[cells-cvs] CVS update: cell-cultures/cello/cello-ftgl.lisp cell-cultures/cello/cello.asd cell-cultures/cello/cello.lisp cell-cultures/cello/image.lisp cell-cultures/cello/ix-styled.lisp cell-cultures/cello/ix-text.lisp cell-cultures/cello/mg-geometry.lisp cell-cultures/cello/window.lisp

Kenny Tilton ktilton at common-lisp.net
Thu Oct 28 00:09:03 UTC 2004

Update of /project/cells/cvsroot/cell-cultures/cello
In directory common-lisp.net:/tmp/cvs-serv27567/cello

Modified Files:
	cello-ftgl.lisp cello.asd cello.lisp image.lisp ix-styled.lisp 
	ix-text.lisp mg-geometry.lisp window.lisp 
Log Message:
Re-port to Lispworks/win32
Date: Thu Oct 28 02:08:56 2004
Author: ktilton

Index: cell-cultures/cello/cello-ftgl.lisp
diff -u cell-cultures/cello/cello-ftgl.lisp:1.4 cell-cultures/cello/cello-ftgl.lisp:1.5
--- cell-cultures/cello/cello-ftgl.lisp:1.4	Fri Oct 15 05:37:21 2004
+++ cell-cultures/cello/cello-ftgl.lisp	Thu Oct 28 02:08:56 2004
@@ -20,9 +20,6 @@
-(defpackage #:cello (:use #:cl-ftgl))
 (in-package :cello)
 (defmethod font-height ((font ftgl))

Index: cell-cultures/cello/cello.asd
diff -u cell-cultures/cello/cello.asd:1.1 cell-cultures/cello/cello.asd:1.2
--- cell-cultures/cello/cello.asd:1.1	Sat Jun 26 20:38:33 2004
+++ cell-cultures/cello/cello.asd	Thu Oct 28 02:08:56 2004
@@ -15,8 +15,62 @@
   :maintainer "Kenny Tilton <ktilton at nyc.rr.com>"
   :licence "MIT"
   :description "A Portable Common Lisp GUI"
-  :long-description "The final pieces of a portable Common Lisp GUI (assumes cellocore)"
-  :components ((:file "cello-ftgl")
+  :long-description "The final pieces of a portable Common Lisp GUI"
+  :depends-on (:cells :cl-opengl :cl-magick)
+  :components ((:file "cello")
+               (:file "datetime")
+               (:file "window-macros" :depends-on ("cello"))
+               (:file "clipping" :depends-on ("cello"))
+               (:file "mg-geometry" :depends-on ("cello"))
+               (:file "coordinate-xform" :depends-on ("mg-geometry"))
+               (:file "ix-geometry" :depends-on ("coordinate-xform"))
+               (:file "colors" :depends-on ("ix-geometry"))
+               (:file "rgb" :depends-on ("colors"))
+               (:file "frame" :depends-on ("rgb"))
+               (:file "application" :depends-on ("frame"))
+               (:file "image"
+                 :depends-on ("application"
+                              "window-macros" "clipping"
+                              "mg-geometry"
+                              "ix-geometry"))                
+               (:file "ix-layer-expand" :depends-on ("cello" "image" "frame"))
+               (:file "ix-canvas" :depends-on ("ix-layer-expand"))
+               (:file "ix-family" :depends-on ("cello" "ix-canvas"))
+               (:file "font" :depends-on ("image"))
+               (:file "ix-inline" :depends-on ("ix-geometry" "ix-family"))
+               (:file "ix-grid" :depends-on ("ix-inline"))
+               (:file "mouse-click" :depends-on ("ix-grid"))
+               (:file "control" :depends-on ("mouse-click"))
+               (:file "focus" :depends-on ("ix-canvas"))
+               (:file "focus-navigation" :depends-on ("focus"))
+               (:file "focus-utilities" :depends-on ("focus-navigation"))
+               (:file "ix-styled" :depends-on ("ix-canvas" "font"))
+               (:file "ix-text" :depends-on ("ix-styled"))
+               (:file "lighting" :depends-on ("ix-inline"))
+               (:file "window" :depends-on ("image" "lighting"))
+               (:file "ctl-toggle" :depends-on ("control" "ix-text"))
+               (:file "ctl-markbox" :depends-on ("ctl-toggle"))
+               (:file "ctl-drag" :depends-on ("ctl-markbox"))
+               (:file "ctl-selectable" :depends-on ("ctl-drag"))
+               (:file "slider" :depends-on ("ctl-selectable"))
+               (:file "window-utilities" :depends-on ("window"))
+               (:file "window-render" :depends-on ("window-utilities"))
+               (:file "window-callbacks" :depends-on ("window-utilities"))
+               (:file "wm-mouse" :depends-on ("window-callbacks"))
+               (:file "pick" :depends-on ("wm-mouse"))
+               (:file "menu" :depends-on ("pick"))
+               (:file "ix-render" :depends-on ("window-render"))
+               (:file "ix-polygon" :depends-on ("ix-render"))
+               (:file "ct-scroll-pane" :depends-on ("ix-polygon"))
+               (:file "ct-scroll-bar" :depends-on ("ct-scroll-pane"))
+                            (:file "cello-ftgl")
                (:file "cello-openal")
                (:file "cello-magick" :depends-on ("cello-ftgl"))

Index: cell-cultures/cello/cello.lisp
diff -u cell-cultures/cello/cello.lisp:1.2 cell-cultures/cello/cello.lisp:1.3
--- cell-cultures/cello/cello.lisp:1.2	Fri Oct 15 05:37:21 2004
+++ cell-cultures/cello/cello.lisp	Thu Oct 28 02:08:56 2004
@@ -25,27 +25,11 @@
     (:nicknames :clo)
-     #-cormanlisp #:clos
+     #-(or cormanlisp mcl) #:clos
-     )
-    ;;; (:shadowing-import-from #:excl #:fasl-write #:fasl-read #:gc)
-  )
+     #:cl-ftgl
+     #:cl-magick))
-(in-package :cello)
-(defparameter *cello-runtime-directory* :unconfigured)
-(defparameter *user-temp-directory* :unconfigured)
-(load (merge-pathnames "cellocore-config.lisp"
-        cl-user::*cello-config-directory*))
-(defun cellocore-test ()
-  "to be announced")
-(defun cello-runtime-file (file)
-  (merge-pathnames file
-        *cello-runtime-directory*))
\ No newline at end of file

Index: cell-cultures/cello/image.lisp
diff -u cell-cultures/cello/image.lisp:1.5 cell-cultures/cello/image.lisp:1.6
--- cell-cultures/cello/image.lisp:1.5	Fri Oct 15 05:37:21 2004
+++ cell-cultures/cello/image.lisp	Thu Oct 28 02:08:56 2004
@@ -34,30 +34,60 @@
   (declare (ignore self))
   (assert (not *ogl-listing-p*)))
-(defvar *window-rendering*)
+(defvar *ogl-shared-resource-tender*)
+(defclass ogl-shared-resource-tender ()
+  ((display-lists :initform nil :accessor display-lists)
+   (quadrics :initform nil :accessor quadrics)
+   (textures :initform nil :accessor textures)))
+(defmethod not-to-be :before ((self ogl-shared-resource-tender))
+  (loop for (nil . dl) in (display-lists self)
+        do (gl-delete-lists dl 1)
+        finally (setf (display-lists self) nil))
+  (loop for (nil . q) in (quadrics self)
+        do (glu-delete-quadric q)))
+(defmethod ogl-shared-resource-tender ((self ogl-shared-resource-tender))
+  self)
+(defmethod ogl-shared-resource-tender (other)
+  (c-break "ogl-shared-resource-tender undefined for ~a" other))
+(defmethod ogl-node-window (other)
+  (c-break "ogl-node-window undefined for ~a" other))
 (defmodel ogl-node ()
   ((dsp-list :initarg :dsp-list :accessor dsp-list
      :initform (c-formula (:lazy :until-asked)
-                  (assert *w*)
-                  (assert (not *ogl-listing-p*))
-                  (ogl-dsp-list-prep self)
-                  (when (every 'dsp-list (kids self))
-                    (let ((display-list-name (or .cache (gl-gen-lists 1)))
-                          (*window-rendering* (nearest self window)))
-                      (gl-new-list display-list-name gl_compile)
-                      (trc nil "starting display list" display-list-name self)
-                      (let ((*ogl-listing-p* self)
-                            *selecting* *render-clip-l* *render-clip-r* *render-clip-t* *render-clip-b*)
-                        (with-metrics (nil nil "(funcall renderer)" self)
-                          (ix-paint self)))
-                      (trc nil "finished display list" display-list-name self)
-                      (gl-end-list)
-                      (setf (redisplayp *window-rendering*) t)
-                      display-list-name))))
+                       (assert *w*)
+                       (assert (not *ogl-listing-p*))
+                       (ogl-dsp-list-prep self)
+                       (when (every 'dsp-list (kids self))
+                         (let ((display-list-name (or .cache (gl-gen-lists 1)))
+                               (*ogl-shared-resource-tender*
+                                (ogl-shared-resource-tender self)))
+                           (gl-new-list display-list-name gl_compile)
+                           (trc nil "starting display list" display-list-name self)
+                           (let ((*ogl-listing-p* self)
+                                 *selecting* *render-clip-l* *render-clip-r* *render-clip-t* *render-clip-b*)
+                             (with-metrics (nil nil "(funcall renderer)" self)
+                               (ix-paint self)))
+                           (trc nil "finished display list" display-list-name self)
+                           (gl-end-list)
+                           (setf (redisplayp (ogl-node-window self)) t)
+                           display-list-name))))
    (gl-name :initarg :gl-name :initform nil :accessor gl-name)
    (renderer :initarg :renderer :initform nil :accessor renderer)))
+(defmethod not-to-be :after ((self ogl-node))
+  (bwhen (dl (^dsp-list))
+    (gl-delete-lists dl 1)))
 ;;;(defmethod ix-render-prep (self)
 ;;;  (declare (ignore self)))
@@ -133,12 +163,19 @@
   (assert (lr self))
   (assert (lb self)))
+(defmethod ogl-shared-resource-tender ((self image))
+  .w.)
+(defmethod ogl-node-window ((self image))
+  .w.)
 (defmethod ogl-dsp-list-prep progn ((self image))
   (ogl-dsp-list-prep (skin self)))
 (defmethod ogl-dsp-list-prep progn ((self wand-texture))
-    (texture-name self))
+  (texture-name self))
 (def-c-output mouse-over-p ()

Index: cell-cultures/cello/ix-styled.lisp
diff -u cell-cultures/cello/ix-styled.lisp:1.3 cell-cultures/cello/ix-styled.lisp:1.4
--- cell-cultures/cello/ix-styled.lisp:1.3	Fri Oct 15 05:37:21 2004
+++ cell-cultures/cello/ix-styled.lisp	Thu Oct 28 02:08:56 2004
@@ -109,16 +109,16 @@
 (defmethod ix-find-style (self style-id)
   (declare (ignore self style-id)))
 (defmethod ogl-dsp-list-prep progn ((self ix-styled) &aux (font (text-font self)))
   (assert (not *ogl-listing-p*))
   (trc nil "ogl-dsp-list-prep sub-prepping font" font)
   (typecase font
      (unless (ftgl::ftgl-disp-ready-p font)
-       (fgc-set-face-size (ftgl::ftgl-get-metrics-font font) 
-         (ftgl::ftgl-size font) (ftgl::ftgl-target-res font)))
-     (ix-string-width self (^display-text$))))
-  (ftgl::ftgl-get-display-font font))
+       (setf (ftgl::ftgl-disp-ready-p font) t)
+       (fgc-set-face-size (ftgl-ensure-ifont font) 
+         (ftgl::ftgl-size font) (ftgl::ftgl-target-res font))))))
 (defmethod make-style-font ((style gui-style-glut-stroke))

Index: cell-cultures/cello/ix-text.lisp
diff -u cell-cultures/cello/ix-text.lisp:1.3 cell-cultures/cello/ix-text.lisp:1.4
--- cell-cultures/cello/ix-text.lisp:1.3	Fri Oct  1 06:01:05 2004
+++ cell-cultures/cello/ix-text.lisp	Thu Oct 28 02:08:56 2004
@@ -69,6 +69,18 @@
       :lighting :off))
+(defmethod ogl-dsp-list-prep progn ((self ix-text) &aux (font (text-font self)))
+  (assert (not *ogl-listing-p*))
+  (trc nil "ogl-dsp-list-prep sub-prepping font" font)
+  (typecase font
+    (ftgl-extruded
+     (unless (ftgl::ftgl-disp-ready-p font)
+       (setf (ftgl::ftgl-disp-ready-p font) t)
+       (fgc-set-face-size (ftgl-ensure-ifont font) 
+         (ftgl::ftgl-size font) (ftgl::ftgl-target-res font)))
+     (ix-string-width self (^display-text$)))))
 (defmacro alabel (text  &rest key-arg-pairs)
   `(cells::make-part (gensym "ALABEL") 'ix-text
       , at key-arg-pairs

Index: cell-cultures/cello/mg-geometry.lisp
diff -u cell-cultures/cello/mg-geometry.lisp:1.1 cell-cultures/cello/mg-geometry.lisp:1.2
--- cell-cultures/cello/mg-geometry.lisp:1.1	Sat Jun 26 20:38:33 2004
+++ cell-cultures/cello/mg-geometry.lisp	Thu Oct 28 02:08:56 2004
@@ -38,7 +38,8 @@
 (defun mkv2 (h v) (make-v2 :h h :v v))
 (defun v2= (a b)
-  (and (= (v2-h a)(v2-h b))
+  (and a b
+    (= (v2-h a)(v2-h b))
     (= (v2-v a)(v2-v b))))
 (defun v2-add (p1 p2)

Index: cell-cultures/cello/window.lisp
diff -u cell-cultures/cello/window.lisp:1.4 cell-cultures/cello/window.lisp:1.5
--- cell-cultures/cello/window.lisp:1.4	Fri Oct 15 05:37:21 2004
+++ cell-cultures/cello/window.lisp	Thu Oct 28 02:08:56 2004
@@ -24,12 +24,10 @@
 ;------------- Window ---------------
-(defmodel window (focuser ix-lit-scene control)
+(defmodel window (focuser ix-lit-scene control ogl-shared-resource-tender)
    (glutw :initarg :glutw  :accessor glutw
      :initform (c? (without-c-dependency (glutw-create self))))
-   (display-lists :cell nil :initform nil :accessor display-lists)   
-   (quadrics :cell nil :initform nil :accessor quadrics)   
    (redisplayp :cell nil :initarg :redisplayp :initform nil :accessor redisplayp)
    (glut-xy :initarg :glut-xy
      :unchanged-if 'v2= :initform (mkv2 96 96) :accessor glut-xy)
@@ -114,6 +112,12 @@
 (defmethod ogl-dsp-list-prep progn ((self window))
   (glutw self))
+(defmethod ogl-node-window ((self window))
+  self)
+(defmethod ogl-shared-resource-tender ((self window))
+  self)
 (defun window-menus-basic ()
    (list "File"
@@ -363,23 +367,7 @@
           (when must-find-p
             (c-break "no mgw matches glutw ~d" gw)))))))
-(defmethod ogl-list-cache ((self image))
-  (display-lists .w.))
-(defmethod (setf ogl-list-cache) (new-value (self image))
-  (setf (ogl-list-cache .w.) new-value))
-(defmethod ogl-list-cache ((self window))
-  (display-lists self))
-(defmethod (setf ogl-list-cache) (new-value (self window))
-  (setf (display-lists self) new-value))
 (defmethod not-to-be :before ((self window))
-  (loop for (nil . q) in (quadrics self)
-        do
-        (glu-delete-quadric q))
-  (ogl-lists-delete self)
   (when (upper self window) ;; better way to detect appropriateness?
     (when (glutw self)
       (glut-destroy-window (glutw self)))))
@@ -436,7 +424,7 @@
   (flet ((projection ()
            (gl-matrix-mode gl_projection)
-           (trc "paint> win ortho! l r b t n f:"
+           (trc nil "paint> win ortho! l r b t n f:"
              (ll self)(lr self)
              (lb self)(lt self)
              *mgw-near* *mgw-far*)
@@ -460,7 +448,7 @@
       (with-metrics (nil nil "ix-paint window call next")
-(defun w-quadric-ensure (key)
-  (or (cdr (assoc key (quadrics *window-rendering*)))
+(defun w-quadric-ensure (ogl-resource-tender key)
+  (or (cdr (assoc key (quadrics ogl-resource-tender)))
     (cdar (push (cons key (glu-new-quadric))
-            (quadrics *window-rendering*)))))
\ No newline at end of file
+            (quadrics ogl-resource-tender)))))
\ No newline at end of file

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