[cells-cvs] CVS update: cell-cultures/cells/cells.asd cell-cultures/cells/cells.lisp cell-cultures/cells/defpackage.lisp cell-cultures/cells/fm-utilities.lisp cell-cultures/cells/link.lisp cell-cultures/cells/md-utilities.lisp

Kenny Tilton ktilton at common-lisp.net
Thu Oct 28 00:09:17 UTC 2004

Update of /project/cells/cvsroot/cell-cultures/cells
In directory common-lisp.net:/tmp/cvs-serv27567/cells

Modified Files:
	cells.asd cells.lisp defpackage.lisp fm-utilities.lisp 
	link.lisp md-utilities.lisp 
Log Message:
Re-port to Lispworks/win32
Date: Thu Oct 28 02:09:13 2004
Author: ktilton

Index: cell-cultures/cells/cells.asd
diff -u cell-cultures/cells/cells.asd:1.2 cell-cultures/cells/cells.asd:1.3
--- cell-cultures/cells/cells.asd:1.2	Tue Jun 29 10:58:49 2004
+++ cell-cultures/cells/cells.asd	Thu Oct 28 02:09:13 2004
@@ -3,20 +3,39 @@
 ;(declaim (optimize (debug 2) (speed 1) (safety 1) (compilation-speed 1)))
 (declaim (optimize (debug 3) (speed 3) (safety 1) (compilation-speed 0)))
-(operate 'load-op :asdf-aclproj)
-(use-package :asdf-aclproj)
 #+(or allegro lispworks cmu mcl clisp cormanlisp sbcl scl)
-(defsystem :cells
-  :name "cells"
+(asdf:defsystem :cells
+    :name "cells"
   :author "Kenny Tilton <ktilton at nyc.rr.com>"
-  :version "05-Nov-2003"
+  :version "18-Oct-2004"
   :maintainer "Kenny Tilton <ktilton at nyc.rr.com>"
   :licence "MIT Style"
   :description "Cells"
   :long-description "The Cells dataflow extension to CLOS."
-  :components ((lpr-project-file "cells")))
+  :depends-on (:utils-kt)
+  :components (;;(lpr-project-file "cells")
+               (:file "defpackage")
+               (:file "cells" :depends-on ("defpackage"))
+               (:file "cell-types" :depends-on ("defpackage"))
+               (:file "integrity" :depends-on ("defpackage"))
+               (:file "constructors" :depends-on ("integrity" "cells"))
+               (:file "initialize" :depends-on ("cells"))
+               (:file "md-slot-value" :depends-on ("integrity" "cell-types"))
+               (:file "slot-utilities" :depends-on ("cells"))
+               (:file "optimization" :depends-on ("cells"))
+               (:file "link" :depends-on ("cells"))
+               (:file "propagate" :depends-on ("cells" "integrity"))
+               (:file "synapse" :depends-on ("cells"))
+               (:file "synapse-types" :depends-on ("cells"))
+               (:file "model-object" :depends-on ("defpackage"))
+               (:file "defmodel" :depends-on ("model-object" "propagate" "constructors"))
+               (:file "md-utilities" :depends-on ("cells"))
+               (:file "family" :depends-on ("defmodel"))
+               (:file "fm-utilities" :depends-on ("cells"))
+               (:file "family-values" :depends-on ("propagate" "defmodel" ))
+               (:file "test" :depends-on ("family"))
+               ))
 (defmethod perform ((o load-op) (c (eql (find-system :cells))))
   ; (pushnew "CELLS" *modules* :test #'string=)

Index: cell-cultures/cells/cells.lisp
diff -u cell-cultures/cells/cells.lisp:1.4 cell-cultures/cells/cells.lisp:1.5
--- cell-cultures/cells/cells.lisp:1.4	Wed Jul  7 03:25:40 2004
+++ cell-cultures/cells/cells.lisp	Thu Oct 28 02:09:13 2004
@@ -148,24 +148,6 @@
       (format stream "~& >: often you mis-edit (c? (c? ...)) nesting is error"))))
-;----------------------------- link debugging -----------------------
-(defun dump-users (c &optional (depth 0))
-     (format t "~&~v,4t~s" depth c)
-     (dolist (user (c-users c))
-          (dump-users user (+ 1 depth))))
-(defun dump-useds (c &optional (depth 0))
-     ;(c.trc "dump-useds> entry " c (+ 1 depth))
-     (when (zerop depth)
-          (format t "x~&"))
-     (format t "~&|usd> ~v,8t~s" depth c)
-     (when (typep c 'c-ruled)
-          ;(c.trc "its ruled" c)
-          (dolist (used (cd-useds c))
-               (dump-useds used (+ 1 depth)))))
 (defun c-break (&rest args)
   (unless *stop*
     (c-stop args)

Index: cell-cultures/cells/defpackage.lisp
diff -u cell-cultures/cells/defpackage.lisp:1.5 cell-cultures/cells/defpackage.lisp:1.6
--- cell-cultures/cells/defpackage.lisp:1.5	Wed Jul 21 13:49:37 2004
+++ cell-cultures/cells/defpackage.lisp	Thu Oct 28 02:09:13 2004
@@ -58,3 +58,4 @@
   #+allegro (:shadowing-import-from #:excl #:fasl-write #:fasl-read #:gc)

Index: cell-cultures/cells/fm-utilities.lisp
diff -u cell-cultures/cells/fm-utilities.lisp:1.2 cell-cultures/cells/fm-utilities.lisp:1.3
--- cell-cultures/cells/fm-utilities.lisp:1.2	Fri Oct 15 05:37:38 2004
+++ cell-cultures/cells/fm-utilities.lisp	Thu Oct 28 02:09:13 2004
@@ -50,7 +50,6 @@
 (defmethod container (self) (fm-parent self))
 (defmethod container-typed ((self model-object) type)
-   (c-assert self)
    (let ((parent (container self))) ;; fm- or ps-parent
        ((null parent) nil)

Index: cell-cultures/cells/link.lisp
diff -u cell-cultures/cells/link.lisp:1.1 cell-cultures/cells/link.lisp:1.2
--- cell-cultures/cells/link.lisp:1.1	Sat Jun 26 20:38:36 2004
+++ cell-cultures/cells/link.lisp	Thu Oct 28 02:09:13 2004
@@ -133,3 +133,21 @@
 (defun c-unlink-used (user used)
   (setf (cd-useds user) (delete used (cd-useds user))))
+;----------------- link debugging ---------------------
+(defun dump-users (c &optional (depth 0))
+     (format t "~&~v,4t~s" depth c)
+     (dolist (user (c-users c))
+          (dump-users user (+ 1 depth))))
+(defun dump-useds (c &optional (depth 0))
+     ;(c.trc "dump-useds> entry " c (+ 1 depth))
+     (when (zerop depth)
+          (format t "x~&"))
+     (format t "~&|usd> ~v,8t~s" depth c)
+     (when (typep c 'c-ruled)
+          ;(c.trc "its ruled" c)
+          (dolist (used (cd-useds c))
+               (dump-useds used (+ 1 depth)))))

Index: cell-cultures/cells/md-utilities.lisp
diff -u cell-cultures/cells/md-utilities.lisp:1.2 cell-cultures/cells/md-utilities.lisp:1.3
--- cell-cultures/cells/md-utilities.lisp:1.2	Wed Jul  7 03:25:40 2004
+++ cell-cultures/cells/md-utilities.lisp	Thu Oct 28 02:09:13 2004
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
   (trc nil "not-to-be cleared 2 fm-parent, eternal-rest" self))
 (defmethod not-to-be ((self model-object))
-  (trc self "not to be!!!" self)
+  (trc nil "not to be!!!" self)
   (if (md-untouchable self)
       (trc "not-to-be not quiescing untouchable" self)
     (md-quiesce self)))

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