  (declare (ignore places))
+  (declare (ignorable assertion places fmt$ fmt-args))
+  `(progn) #+not 
   `(unless *stop*
      (unless ,assertion
        ,(if fmt$

Index: cells/constructors.lisp
diff -u cells/constructors.lisp:1.2 cells/constructors.lisp:1.3
--- cells/constructors.lisp:1.2	Sun May  8 14:42:12 2005
+++ cells/constructors.lisp	Wed May 18 23:47:29 2005
@@ -33,6 +33,12 @@
      (declare (ignorable .cache self))
      , at body))
+(defmacro with-c-cache ((fn) &body body)
+  (let ((new (gensym)))
+    `(or (bwhen (,new (progn , at body))
+           (funcall ,fn ,new .cache))
+       .cache)))
 (defmacro c? (&body body)
@@ -41,12 +47,6 @@
     :value-state :unevaluated
     :rule (c-lambda , at body)))
-(defmacro c?8 (&body body)
-  `(make-c-dependent
-    :code ',body
-    :cyclicp t
-    :value-state :unevaluated
-    :rule (c-lambda , at body)))
 (defmacro c?dbg (&body body)
@@ -98,13 +98,6 @@
 (defmacro c-in (value)
     :inputp t
-    :value-state :valid
-    :value ,value))
-(defmacro c-in8 (value)
-  `(make-cell
-    :inputp t
-    :cyclicp t
     :value-state :valid
     :value ,value))

Index: cells/defpackage.lisp
diff -u cells/defpackage.lisp:1.2 cells/defpackage.lisp:1.3
--- cells/defpackage.lisp:1.2	Sun May  8 14:42:12 2005
+++ cells/defpackage.lisp	Wed May 18 23:47:29 2005
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
   (:export #:cell #:c-input #:c-in #:c-in8
     #:c-formula #:c? #:c?8 #:c?_ #:c??
     #:with-integrity #:with-deference #:without-c-dependency #:self
-    #:.cache #:c-lambda
+    #:.cache #:.with-c-cache #:c-lambda
     #:defmodel #:c-awaken #:def-c-output #:def-c-unchanged-test
     #:new-value #:old-value #:old-value-boundp #:c...

Index: cells/family.lisp
diff -u cells/family.lisp:1.1 cells/family.lisp:1.2
--- cells/family.lisp:1.1	Fri May  6 23:05:45 2005
+++ cells/family.lisp	Wed May 18 23:47:29 2005
@@ -67,18 +67,7 @@
 (defmacro the-kids (&rest kids)
-  `(packed-flat! ,@(mapcar (lambda (kid)
-                             (typecase kid
-                               (keyword  `(make-instance ',(intern$ (symbol-name kid))))
-                               (t `,kid)))
-                     kids)))
-(defmacro the-kids-2 (&rest kids)
-  `(packed-flat! ,@(mapcar (lambda (kid)
-                             (typecase kid
-                               (keyword  `(make-instance ',(intern$ (symbol-name kid))))
-                               (t `,kid)))
-                           kids)))
+  `(packed-flat! , at kids))
 (defun kid1 (self) (car (kids self)))
 (defun last-kid (self) (last1 (kids self)))
@@ -120,6 +109,7 @@
   (let ((curr-parent (fm-parent self))
         (selftype (type-of self)))
+    (declare (ignorable curr-parent))
     (c-assert (or (null curr-parent)
                 (eql fm-parent curr-parent)))
     (when (plusp (adopt-ct self))

Index: cells/integrity.lisp
diff -u cells/integrity.lisp:1.2 cells/integrity.lisp:1.3
--- cells/integrity.lisp:1.2	Sun May  8 14:42:12 2005
+++ cells/integrity.lisp	Wed May 18 23:47:29 2005
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@
        (when user-q-item
          (destructuring-bind (defer-info . task) user-q-item
            (declare (ignorable defer-info))
-           (trc nil "finbiz notifying users of cell" (car defer-info))
+           (trc nil "finbiz notifying users of cell" (car defer-info) (cd-users (car defer-info)))
            (funcall task)
            (go notify-users))))
@@ -127,13 +127,13 @@
     (when *stop* (return-from finish-business))
     ;--- do c-output-slot-name -----------------------
-    (setf task (cdr (fifo-pop (ufb-queue :output))))
+    (setf task (fifo-pop (ufb-queue :output)))
       (setf some-output t)
-      (trc nil "finish-business outputting------------------------")
-      (funcall task)
+      (trc nil "finish-business outputting--------" (car task))
+      (funcall (cdr task))
       (go next-output))
       (go notify-users)))

Index: cells/link.lisp
diff -u cells/link.lisp:1.1 cells/link.lisp:1.2
--- cells/link.lisp:1.1	Fri May  6 23:05:45 2005
+++ cells/link.lisp	Wed May 18 23:47:29 2005
@@ -22,9 +22,6 @@
 (in-package :cells)
 (defun c-link-ex (used &aux (user (car *c-calculators*)))
   (c-assert user)
   (assert used)
@@ -46,15 +43,33 @@
   (c-assert (not (eq :eternal-rest (md-state (c-model used)))))
   (count-it :c-link-entry)
-  (unless (find used (c-useds user))
-    (trc nil "c-link > new user,used " user used)
-    (c-add-user used user)
-    (c-add-used user used))
-  (let ((mapn (- *cd-usagect*
-                (- (length (cd-useds user))
-                  (or (position used (cd-useds user)) 0)))))      
+;;;  (loop for ku in (c-usesds user)
+;;;        for posn upfrom 0
+;;;        wh
+;;;  (loop with prior-used = 0
+;;;        and found = nil
+;;;        for known-used in (c-useds user)
+;;;        when (eq known-used used)
+;;;        do (progn
+;;;             (setf found t)
+;;;             (loop-finish))
+;;;        finally (return (- *cd-usagect*
+;;;                (- (length (cd-useds user))
+;;;                  (or (position used (cd-useds user)) 0)))))
+  (if (find used (c-useds user))
+      (count-it :known-used)
+    (progn
+      (trc nil "c-link > new user,used " user used)
+      (count-it :new-used)
+      (push user (c-users used))
+      (push used (cd-useds user))))
+  (let ((mapn (get-mapn used (cd-useds user))
+          #+not (- *cd-usagect*
+                  (- (length (cd-useds user))
+                    (or (position used (cd-useds user)) 0)))))
     ;; (trc user "c-link> setting usage bit" user mapn used)
     (if (minusp mapn)
         (c-break "whoa. more than ~d used by ~a? i see ~d"
@@ -62,6 +77,20 @@
       (cd-usage-set user mapn)))
+(dotimes (n 3)
+  (trc "mapn" n (get-mapn n '(0 1 2))))
+(defun get-mapn (seek map)
+  (- *cd-usagect*
+    (loop with seek-pos = nil
+          for m in map
+          for pos upfrom 0
+          counting m into m-len
+          when (eql seek m)
+          do (setf seek-pos pos)
+          finally (return (- m-len seek-pos)))))
 ;--- c-unlink-unused --------------------------------
 (defun c-unlink-unused (c &aux (usage (cd-usage c)))
@@ -74,33 +103,17 @@
         (c-assert (< mapn *cd-usagect*))
         (trc nil "dropping unused" used :mapn-usage mapn usage)
+        (count-it :unlink-unused)
         (c-unlink-user used c)
         (rplaca useds nil))
   (setf (cd-useds c) (delete-if #'null (cd-useds c))))
-(defun c-add-user (used user)
-  (count-it :c-adduser)
-  (pushnew user (c-users used))
-  used)
 (defun c-user-path-exists-p (from-used to-user)
   (count-it :user-path-exists-p)
   (or (find to-user (c-users from-used))
     (find-if (lambda (from-used-user)
                (c-user-path-exists-p from-used-user to-user))
       (c-users from-used))))
-; -----------
-(defun c-add-used (user used)
-  (count-it :c-used)
-  #+ucount (unless (member used (cd-useds user))
-             (incf *cd-useds*)
-             (when (zerop (mod *cd-useds* 100))
-               (trc "useds count = " *cd-useds*)))
-  (pushnew used (cd-useds user))
-  (trc nil "c-add-used>  user <= used" user used (length (cd-useds user)))
-  (cd-useds user))
 ; ---------------------------------------------

Index: cells/md-slot-value.lisp
diff -u cells/md-slot-value.lisp:1.4 cells/md-slot-value.lisp:1.5
--- cells/md-slot-value.lisp:1.4	Sun May  8 18:47:20 2005
+++ cells/md-slot-value.lisp	Wed May 18 23:47:29 2005
@@ -139,8 +139,7 @@
        (md-kids-change (c-model c) nil prior-value :makunbound))
      (with-integrity (:makunbound :makunbound c)
-         (c-propagate c prior-value t)))))
+       (c-propagate c prior-value t)))))
 (defun (setf md-slot-value) (new-value self slot-name
                               &aux (c (md-slot-cell self slot-name)))
@@ -186,11 +185,12 @@
      ; --- data flow propagation -----------
+     (trc nil "md-sv comparing" c prior-state absorbed-value prior-value)
      (if (and (eql prior-state :valid)
            (c-no-news c absorbed-value prior-value))
-           (trc nil "(setf md-slot-value) >no-news" prior-state (c-no-news c absorbed-value prior-value))
-           (count-it :no-news))
+           (trc nil "(setf md-slot-value) >no news" prior-state (c-no-news c absorbed-value prior-value))
+           (count-it :nonews))
          (setf (c-changed c) t)
          (trc nil "sv-assume: flagging as changed" c absorbed-value prior-value prior-state)

Index: cells/model-object.lisp
diff -u cells/model-object.lisp:1.1 cells/model-object.lisp:1.2
--- cells/model-object.lisp:1.1	Fri May  6 23:05:45 2005
+++ cells/model-object.lisp	Wed May 18 23:47:29 2005
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@
       (push (cons slot-name new-type) (get class-name :cell-types)))))
 (defmethod md-slot-value-store ((self model-object) slot-name new-value)
+  (trc nil "md-slot-value-store" slot-name new-value)
   (setf (slot-value self slot-name) new-value))
 (defun md-slot-cell-flushed (self slot-name)
@@ -73,6 +74,7 @@
 (defun (setf md-slot-cell) (new-cell self slot-name)
   (bif (entry (assoc slot-name (cells self)))
     (let ((old (cdr entry))) ;; s/b being supplanted by kid-slotter
+      (declare (ignorable old))
       (c-assert (null (c-users old)))
       (c-assert (null (cd-useds old)))
       (trc nil "replacing in model .cells" old new-cell self)

Index: cells/optimization.lisp
diff -u cells/optimization.lisp:1.3 cells/optimization.lisp:1.4
--- cells/optimization.lisp:1.3	Sun May  8 14:42:12 2005
+++ cells/optimization.lisp	Wed May 18 23:47:29 2005
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
            (not (c-optimized-away-p c)) ;; c-streams come this way repeatedly even if optimized away
            (c-validp c)
            (not (c-synaptic c)) ;; no slot to cache invariant result, so they have to stay around)
-           (every (lambda (lbl-syn) (null (cd-useds (cdr lbl-syn)))) (cd-synapses c))
+           ;; chop (every (lambda (lbl-syn) (null (cd-useds (cdr lbl-syn)))) (cd-synapses c))
            (null (cd-useds c)))
@@ -50,9 +50,8 @@
            (dolist (user (c-users c))
              (setf (cd-useds user) (delete c (cd-useds user)))
-             (trc nil "checking opti2" c :user> user)
-             (when (c-optimize-away?! user)
-               (trc "Wow!!! optimizing chain reaction, first:" c :then user)))
+             (c-optimize-away?! user) ;; rare but it happens when rule says (or .cache ...)
+             )

Index: cells/propagate.lisp
diff -u cells/propagate.lisp:1.3 cells/propagate.lisp:1.4
--- cells/propagate.lisp:1.3	Sun May  8 14:42:12 2005
+++ cells/propagate.lisp	Wed May 18 23:47:29 2005
@@ -59,13 +59,13 @@
 (defun c-propagate-to-users (c)
   (trc nil "c-propagate-to-users > queueing" c)
   (with-integrity (:user-notify :user-notify c)
-      (assert (null *c-calculators*))
         (trc nil "c-propagate-to-users > notifying users of" c)
         (dolist (user (c-users c))
           (bwhen (dead (catch :mdead
                          (trc nil "c-propagate-to-users> *data-pulse-id*, user, c:" *data-pulse-id* user c)
                          (when (c-user-cares user)
+                           (trc nil "c=prop updating" user :used c)
                            (c-value-ensure-current user))
             (when (eq dead (c-model c))
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
 (defun c-output-slot (c slot-name self new-value prior-value prior-value-supplied)
   (with-integrity (:c-output-slot :output c)
     (trc nil "c-output-slot > now!!" self slot-name new-value prior-value)
-    (count-it :output slot-name)
+    ;; (count-it :output slot-name)
     (c-output-slot-name slot-name

Index: cells/synapse.lisp
diff -u cells/synapse.lisp:1.2 cells/synapse.lisp:1.3
--- cells/synapse.lisp:1.2	Sun May  8 01:12:40 2005
+++ cells/synapse.lisp	Wed May 18 23:47:29 2005
@@ -28,15 +28,19 @@
 (defmacro with-synapse (((&rest closure-vars) &key trcp fire-p fire-value) &body body)
   (declare (ignorable trcp))
   (let ((lex-loc-key (gensym "synapse-id")))
-    `(let ((synapse (or (cdr (assoc ',lex-loc-key (cd-synapses
-                                                  (car *c-calculators*))))
+    `(let ((synapse (or (cdr (assoc ',lex-loc-key
+                               (cd-useds (car *c-calculators*))))
                       (cdar (push (cons ',lex-loc-key
                                    (let (, at closure-vars)
                                      (make-synaptic-ruled slot-c (,fire-p ,fire-value)
                                        , at body)))
-                             (cd-synapses
+                             (cd-useds
                               (car *c-calculators*)))))))
-       (c-value-ensure-current synapse))))
+       (prog1
+          (with-integrity (:with-synapse)
+            (c-value-ensure-current synapse))
+        (when (car *c-calculators*)
+          (c-link-ex synapse))))))
 (defmacro make-synaptic-ruled (syn-user (fire-p fire-value) &body body)
   (let ((new-value (gensym))

Index: cells/test.lisp
diff -u cells/test.lisp:1.3 cells/test.lisp:1.4
--- cells/test.lisp:1.3	Sun May  8 14:42:12 2005
+++ cells/test.lisp	Wed May 18 23:47:29 2005
@@ -20,6 +20,35 @@
+#| Synapse Cell Unification Notes
+- start by making Cells synapse-y
+- make sure outputs show right old and new values
+- make sure outputs fire when they should
+- wow: test the Cells II dictates: no output callback sees stale data, no rule
+sees stale data, etc etc
+- test a lot of different synapses
+- make sure they fire when they should, and do not when they should not
+- make sure they survive an evaluation by the user which does not branch to
+them (ie, does not access them)
+- make sure they optimize away
+- test with forms which access multiple other cells
+- look at direct alteration of a user
+- does SETF honor not propagating, as well as a c-ruled after re-calcing
+- do diff unchanged tests such as string-equal work
 #| do list
 -- can we lose the special handling of the .kids slot?
@@ -36,6 +65,7 @@
 (defparameter *cell-tests* nil)
@@ -69,88 +99,22 @@
     (let ((m (make-be 'm-null :aa 42)))
       (ct-assert (= 42 (aa m)))
       (ct-assert (= 21 (decf (aa m) 21)))
-      (ct-assert (= 21 (aa m)))
-(defmodel m-ephem ()
-  ((m-ephem-a :cell :ephemeral :initform nil :initarg :m-ephem-a :accessor m-ephem-a)
-   (m-test-a :cell nil :initform nil :initarg :m-test-a :accessor m-test-a)
-   (m-ephem-b :cell :ephemeral :initform nil :initarg :m-ephem-b :accessor m-ephem-b)
-   (m-test-b :cell nil :initform nil :initarg :m-test-b :accessor m-test-b)))
-(def-c-output m-ephem-a ()
-  (setf (m-test-a self) new-value))
-(def-c-output m-ephem-b ()
-  (setf (m-test-b self) new-value))
-(def-cell-test m-ephem
-    (let ((m (make-be 'm-ephem :m-ephem-a (c-in nil) :m-ephem-b (c? (* 2 (or (^m-ephem-a) 0))))))
-      (ct-assert (null (slot-value m 'm-ephem-a)))
-      (ct-assert (null (m-ephem-a m)))
-      (ct-assert (null (m-test-a m)))
-      (ct-assert (null (slot-value m 'm-ephem-b)))
-      (ct-assert (null (m-ephem-b m)))
-      (ct-assert (zerop (m-test-b m)))
-      (setf (m-ephem-a m) 3)
-      (ct-assert (null (slot-value m 'm-ephem-a)))
-      (ct-assert (null (m-ephem-a m)))
-      (ct-assert (eql 3 (m-test-a m)))
-      ;
-      (ct-assert (null (slot-value m 'm-ephem-b)))
-      (ct-assert (null (m-ephem-b m)))
-      (ct-assert (eql 6 (m-test-b m)))
-      ))
-(defmodel m-cyc ()
-  ((m-cyc-a :initform (c-in nil) :initarg :m-cyc-a :accessor m-cyc-a)
-   (m-cyc-b :initform (c-in nil) :initarg :m-cyc-b :accessor m-cyc-b)))
-(def-c-output m-cyc-a ()
-  (print `(output m-cyc-a ,self ,new-value ,old-value))
-  (setf (m-cyc-b self) new-value))
-(def-c-output m-cyc-b ()
-  (print `(output m-cyc-b ,self ,new-value ,old-value))
-  (setf (m-cyc-a self) new-value))
-(defun m-cyc () ;;def-cell-test m-cyc
-    (let ((m (make-be 'm-cyc)))
-      (print `(start ,(m-cyc-a m)))
-      (setf (m-cyc-a m) 42)
-      (assert (= (m-cyc-a m) 42))
-      (assert (= (m-cyc-b m) 42))))
-(defmodel m-cyc2 ()
-  ((m-cyc2-a :initform (c-in 0) :initarg :m-cyc2-a :accessor m-cyc2-a)
-   (m-cyc2-b :initform (c? (1+ (^m-cyc2-a)))
-     :initarg :m-cyc2-b :accessor m-cyc2-b)))
-(def-c-output m-cyc2-a ()
-  (print `(output m-cyc2-a ,self ,new-value ,old-value))
-  #+not (when (< new-value 45)
-    (setf (m-cyc2-b self) (1+ new-value))))
-(def-c-output m-cyc2-b ()
-  (print `(output m-cyc2-b ,self ,new-value ,old-value))
-  (when (< new-value 45)
-    (setf (m-cyc2-a self) (1+ new-value))))
-(def-cell-test m-cyc2
-    (cell-reset)
-    (let ((m (make-be 'm-cyc2)))
-      (print '(start))
-      (setf (m-cyc2-a m) 42)
-      (describe m)
-      (assert (= (m-cyc2-a m) 44))
-      (assert (= (m-cyc2-b m) 45))
-      ))
+(defmodel m-solo ()
+  ((m-solo-a :initform nil :initarg :m-solo-a :accessor m-solo-a)
+   (m-solo-b :initform nil :initarg :m-solo-b :accessor m-solo-b)))
+(def-cell-test m-solo
+    (let ((m (make-be 'm-solo
+               :m-solo-a (c-in 42)
+               :m-solo-b (c? (* 2 (^m-solo-a))))))
+      (ct-assert (= 42 (m-solo-a m)))
+      (ct-assert (= 84 (m-solo-b m)))
+      (decf (m-solo-a m))
+      (ct-assert (= 41 (m-solo-a m)))
+      (ct-assert (= 82 (m-solo-b m)))
+      :okay-m-null))
 (defmodel m-var ()
   ((m-var-a :initform nil :initarg :m-var-a :accessor m-var-a)

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