[cells-cvs] CVS update: cell-cultures/cello/cello-ftgl.lisp cell-cultures/cello/cello-magick.lisp cell-cultures/cello/image.lisp cell-cultures/cello/ix-render.lisp cell-cultures/cello/ix-text.lisp cell-cultures/cello/window-callbacks.lisp cell-cultures/cello/window.lisp

Kenny Tilton ktilton at common-lisp.net
Fri Oct 1 04:01:10 UTC 2004

Update of /project/cells/cvsroot/cell-cultures/cello
In directory common-lisp.net:/tmp/cvs-serv2293/cello

Modified Files:
	cello-ftgl.lisp cello-magick.lisp image.lisp ix-render.lisp 
	ix-text.lisp window-callbacks.lisp window.lisp 
Log Message:
A couple of simple fixes to get the pixel and texture wands (GraphicksMagic stuff) working again and now Cello is pretty much back in business.
Date: Fri Oct  1 06:01:06 2004
Author: ktilton

Index: cell-cultures/cello/cello-ftgl.lisp
diff -u cell-cultures/cello/cello-ftgl.lisp:1.2 cell-cultures/cello/cello-ftgl.lisp:1.3
--- cell-cultures/cello/cello-ftgl.lisp:1.2	Wed Sep 29 04:50:09 2004
+++ cell-cultures/cello/cello-ftgl.lisp	Fri Oct  1 06:01:05 2004
@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@
     (trc nil "ix-render-in-font ftgl-texture" :pxy (pxy self) (l-rect self) t$)
     (gl-enable gl_texture_2d)
-    (trc "(gl-is-enabled gl_texture_2d)!!!!!!!" (gl-is-enabled gl_texture_2d)
+    (trc nil "(gl-is-enabled gl_texture_2d)!!!!!!!" (gl-is-enabled gl_texture_2d)
       (ogl-get-boolean gl_texture_2d))
     ;;(assert (ogl-get-boolean gl_texture_2d))
     (gl-disable gl_lighting)

Index: cell-cultures/cello/cello-magick.lisp
diff -u cell-cultures/cello/cello-magick.lisp:1.1 cell-cultures/cello/cello-magick.lisp:1.2
--- cell-cultures/cello/cello-magick.lisp:1.1	Sat Jun 26 20:38:33 2004
+++ cell-cultures/cello/cello-magick.lisp	Fri Oct  1 06:01:05 2004
@@ -81,8 +81,9 @@
 (defparameter *mapping-textures* nil)
 (defun ix-render-wand (wand l-box)
-  (when wand
-    (apply 'wand-render wand (r-bounds l-box))))
+  (if wand
+    (apply 'wand-render wand (r-bounds l-box))
+    (trc "ix-render-wand sees no wand" l-box)))
 ;;;(defun wand-centered-bounds (wand size)
 ;;;  (let* ((raw-w (magick-get-image-width (^mgk-wand)))

Index: cell-cultures/cello/image.lisp
diff -u cell-cultures/cello/image.lisp:1.3 cell-cultures/cello/image.lisp:1.4
--- cell-cultures/cello/image.lisp:1.3	Wed Sep 29 04:50:09 2004
+++ cell-cultures/cello/image.lisp	Fri Oct  1 06:01:05 2004
@@ -48,11 +48,12 @@
                       (trc nil "display-list-name" display-list-name self)
                       (gl-new-list display-list-name gl_compile)
+                      (trc nil "starting display list" display-list-name self)
                       (let ((*ogl-listing-p* self)
                             *selecting* *render-clip-l* *render-clip-r* *render-clip-t* *render-clip-b*)
                         (with-metrics (nil nil "(funcall renderer)" self)
                           (ix-paint self)))
+                      (trc nil "finished display list" display-list-name self)
                       (setf (redisplayp *window-rendering*) t)

Index: cell-cultures/cello/ix-render.lisp
diff -u cell-cultures/cello/ix-render.lisp:1.2 cell-cultures/cello/ix-render.lisp:1.3
--- cell-cultures/cello/ix-render.lisp:1.2	Wed Sep 29 04:50:09 2004
+++ cell-cultures/cello/ix-render.lisp	Fri Oct  1 06:01:05 2004
@@ -81,47 +81,46 @@
 (let ((ixr-box (mkr 0 0 0 0)))
   (defmethod ix-paint :around ((self image) &aux (n (gl-name self)))
-    (gl-translatef (px self) (py self) 0)
-    (ogl-pen-move (px self) (py self)) ; /// combine former in here?
-    (when n
-      (trc nil "gl-name" self n)
-      (gl-push-name n))
-    (rpchk 'ix-paint t nil self)
-    (when (and (not (c-stopped))
-            (or (not *selecting*)
-              (ix-selectable self))
-            (visible self)
-            (not (collapsed self)))
-      (with-clipping (self)
-        (progn ;; with-attrib (gl_lighting_bit gl_texture_bit gl_enable_bit gl_hint_bit gl_line_bit gl_color_buffer_bit)
-          (count-it :ix-render)
-          #+not (count-it :ix-render (type-of self))
-          #+not (unless (kids self)
-            (count-it :ix-render-atom))
-          (trc nil "ix painting" self)
-          (trc nil "ix-render around rendering" self)
-          (with-matrix ()
-            (with-ogl-isolation
-                (case (lighting self) ;; default is "same as parent"
-                  (:on (gl-enable gl_lighting))
-                  (:off (gl-disable gl_lighting)))
-              (gl-enable gl_color_material)
-              (bif (pre-layer (pre-layer self))
-                (progn
-                  (assert (functionp pre-layer))
-                  (count-it :pre-layer)
-                  (nr-make ixr-box (ll self) (lt self) (lr self) (lb self))
-                  (funcall pre-layer self ixr-box :before)
-                  (call-next-method self)
-                  (funcall pre-layer self ixr-box :after))
-                (call-next-method self)))))))
-    (gl-translatef (- (px self)) (- (py self)) 0)
-    (ogl-pen-move (- (px self)) (- (py self)))
+    (with-bitmap-shifted ((px self)(py self))
+      (gl-translatef (px self) (py self) 0)
+      (when n
+        (trc nil "gl-name" self n)
+        (gl-push-name n))
+      (rpchk 'ix-paint t nil self)
+      (when (and (not (c-stopped))
+              (or (not *selecting*)
+                (ix-selectable self))
+              (visible self)
+              (not (collapsed self)))
+        (with-clipping (self)
+          (progn ;; with-attrib (gl_lighting_bit gl_texture_bit gl_enable_bit gl_hint_bit gl_line_bit gl_color_buffer_bit)
+            (count-it :ix-render)
+            #+not (count-it :ix-render (type-of self))
+            #+not (unless (kids self)
+                    (count-it :ix-render-atom))
+            (trc nil "ix painting" self)
+            (with-matrix ()
+              (with-ogl-isolation
+                  (case (lighting self) ;; default is "same as parent"
+                    (:on (gl-enable gl_lighting))
+                    (:off (gl-disable gl_lighting)))
+                (gl-enable gl_color_material)
+                (bif (pre-layer (pre-layer self))
+                  (progn
+                    (assert (functionp pre-layer))
+                    (count-it :pre-layer)
+                    (nr-make ixr-box (ll self) (lt self) (lr self) (lb self))
+                    (funcall pre-layer self ixr-box :before)
+                    (call-next-method self)
+                    (funcall pre-layer self ixr-box :after))
+                  (call-next-method self)))))))
+      (gl-translatef (- (px self)) (- (py self)) 0))
     (when n

Index: cell-cultures/cello/ix-text.lisp
diff -u cell-cultures/cello/ix-text.lisp:1.2 cell-cultures/cello/ix-text.lisp:1.3
--- cell-cultures/cello/ix-text.lisp:1.2	Wed Sep 29 04:50:09 2004
+++ cell-cultures/cello/ix-text.lisp	Fri Oct  1 06:01:05 2004
@@ -112,15 +112,13 @@
            (ty (+ (lb self) (v2-v (inset self))
                  (round (glut-bitmap-y-orig (font-ffi-glut-id font))))))
-      (ogl-pen-move tx ty)
+      (with-bitmap-shifted (tx ty)
-      #+shh (if (ogl-get-boolean gl_current_raster_position_valid)
-        (trc "rasterpos ok" self :g-offset (g-offset self))
-        (trc "rasterpos offscreen" self :g-offset (g-offset self)))
-      (trc nil "raster pos valid?" (ogl-get-boolean gl_current_raster_position_valid))
-      (glut-bitmap-string (font-ffi-glut-id font) t$)
-      (ogl-pen-move (- tx) (- ty))
-      )))
+        #+shh (if (ogl-get-boolean gl_current_raster_position_valid)
+                  (trc "rasterpos ok" self :g-offset (g-offset self))
+                (trc "rasterpos offscreen" self :g-offset (g-offset self)))
+        (trc nil "raster pos valid?" (ogl-get-boolean gl_current_raster_position_valid))
+        (glut-bitmap-string (font-ffi-glut-id font) t$)))))
 (defmethod ix-render-in-font ((font font-glut-stroke) self)
   (bwhen (t$ (^display-text$))

Index: cell-cultures/cello/window-callbacks.lisp
diff -u cell-cultures/cello/window-callbacks.lisp:1.2 cell-cultures/cello/window-callbacks.lisp:1.3
--- cell-cultures/cello/window-callbacks.lisp:1.2	Wed Sep 29 04:50:09 2004
+++ cell-cultures/cello/window-callbacks.lisp	Fri Oct  1 06:01:05 2004
@@ -102,7 +102,11 @@
       (window-display *w*))))
 (defmethod window-display ((self window))
-  (ix-paint self) ;; (gl-call-list (dsp-list self))
+  (bif (dl (dsp-list self))
+     (gl-call-list (dsp-list self))
+    (ix-paint self))
   (incf (frame-ct self))

Index: cell-cultures/cello/window.lisp
diff -u cell-cultures/cello/window.lisp:1.2 cell-cultures/cello/window.lisp:1.3
--- cell-cultures/cello/window.lisp:1.2	Wed Sep 29 04:50:09 2004
+++ cell-cultures/cello/window.lisp	Fri Oct  1 06:01:05 2004
@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@
         (glm gl_max_viewport_dims   #x3386 )
-      (trc nil "glutw-create'd window XY" (glut-get-window) self :from (glut-xy self) :to 
+      (trc "glutw-create'd window XY" (glut-get-window) self :from (glut-xy self) :to 
         (list (glut-get glut_window_x)(glut-get glut_window_y)
           (glut-get glut_window_width)(glut-get glut_window_height)))
@@ -437,15 +437,13 @@
         (progn ;; with-render-lock ((glut-get-window))
-        (sleep 0.1)
-        ))))
+        (sleep 0.1)))))
-(defmethod ix-paint ((self window))
+(defmethod ix-paint :around ((self window))
   (flet ((projection ()
            (gl-matrix-mode gl_projection)
-           (trc nil "win ortho! l r b t n f:"
+           (trc nil "paint> win ortho! l r b t n f:"
              (ll self)(lr self)
              (lb self)(lt self)
              *mgw-near* *mgw-far*)
@@ -459,18 +457,15 @@
     (gl-matrix-mode gl_model-view)
     (gl-light-modeli gl_light_model_two_side 0)
-    (ogl-pen-init)
-    (ogl-pen-move 0 (ups (l-height self)))
-    (when (clear-rgba self)
-      (apply #'gl-clear-color (clear-rgba self)))
-    (gl-clear (+ gl_color_buffer_bit gl_depth_buffer_bit))
-    (with-metrics (nil nil "ix-paint window call next")
-      (call-next-method))
-    (ogl-pen-move 0 (downs (l-height self)))
-    ))
+    (with-bitmap-shifted (0 (ups (l-height self)))
+      (trc nil "with initial window shift, rasterpos now" (ogl-raster-pos-get))
+      (when (clear-rgba self)
+        (apply #'gl-clear-color (clear-rgba self)))
+      (gl-clear (+ gl_color_buffer_bit gl_depth_buffer_bit))
+      (with-metrics (nil nil "ix-paint window call next")
+        (call-next-method)))))
 (defun w-quadric-ensure (key)
   (or (cdr (assoc key (quadrics *window-rendering*)))

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