[cells-cvs] CVS update: cell-cultures/cello/cello-ftgl.lisp cell-cultures/cello/image.lisp cell-cultures/cello/ix-render.lisp cell-cultures/cello/ix-styled.lisp cell-cultures/cello/ix-text.lisp cell-cultures/cello/mouse-click.lisp cell-cultures/cello/slider.lisp cell-cultures/cello/window-callbacks.lisp cell-cultures/cello/window.lisp

Kenny Tilton ktilton at common-lisp.net
Wed Sep 29 02:50:11 UTC 2004

Update of /project/cells/cvsroot/cell-cultures/cello
In directory common-lisp.net:/tmp/cvs-serv13558/cello

Modified Files:
	cello-ftgl.lisp image.lisp ix-render.lisp ix-styled.lisp 
	ix-text.lisp mouse-click.lisp slider.lisp 
	window-callbacks.lisp window.lisp 
Log Message:
Resolve problems with FTGL. Texture fonts will require upcoming fix in FTGL 2.1 currently in testing
Date: Wed Sep 29 04:50:09 2004
Author: ktilton

Index: cell-cultures/cello/cello-ftgl.lisp
diff -u cell-cultures/cello/cello-ftgl.lisp:1.1 cell-cultures/cello/cello-ftgl.lisp:1.2
--- cell-cultures/cello/cello-ftgl.lisp:1.1	Sat Jun 26 20:38:33 2004
+++ cell-cultures/cello/cello-ftgl.lisp	Wed Sep 29 04:50:09 2004
@@ -77,10 +77,72 @@
 (defmethod make-style-font ((style gui-style-ftgl))
   (font-ftgl-ensure (mode style) (face style) (gui-style-size style)))
-(defmethod ogl-dsp-list-prep progn ((self ftgl))
-  "Do stuff needed before render but not needed/wanted in display list"
-  (ftgl::ftgl-get-display-font self))
+(defun ftgl-debug ()
+  (let (*w*)
+    (with-styles (
+                  (make-instance 'gui-style-ftgl
+                    :id :button 
+                    :face *gui-style-button-face*
+                    :sizes '(12 12 12 12 12)
+                    :text-color +white+)
+                  (make-instance 'gui-style-ftgl
+                    :id :label 
+                    :face *gui-style-button-face*
+                    :sizes '(14 14 14 14 14)
+                    :text-color +white+)
+                  (make-instance 'gui-style-ftgl
+                    :id :unique 
+                    :face *gui-style-button-face*
+                    :sizes '(24 24 24 24 24)
+                    :text-color +white+)
+                  (make-instance 'gui-style-ftgl
+                    :id :unique2
+                    :face *gui-style-button-face*
+                    :sizes '(18 18 18 18 18)
+                    :text-color +white+)
+                  (make-instance 'gui-style-ftgl
+                    :id :default 
+                    :mode :texture
+                    :face *gui-style-button-face*
+                    :sizes '(14 9 14 14 14)
+                    :text-color +green+))
+      (run-window (make-instance 'ftgl-window)
+        (lambda ()
+          ;;; -- not sure how much of this new reset stuff is necessary ---
+          (cl-opengl-init)
+          (cl-ftgl-reset)
+          (cl-ftgl-init))))))
+(defmodel ftgl-window (window)
+  ()
+  (:default-initargs
+    :idler nil
+    :display-continuous t
+    :ll 0 :lt 0
+    :lr (c-in (scr2log 900))
+    :lb (c-in (scr2log -900))
+    :md-name :ftgl-w
+    :title$ "Hello, ftgl"
+    :skin nil 
+    :lighting :off
+    :clear-rgba (list 0 0 0 1)
+    :pre-layer (c? (with-layers +blue+ :off))
+    :clipped nil
+    :kids (c? (the-kids
+               (a-stack (:md-name :ftgl-debug :spacing (upts 10) :px 0 :py (downs (uin 1))
+                          :justify :left
+                          :outset (u8ths 1))
+                 (loop for s in (list "hell" ;;"hlwr" ;;"hlwr 1212"
+                                  "hi2"
+                                  "hello, world 222" "1212"
+                                  )
+                     for n upfrom 0
+                     collecting (mk-part :sample (ix-text)
+                                  :lighting :off
+                                  :text$ s
+                                  :style-id :unique
+                                  :pre-layer (c? (with-layers (:rgba (if (^mouse-over-p)
+                                                                         +red+ +blue+)))))))))))
 (defun ftgl-test ()
@@ -185,6 +247,9 @@
     (trc nil "ix-render-in-font ftgl-texture" :pxy (pxy self) (l-rect self) t$)
     (gl-enable gl_texture_2d)
+    (trc "(gl-is-enabled gl_texture_2d)!!!!!!!" (gl-is-enabled gl_texture_2d)
+      (ogl-get-boolean gl_texture_2d))
+    ;;(assert (ogl-get-boolean gl_texture_2d))
     (gl-disable gl_lighting)
     (gl-enable gl_blend)
     (gl-blend-func gl_src_alpha gl_one_minus_src_alpha)

Index: cell-cultures/cello/image.lisp
diff -u cell-cultures/cello/image.lisp:1.2 cell-cultures/cello/image.lisp:1.3
--- cell-cultures/cello/image.lisp:1.2	Sun Jul  4 20:59:40 2004
+++ cell-cultures/cello/image.lisp	Wed Sep 29 04:50:09 2004
@@ -38,22 +38,24 @@
 (defmodel ogl-node ()
   ((dsp-list :initarg :dsp-list :accessor dsp-list
-     :initform (c?  (ogl-dsp-list-prep self)
-                 (when (every 'dsp-list (kids self))
-                   (let ((display-list-name (or .cache (gl-gen-lists 1)))
-                         (*window-rendering* (nearest self window)))
-                     (assert (not *ogl-listing-p*))
-                     (gl-new-list display-list-name gl_compile)
-                     (let ((*ogl-listing-p* self)
-                           *selecting* *render-clip-l* *render-clip-r* *render-clip-t* *render-clip-b*)
-                       (with-metrics (nil nil "(funcall renderer)" self)
-                         (ix-paint self)))
-                     (gl-end-list)
-                     (setf (redisplayp *window-rendering*) t)
-                     #+nah (when (typep self 'window)
-                       (c-break "got display list for ~a" self))
-                     display-list-name))))
+     :initform (c-formula (:lazy :until-asked)
+                  (assert *w*)
+                  (assert (not *ogl-listing-p*))
+                  (ogl-dsp-list-prep self)
+                  (when (every 'dsp-list (kids self))
+                    (let ((display-list-name (or .cache (gl-gen-lists 1)))
+                          (*window-rendering* (nearest self window)))
+                      (trc nil "display-list-name" display-list-name self)
+                      (gl-new-list display-list-name gl_compile)
+                      (let ((*ogl-listing-p* self)
+                            *selecting* *render-clip-l* *render-clip-r* *render-clip-t* *render-clip-b*)
+                        (with-metrics (nil nil "(funcall renderer)" self)
+                          (ix-paint self)))
+                      (gl-end-list)
+                      (setf (redisplayp *window-rendering*) t)
+                      display-list-name))))
    (gl-name :initarg :gl-name :initform nil :accessor gl-name)
    (renderer :initarg :renderer :initform nil :accessor renderer)))

Index: cell-cultures/cello/ix-render.lisp
diff -u cell-cultures/cello/ix-render.lisp:1.1 cell-cultures/cello/ix-render.lisp:1.2
--- cell-cultures/cello/ix-render.lisp:1.1	Sat Jun 26 20:38:33 2004
+++ cell-cultures/cello/ix-render.lisp	Wed Sep 29 04:50:09 2004
@@ -47,10 +47,7 @@
     (when (and (not lights) (emergency-lighting self))
       (trc nil "emergency lighting" self)
       (dolist (e-light (emergency-lighting self))
-        (ix-render-light e-light))))
-  )
+        (ix-render-light e-light)))))
 (defmethod ix-paint :after ((self family))
   (dolist (k (kids self))
@@ -63,7 +60,9 @@
       (unless (typep k 'window) ;; GLUT gives subwindows their own display callback
         (count-it :call-list)
-        (gl-call-list (dsp-list k)))))
+        (if (dsp-list k)
+            (gl-call-list (dsp-list k))
+          (ix-paint k)))))
 (defun rpchk (id pfail psucc &optional self)
   (declare (ignorable pfail))
@@ -86,7 +85,7 @@
     (ogl-pen-move (px self) (py self)) ; /// combine former in here?
     (when n
-      (trc "gl-name" self n)
+      (trc nil "gl-name" self n)
       (gl-push-name n))
     (rpchk 'ix-paint t nil self)

Index: cell-cultures/cello/ix-styled.lisp
diff -u cell-cultures/cello/ix-styled.lisp:1.1 cell-cultures/cello/ix-styled.lisp:1.2
--- cell-cultures/cello/ix-styled.lisp:1.1	Sat Jun 26 20:38:33 2004
+++ cell-cultures/cello/ix-styled.lisp	Wed Sep 29 04:50:09 2004
@@ -73,7 +73,8 @@
   (when style
     ;;(print `(gui-style ,style ,(styles-default)))
     (or (find style (styles-default) :key 'id)
-      (find :default (styles-default) :key 'id))))
+      (find :default (styles-default) :key 'id)
+      (break "gui-style cannot find requested style ~a" style))))
 (defmodel ix-styled ()
   ((style-id :initarg :style-id
@@ -81,6 +82,7 @@
      :reader style-id)
    (style :initform (c? (gui-style (^style-id)))
+     :initarg :style
      :reader style)
    (text-font :reader text-font :initarg :text-font
@@ -100,8 +102,27 @@
                            (:rgba (^text-color)))))))
-(defmethod ogl-dsp-list-prep progn ((self ix-styled))
-  (ogl-dsp-list-prep (text-font self)))
+(defmethod ogl-dsp-list-prep progn ((self ix-styled) &aux (font (text-font self)))
+  (assert (not *ogl-listing-p*))
+  (trc nil "ogl-dsp-list-prep sub-prepping font" font)
+  (typecase font
+    (ftgl-extruded
+     (unless (ftgl::ftgl-disp-ready-p font)
+       (fgc-set-face-size (ftgl::ftgl-get-metrics-font font) 
+         (ftgl::ftgl-size font) (ftgl::ftgl-target-res font)))
+     (ix-string-width self (^display-text$)))
+    (ftgl-texture
+     #+not (loop with x for c across (^display-text$)
+           do (pushnew (fgc-char-texture (ftgl::ftgl-get-metrics-font font)(char-code c)) x)
+           finally (trc "font,string,textures" font (^display-text$) x))
+     #+no? (unless (ftgl::ftgl-disp-ready-p font)
+       (trc "setting face size" font)
+       (fgc-set-face-size (ftgl::ftgl-get-metrics-font font) 
+         (ftgl::ftgl-size font) (ftgl::ftgl-target-res font)))
+     ;;(trc (eql 12 (ftgl::ftgl-size font)) "forcing glyphs" (ftgl::ftgl-face font) (^display-text$))
+     #+not (ix-string-width self (^display-text$)))
+    )
+  (ftgl::ftgl-get-display-font font))
 (defmethod make-style-font ((style gui-style-glut-stroke))

Index: cell-cultures/cello/ix-text.lisp
diff -u cell-cultures/cello/ix-text.lisp:1.1 cell-cultures/cello/ix-text.lisp:1.2
--- cell-cultures/cello/ix-text.lisp:1.1	Sat Jun 26 20:38:33 2004
+++ cell-cultures/cello/ix-text.lisp	Wed Sep 29 04:50:09 2004
@@ -154,6 +154,11 @@
      :initform (c? (cons (now)(frame-ct .w.)))))
       :style-id :button
+    :style (make-instance 'gui-style-ftgl
+                  :id :button 
+                  :face *gui-style-button-face*
+                  :sizes '(16 16 16 16 16)
+                  :text-color +white+)
     :inset (mkv2 (upts 2)(upts 0))
     ;;:lt 15 :lb -5
     :char-mask "999"

Index: cell-cultures/cello/mouse-click.lisp
diff -u cell-cultures/cello/mouse-click.lisp:1.1 cell-cultures/cello/mouse-click.lisp:1.2
--- cell-cultures/cello/mouse-click.lisp:1.1	Sat Jun 26 20:38:33 2004
+++ cell-cultures/cello/mouse-click.lisp	Wed Sep 29 04:50:09 2004
@@ -74,14 +74,7 @@
       (focus-navigate (focus (click-window self)) (clickee self))))
   (to-be self) ;; unnecessary? 2301kt just moved this from after next line 
-  (trc "echo click set self clickee" self (clickee self))
-  (bwhen (c (cells::md-slot-cell (clickee self) 'click-evt))
-    (trc "echo click-evt cell" c)
-    (dolist (u (cells::c-users c))
-      (trc "echo click-evt cell user" c u))
-    (if (c-debug c)
-        (trace ctl-notify-mouse-click)
-      (untrace ctl-notify-mouse-click)))
+  (trc nil "echo click set self clickee" self (clickee self))
   (when (clickee self) 
     (setf (click-evt (clickee self)) self)))

Index: cell-cultures/cello/slider.lisp
diff -u cell-cultures/cello/slider.lisp:1.1 cell-cultures/cello/slider.lisp:1.2
--- cell-cultures/cello/slider.lisp:1.1	Sat Jun 26 20:38:33 2004
+++ cell-cultures/cello/slider.lisp	Wed Sep 29 04:50:09 2004
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
 (def-c-output tracked-pct ()
   (when new-value
-    (trc "tracked-pct output sets slider" self)
+    (trc nil "tracked-pct output sets slider" self)
     (slider-set self new-value)))
 (defun make-slider (md-name &key (md-value-fn 'identity)
@@ -104,5 +104,5 @@
 (defun slider-set (self value)
   (assert (typep self 'ix-slider))
-  (trc "slider set")
+  (trc nil "slider set")
   (setf (drag-pct (second (kids self))) value))

Index: cell-cultures/cello/window-callbacks.lisp
diff -u cell-cultures/cello/window-callbacks.lisp:1.1 cell-cultures/cello/window-callbacks.lisp:1.2
--- cell-cultures/cello/window-callbacks.lisp:1.1	Sat Jun 26 20:38:33 2004
+++ cell-cultures/cello/window-callbacks.lisp	Wed Sep 29 04:50:09 2004
@@ -51,33 +51,6 @@
                 (w-post-redisplay *w*)))
           (apply callback args))))))
-;;;(defmacro def-Window-callback (fn-name args &body body)
-;;;  `(ff-defun-callable :cdecl :void ,fn-name ,args
-;;;     (window-callback fn-name (lambda ,args , at body))))
-;;;(defun window-callback (fn-name callback)
-;;;     (unless (c-stopped)
-;;;       ;;
-;;;       ;; this next bit makes sense because no cell rule evaluation could
-;;;       ;; depend on something touched during a callback, but then no cell
-;;;       ;; rule should dynamically encompass a callback, so...why reset 
-;;;       ;; the calculators (dependents) global? it is necessary
-;;;       ;; because, when an error occurs, error-handling can cause 
-;;;       ;; re-entrance and, if a cell rule was being evaluated, suddenly
-;;;       ;; the programmer is looking at an error about "too many dependencies"
-;;;       ;; instead of the original error. there is probably a better way to handle
-;;;       ;; all this, but for now... 2003-04-05kwt
-;;;       ;;
-;;;       (let* (cells::*c-calculators*
-;;;             (*w* (mg-window-current)))
-;;;         (if *w*
-;;;             (prog2
-;;;               (setf (redisplayp *w*) nil)
-;;;                 (progn , at body)
-;;;               (when (redisplayp *w*)
-;;;                 (w-post-redisplay *w*)))
-;;;           (progn , at body))))))
 (def-window-callback mgwkey (k x y)
   (trc "mgwkey" k x y (glutgetwindow))
   (bwhen (w *w*)
@@ -111,14 +84,25 @@
     (bwhen (w (mg-window-current))
       (ix-idle w))))
+(defun dnr (n)
+  (locally (declare (special %displaying%))
+    (print `(dnr ,n))
+    (unless (and (boundp '%displaying%) %displaying%)
+      (let ((%displaying% t))
+        (when (< n 2)
+          (dnr (1+ n)))))))
 (def-window-callback mg-glut-display ()
-  (unless (or (c-stopped) (null *w*))
+  (unless (or *ogl-listing-p* ;; re-entrance happens if a DLL puts up a MessageBox
+            (c-stopped) (null *w*))
     (with-metrics (nil nil "mg-glut-display")
-      (trc nil "mg-glut-display > about to render w " *w* (glutgetwindow))
+        (trc nil "mg-glut-display > about to render w " *w* (glutgetwindow))
       (window-display *w*))))
 (defmethod window-display ((self window))
-  (gl-call-list (dsp-list self))
+  (ix-paint self) ;; (gl-call-list (dsp-list self))
   (incf (frame-ct self))

Index: cell-cultures/cello/window.lisp
diff -u cell-cultures/cello/window.lisp:1.1 cell-cultures/cello/window.lisp:1.2
--- cell-cultures/cello/window.lisp:1.1	Sat Jun 26 20:38:33 2004
+++ cell-cultures/cello/window.lisp	Wed Sep 29 04:50:09 2004
@@ -384,12 +384,12 @@
       (glut-destroy-window (glutw self)))))
 (defmethod mg-window-reshape (self width height)
-  (trc "mg-window-reshape" self width height)
+  (trc nil "mg-window-reshape" self width height)
   (gl-viewport 0 0 width height)
   (gl-matrix-mode gl_projection)
-  (trc  "mg-window-reshape ortho"  0 width (- height) 0 *mgw-near* *mgw-far*)
+  (trc nil "mg-window-reshape ortho"  0 width (- height) 0 *mgw-near* *mgw-far*)
   (gl-ortho 0 width (- height) 0 *mgw-near* *mgw-far*)
   (trc  nil "mg-window-reshape > new window wid,hei:" self width height)
@@ -403,7 +403,8 @@
   (when run-init-func
     (funcall run-init-func))
   (let ((ogl::*gl-stop* nil)
-        (ogl::*gl-begun* nil)) ;;/// wrap these two in a macro?
+        (ogl::*gl-begun* nil) ;;/// wrap these two in a macro?
+        *w* *selecting* *render-clip-l* *render-clip-r* *render-clip-t* *render-clip-b*)
     (setf cello::*sys* nil)
     (cello-reset 'mg-system)

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