[cells-cvs] CVS update: cell-cultures/cellodemo/cellodemo.lisp cell-cultures/cellodemo/demo-window.lisp cell-cultures/cellodemo/hedron-decoration.lisp cell-cultures/cellodemo/hedron-render.lisp cell-cultures/cellodemo/light-panel.lisp cell-cultures/cellodemo/tutor-geometry.lisp

Kenny Tilton ktilton at common-lisp.net
Fri Oct 15 03:37:33 UTC 2004

Update of /project/cells/cvsroot/cell-cultures/cellodemo
In directory common-lisp.net:/tmp/cvs-serv28025/cellodemo

Modified Files:
	cellodemo.lisp demo-window.lisp hedron-decoration.lisp 
	hedron-render.lisp light-panel.lisp tutor-geometry.lisp 
Log Message:
Re-write of the core layout widgets under the ix-inline class, plus a new OpenGL example, viz., a simple nurb. Looks sweet, btw.
Date: Fri Oct 15 05:37:31 2004
Author: ktilton

Index: cell-cultures/cellodemo/cellodemo.lisp
diff -u cell-cultures/cellodemo/cellodemo.lisp:1.2 cell-cultures/cellodemo/cellodemo.lisp:1.3
--- cell-cultures/cellodemo/cellodemo.lisp:1.2	Fri Oct  1 06:01:10 2004
+++ cell-cultures/cellodemo/cellodemo.lisp	Fri Oct 15 05:37:30 2004
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
     (demo-image-subdir subdir)))
 (defun ft-jpg ()
-  (mk-part :ft-jpg (ig-zero-tl)
+  (mk-part :ft-jpg (ix-zero-tl)
     :px 0 :py 0
     :kids (c? (the-kids
                (a-row (:px 96 :py (downs 96))

Index: cell-cultures/cellodemo/demo-window.lisp
diff -u cell-cultures/cellodemo/demo-window.lisp:1.3 cell-cultures/cellodemo/demo-window.lisp:1.4
--- cell-cultures/cellodemo/demo-window.lisp:1.3	Fri Oct  1 06:01:10 2004
+++ cell-cultures/cellodemo/demo-window.lisp	Fri Oct 15 05:37:30 2004
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
 (defun cello-test ()
   (let ((cells::*c-debug* (get-internal-real-time)))
     (run-stylish-demos '(light-panel ft-jpg tu-geo ftgl-test demo-scroller)
+      ;;'tu-geo
       :skin (c? (wand-ensure-typed 'wand-texture
                   (car (md-value (fm-other :texture-picker)))))
@@ -35,9 +36,9 @@
       :lb (c-in (downs 650)))))
 (defun demo-scroller ()
-  (mk-part :demo-scroller (ig-zero-tl)
+  (mk-part :demo-scroller (ix-zero-tl)
     :kids (c? (list
-               (mk-part :dialog (ig-zero-tl)
+               (mk-part :dialog (ix-zero-tl)
                  :px 48 :py -48
                  :outset (u8ths 2)
                  :skin (c? (wand-ensure-typed 'wand-texture
@@ -58,7 +59,7 @@
        (mk-part :scroller (ix-scroller)
          :px 0 :py 0
          :mac-p t
-         :scroll-bars '(:hz :vt)
+         :scroll-bars '(:horizontal :vertical)
          :start-size (mkv2 (u96ths 150)(u96ths (downs 250)))
          :resizeable t
          :content (c? (mk-part :gview (ix-image-file)
@@ -164,7 +165,7 @@
     :kids (c? (the-kids
-               (mk-part :wintop (ig-zero-tl)
+               (mk-part :wintop (ix-zero-tl)
                  :px 0 :py 0
                  :ll 0 :lt 0 :lr (c? (l-width .parent))
                  :lb (c? (downs (l-height .parent)))
@@ -191,7 +192,7 @@
                                 (when (recording node)
                                   (ix-snapshot node (recordingp node))))))
-(defmethod not-to-be :after ((self demo-window))
+(defmethod not-to-be :after ((self window))
   (unless (kids *sys*)
@@ -203,13 +204,14 @@
     (wav-play-till-end nil (car (sound-paths s)))))
 (defun demo-window-beef ()
-  (mk-part :beef (ix-stack)
+  (mk-part :beef (ix-inline)
+    :orientation :vertical
     :px 0 :py (u8ths (downs 1))
     :spacing (u8ths 1)
     :lb (c? (^fill-parent-down))
     :kids (c? (the-kids
-               (mk-part :demos (ig-zero-tl)
+               (mk-part :demos (ix-zero-tl)
                  ;;:py (u8ths 4)
                  :lb (c? (^fill-parent-down))
                  :kid-slots (lambda (self)
@@ -231,7 +233,7 @@
 (defun demo-control-panel ()
   (a-row (:spacing (u8ths 2) :justify :center)
-    (mk-part :rate (frame-rate-text))
+    #+shh (mk-part :rate (frame-rate-text))
     (a-stack (:spacing (u16ths 1))
@@ -330,7 +332,8 @@
                               :glut-id glut_bitmap_8_by_13)
                    :pre-layer (with-layers +red+)
                    :text$ (c? (string (class-name (md-value .parent)))))
-                 (mk-part :subks (ix-stack)
+                 (mk-part :subks (ix-inline)
+                   :orientation :vertical
                    :kids (c? (loop for subk in (class-direct-subclasses (md-value .parent))
                                  collecting (mk-part :sub (proctor-class)
                                               :md-value subk))))))))

Index: cell-cultures/cellodemo/hedron-decoration.lisp
diff -u cell-cultures/cellodemo/hedron-decoration.lisp:1.2 cell-cultures/cellodemo/hedron-decoration.lisp:1.3
--- cell-cultures/cellodemo/hedron-decoration.lisp:1.2	Wed Sep 29 04:50:11 2004
+++ cell-cultures/cellodemo/hedron-decoration.lisp	Fri Oct 15 05:37:30 2004
@@ -23,7 +23,8 @@
 (in-package :cello)
 (defun hedron-options ()  
-  (mk-part :options (ix-stack)
+  (mk-part :options (ix-inline)
+          :orientation :vertical
       :spacing (upts 4)
     :justify :right
       :kids (c? (the-kids
@@ -78,7 +79,8 @@
 (defun hedron-tex-options ()
-  (mk-part :tex-options (ix-stack)
+  (mk-part :tex-options (ix-inline)
+          :orientation :vertical
     :justify :left
     :kids (c? (the-kids
                (a-row ()
@@ -92,13 +94,14 @@
     (alabel "Shape/Sides")
     (mk-part :scroller (ix-scroller)
       :mac-p t
-      :scroll-bars '(:vt)
+      :scroll-bars '(:vertical)
       :start-size (mkv2 (uin 2)(u96ths (downs 96)))
       :resizeable nil
-      :content (c? (mk-part :shape (ix-stack)
+      :content (c? (mk-part :shape (ix-inline)
+                     :orientation :vertical
                      :pre-layer (with-layers +white+ :fill)
-                     :md-value (c-in (list 'cello))
-                     :kids (c? (loop for shape in '(cube 4 8 12 rhombic-dodecahedron 20
+                     :md-value (c-in (list 'nurb))
+                     :kids (c? (loop for shape in '(nurb cube 4 8 12 rhombic-dodecahedron 20
                                                      cylinder cone sphere torus
                                                      sierpinski-sponge teapot cello)
                                    collecting (mk-part :rb (ct-text-radio-item)
@@ -162,10 +165,11 @@
       (alabel label$)
       (mk-part :scroller (ix-scroller)
         :mac-p t
-        :scroll-bars '(:vt)
+        :scroll-bars '(:vertical)
         :start-size (mkv2 (uin 2)(u96ths (downs 96)))
         :resizeable nil  
-        :content (c? (make-part md-name 'ix-stack
+        :content (c? (make-part md-name 'ix-inline
+                             :orientation :vertical
                        :pre-layer (with-layers +white+ :fill)
                        :md-value (c-in (list (or (when start$
                                                  (find-if (lambda (jpeg)

Index: cell-cultures/cellodemo/hedron-render.lisp
diff -u cell-cultures/cellodemo/hedron-render.lisp:1.2 cell-cultures/cellodemo/hedron-render.lisp:1.3
--- cell-cultures/cellodemo/hedron-render.lisp:1.2	Wed Sep 29 04:50:11 2004
+++ cell-cultures/cellodemo/hedron-render.lisp	Fri Oct 15 05:37:30 2004
@@ -49,6 +49,65 @@
     (ftgl-render font "Cello"))
+(defun glut-solid-nurb (nurb)
+  (glu-nurbs-property nurb glu_display_mode glu_fill)
+  (draw-test-nurb nurb))
+(defun glut-wire-nurb (nurb)
+  (glu-nurbs-property nurb glu_display_mode glu_outline_polygon)
+  (draw-test-nurb nurb))
+(defparameter *hill* (make-ff-array :float 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1))
+(defparameter *hill-controls* (make-ff-array :float -3.0 -3.0 -9 -3.0 -1.0 -9 -3.0 1.0 
+                                -9 -3.0 3.0 -9 -1.0 -3.0 -9 -1.0 -1.0 9 -1.0 1.0 9 -1.0
+                                3.0 -9 1.0 -3.0 -9 1.0 -1.0 9 1.0 1.0 9 1.0 3.0 -9 3.0 
+                                -3.0 -9 3.0 -1.0 -9 3.0 1.0 -9 3.0 3.0 -9)
+  #+not (loop with fv = (fgn-alloc 'glfloat 48 :testnurb)
+                                  for u below 4 do
+                                    (loop for v below 4
+                                          for base = (+ (* u 12) (* v 3))
+                                        do (setf (eltf fv (+ base 0)) (* 2 (- u 1.5)))
+                                          (setf (eltf fv (+ base 1)) (* 2 (- v 1.5)))
+                                          (setf (eltf fv (+ base 2))
+                                                  (* 3 (if (and (or (eql u 1)(eql u 2))
+                                                             (or (eql v 1)(eql v 2)))
+                                                           3 -3))))
+                                  finally (return fv)))
+(defparameter *dump-matrix* (fgn-alloc 'glfloat 16 :dump-matrix))
+(defun dump-matrix (matrix-id msg)
+  (gl-get-floatv matrix-id *dump-matrix*)
+  (format t "~&~a > ~a matrix> ~{~a ~}" msg
+    (cond ((eql matrix-id gl_modelview_matrix) 'modelview)
+      ((eql matrix-id GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX) 'projection))
+    (loop for n below 16 collecting (eltf *dump-matrix* n))))
+(defun dump-viewport ( msg)
+  (gl-get-floatv GL_VIEWPORT *dump-matrix*)
+  (format t "~&~a > viewport> ~{~a ~}" msg
+    (loop for n below 4 collecting (eltf *dump-matrix* n))))
+;;; glGetFloatv(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX,projection);
+;;; glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT,viewport);
+;;; gluLoadSamplingMatrices (Nurb, modelview, projection, viewport);
+(defun draw-test-nurb (nurb)
+  (glu-nurbs-property nurb glu_sampling_tolerance 5)
+  (glu-nurbs-property nurb glu_auto_load_matrix gl_false)
+  (gl-enable gl_lighting)
+  (gl-enable gl_light0)
+  (gl-enable gl_depth_test)
+  (gl-enable gl_auto_normal)
+  (gl-enable gl_normalize)
+  (gl-rotatef 330 1 0 0)
+  (gl-scalef .25 .25 .25)
+  (glu-begin-surface nurb)
+  (glu-nurbs-surface nurb 8 *hill* 8 *hill* 12 3 *hill-controls* 4 4 gl_map2_vertex_3)
+  (glu-end-surface nurb))
 (defparameter *sponge-offset* (loop with fv = (fgn-alloc 'gldouble 3 :sponge)
                                     for n below 3
                                     do (setf (eltd fv n) 0)
@@ -60,10 +119,10 @@
     (declare (ignorable w))
     (gl-matrix-mode gl_projection)
     (with-matrix (t)
-      (trc nil "tetra frame" (ll self) (lr self) (lb self) (lt self))
-      (gl-ortho (ll w) (lr w) (lb w) (lt w) -10000 10000) ;;*mgw-near* *mgw-far*)
+      (trc nil "ix-paint > hedron ortho" (ll self) (lr self) (lb self) (lt self))
+      (gl-ortho (ll w) (lr w) (lb w) (lt w) 10000 -10000) ;*mgw-near* *mgw-far*) ;; was -+ 10k
-      (gl-matrix-mode gl_model-view)
+      (gl-matrix-mode gl_modelview)
       (with-matrix (nil)
         (let ((shape (car (md-value (fm^ :shape))))
               (wireframe-p (md-value (fm^ :wireframe)))
@@ -158,6 +217,7 @@
                               (otherwise (string shape))))) :cello)
             (case shape
               (cello (list (^text-font)))
+              (nurb (list (^nurb)))
               (cone (list base-r height (round slices) (round stacks)))
               (cylinder (list (quadric self) base-r top-r height (round slices) (round stacks)))
               ((cube teapot) (list size))
@@ -173,5 +233,5 @@
     (gl-disable gl_texture_gen_q)
     (gl-matrix-mode gl_projection))
-  (gl-matrix-mode gl_model-view))
+  (gl-matrix-mode gl_modelview))

Index: cell-cultures/cellodemo/light-panel.lisp
diff -u cell-cultures/cellodemo/light-panel.lisp:1.2 cell-cultures/cellodemo/light-panel.lisp:1.3
--- cell-cultures/cellodemo/light-panel.lisp:1.2	Wed Sep 29 04:50:11 2004
+++ cell-cultures/cellodemo/light-panel.lisp	Fri Oct 15 05:37:30 2004
@@ -28,28 +28,44 @@
 (defmodel hedron (ix-styled image)
   ((quadric :initform (c? (glu-new-quadric)) :reader quadric)
+   (nurb :reader nurb :initform (c? (let ((nurb (glu-new-nurbs-renderer)))
+                                      (assert (not (zerop nurb)))
+                                      (trc "hedron got new nurbs renderer" self nurb)
+                                      (glu-nurbs-property nurb glu_sampling_tolerance 25)
+                                      nurb)))
    (mat-ambi-diffuse :initform nil :initarg :mat-ambi-diffuse :reader mat-ambi-diffuse)
    (mat-specular :initform nil :initarg :mat-specular :reader mat-specular)
    (mat-shiny :initform nil :initarg :mat-shiny :reader mat-shiny)
-   (mat-emission :initform nil :initarg :mat-emission :reader mat-emission))
+   (mat-emission :initform nil :initarg :mat-emission :reader mat-emission)
+   (backdrop :reader backdrop :initarg :backdrop :initform nil))
       :lighting :on
     :text-font (ftgl-make :extruded *gui-style-default-face* 18 96 9)
     :rotation (let ((rx 0)(ry 0)(rz 0))
-                (c? (let ((spinning (md-value (fm-other :spinning))))
+                (c? (bIf (spinning (md-value (fm-other :spinning)))
                       (macrolet ((radj (axis ixid)
                                    `(incf ,axis
                                       (if spinning
                                           (* 10 (v2-h (md-value (fm-other ,ixid))))
                         (when (frame-ct .w.)
-                            (list (radj rx :rotx)
-                              (radj ry :roty)
-                              (radj rz :rotz)))))))))
+                          (list (radj rx :rotx)
+                            (radj ry :roty)
+                            (radj rz :rotz))))
+                      (list rx ry rz))))))
+(defmethod ogl-dsp-list-prep progn ((self hedron))
+  (trc nil "ogl-dsp-list-prep> doing hedron" self)
+  (^nurb)
+  (ogl-dsp-list-prep (backdrop self)))
+(defmethod not-to-be ((self hedron))
+  (when (^nurb)
+    (glu-delete-nurbs-renderer (^nurb))))
 (defmethod display-text$ ((self Hedron))
-  "quick dirty to satisfy ix-styled ogl-disp-list-prep"
-  "2Cel2lo")
+  "quick dirty ugly hack to satisfy ix-styled ogl-disp-list-prep"
+  "Cello")
 (defmodel rgba-mixer (ix-stack)
   ((red :cell nil :initarg :red :initform nil)
@@ -106,10 +122,7 @@
           :lb (c? (^fill-parent-down)))
     (a-stack (:spacing (u8ths 1)
-              :justify :left
-              :skin (c? (wand-ensure-typed 'wand-texture
-                          (car (md-value (fm-other :shape-backer)))
-                          :tile-p nil)))
+              :justify :left)
       (mk-part :hedron (hedron)
         :ll (u96ths -300) :lt (ups (u96ths 300))
@@ -121,11 +134,14 @@
         :mat-shiny (c? (md-value (fm-other :hedro-shiny)))
         :mat-emission (c? (when (md-value (fm-other :lights-on))
                             (md-value (fm-other :hedro-emission))))
+        :backdrop (c? (assert (not *ogl-listing-p*))
+                    (wand-ensure-typed 'wand-texture
+                      (car (md-value (fm-other :shape-backer)))
+                      :tile-p nil))
         :pre-layer (with-layers
                        (:in 300)
-                     :off (:wand (skin .parent)) :on
+                     :off (:wand (^backdrop)) :on
                      (:in 20)
                      (:out 20)

Index: cell-cultures/cellodemo/tutor-geometry.lisp
diff -u cell-cultures/cellodemo/tutor-geometry.lisp:1.2 cell-cultures/cellodemo/tutor-geometry.lisp:1.3
--- cell-cultures/cellodemo/tutor-geometry.lisp:1.2	Fri Oct  1 06:01:10 2004
+++ cell-cultures/cellodemo/tutor-geometry.lisp	Fri Oct 15 05:37:30 2004
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
   (/ degrees #.(/ 180 pi)))
 (defun tu-geo ()
-  (make-instance 'ig-zero-tl
+  (make-instance 'ix-zero-tl
     :md-name 'tu-geo
     :kids (c? (flet ((tu-box (name &rest deets)
                        (apply 'make-instance 'image

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